fciwomenswrestling.com article, tpcwrestling.com photo
Working for a great wrestling company in many ways is no different than working for any other organization in private industry. The more services that you can offer them, the more they can utilize your talents to their benefit. The more you get along with fellow employees, the more that they like you and want to keep you.
As a fan, what I loved about Rose Devlin was that she was willing to accept many roles in her partnership with TPC wrestling company in England. She could appease customer wishes in the fantasy realm, often adorning herself in erotic lace attire, serve as a referee if needed, act in scripted matches if called upon, boxing with fury and my favorite, wrestle competitively and most often win.

Here are some of my favorite Rose moments.
When she faced the champion Kiwi Lisa Marie in an apartment, Rose knew she was in deep but gave it a great shot. Early on she actually surprised Lisa Marie and to Lisa’s and the audience’s astonishment submitted our New Zealand Star. Then just as she did when listening to Ron’s encouragement at Cal Supreme, Lisa turned into beast mode and was determined that Rose would not upset her. After having her way with Rose, our star held up her hands imitating a cross and pointed towards Lisa Marie knowing that the symbol was about the only thing that she could use against Lisa to save her that day.
When she served as a referee she could be very authoritative. Germany’s Susanne of DWW fame flew across the pond to wrestle some American girls in Florida. Unknown to Suzanne she was about to run up against a buzz saw in Toni. The management at TPC describes the engagement.
“Experienced German star Susanne was stretched to the limit in both of her matches. Up and coming American Toni battered Susanne and five submissions were gained as one girl dominated with her extra power!”
What they didn’t say was that it took about five minutes of Susanne and Toni encircling each other in the standing position and having trouble engaging and getting one another down to the ground. They would circle, briefly engage, circle and engage and this went on and on until Rose finally had enough and ordered them to start down on their knees.
Great idea Rose.
That’s when the match finally shifted into a higher and extremely erotic gear as the relatively unknown American girl began to completely dominate our sweet, soft spoken slender German beauty.
Rose even provided me with some very surprising moments.
The tall beautiful model Soleil was a newer wrestler and was very confident in taking on Rose. When interviewed she surprised me at how she felt she would be victorious. Here is how the match is described.
“Experienced Rose takes on new blonde model Soleil in an apartment match. One girl becomes dominant using some superb full face pins to subdue her demoralized opponent.”
I was shocked at how Rose was allowing Soleil to have her way with her. It was later revealed by Rose that she had suffered a knee injury and wasn’t the same. “Sure” I could see Soleil shaking her head.
Here is Rose’s sterling resume at TPC and some of the competitors that she faced. She competed against Laura, Jeanne Hunter, Samantha Gray, Soleil, Jill, Toni, Devon Sanchez, Sierra, Claudia, Cindy, Rachel, Liz, Stephanie, Terri Vixen and Lisa Marie to name a few.

The scouting report on Rose was that newbies typically didn’t stand a chance. She could easily defeat mid-level experienced fighters as she did against the American Big Sexy Girl Randi who has previously wrestled with Flamingo in Florida who found herself the victim of Rose’s tough body scissors.
She struggled against the upper echelon as she did against Lisa Marie and super star Jill of Scotland as well.
Rose was not above revenge as was described here by TPC. “Rose had some bad feeling against Naomi as she had watched the English girl hurt Devon Sanchez (Devon retired from wrestling after that match). Rose volunteered to fight Naomi and she was fired up! Dominating the English girl with her experience and aggression, Rose was in charge throughout. Lots of submissions and pins! Rose volunteered to fight Naomi and she was fired up! Dominating the English girl with her experience and aggression, Rose was in charge throughout.”
The prime years that Roses wrestled centered around 2001. It’s so easy to lose track of the major events that occurred and shaped our lives and most importantly our psyche. During Rose’s reign here are a few events that impacted the world.
As reported by http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/2001.html
“Al-Qaeda Terrorists attack the United States using hijacked passenger aircraft to bring down the Twin Towers in New York and crashing an aircraft into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia leaving nearly 3,000 people dead. The attacks become known simply as 911 due to the date of the attack September 11th. Due to the attacks a number of things happen, America Declares War on Terrorism and invades Afghanistan where the leader of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden was believed to be hiding. Security increases for all aspects of American life including Airline Security.”
- The Scottish Court in the Netherlands convicts a Libyan and acquits another for their part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 which crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland
- Timothy James McVeigh is executed for the Oklahoma City Bombing.
Do you remember some of your favorite TV shows that dominated the air waves? Here are a few.
- Boston Public
- Malcolm in the Middle
- Survivor
- The Simpsons
- ER
- Friends
- Touched by an Angel
- The Drew Carey Show
- 7th Heaven
- Everybody Loves Raymond
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Charmed
- Dawson’s Creek
- Sex and the City
- That ’70s Show
- The King of Queens
- Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
- Will & Grace
- The Sopranos
- The West Wing
You already knew that, right?
Rose Devlin certainly made a name for herself and had an impact in the female wrestling world. She was witty, fun, sexy, down to earth, authoritative when she needed to be and a great competitor.

Now retired, when she competed, I wonder if we knew had good we had it.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
http://www.tpcwrestling.com/videos/ http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/2001.html