fciwomenswrestling.com article, alphacatz photo
Introducing new ideas with unproven innovations is often met with skepticism.
Introducing new girls to the competitive female wrestling industry who are stellar in other proven athletic disciplines is to be admired and respected.
Don’t we love all things new? Sure we do. That being the case, you will love what’s going on at the fantastic mixed wrestling site Alpha Catz.
They are introducing new girls to our industry who have participated in some form or another in the Fitness Industry.
They are impressive. You should meet them. They would love to meet you and are elated to introduce themselves to you.
What they have in common is that they all have great fitness backgrounds.
Let’s allow them to speak.
Theia SAID:
“I’m very sports oriented and I like being in front of a camera, so I got quite curious when AJ approached me with the offer to star in his wrestling movies. I did not expect it to be that hard and competitive, however that only reinforced my initial thoughts that these grueling ground struggles of power and speed might be something worth exploring further.”
Rhea SAID:
“I love to keep active, I’m always on the move. At first glance, I could seem calm or reserved, but I just breathe for the adrenaline rush that comes from all things intensely physical. Throughout my life, I tend to push my limits and boundaries. I’m proud of my body shape that I work hard to maintain strong yet curvy in all the right places!”
Elektra SAID:
“I always enjoyed watching action movies that feature a strong female character. From Xena the warrior princess to Lara Croft, I looked up to and wanted to be like ‘em. I do sports that make me strong and always love hearing compliments from some of my male friends who say I’m as strong as ‘em. Wrestling is new to me but I enjoyed my first day on the wrestling mats very much!”
Antiope SAID:
“We have bad neighbors where I live, and several times, I was forced to deal with ‘em face to face. This one girl was being really unruly and disrespectful, always causing a noise at night. Long story short, we eventually got into a fight, and it didn’t end well for her at all! That said I’m a nice girl to nice people.
I love to kick box, and learning to grapple could prove useful to me in real life, so here I am. Needless to say, being naturally very action-oriented, wrestling is turning out to be pretty addictive!”
“I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that.”… Gillian Anderson
New girls can be very inspiring. We certainly are happy they have transitioned into our industry. Please keep an eye on Alpha Catz’s site because they are very exceptional in influencing dynamic new beautiful girls to give wrestling a try.
They have a strong fitness foundation.
If you are a female athlete thinking of transitioning into the global female grappling game, we can’t emphasize enough that a good fitness regime will make your entrance a lot easier.
Let’s turn our attention to a visiting female writer with some stellar suggestions on how you can develop a fitness plan that will change your life.
Please enjoy.
Women’s Fitness Central – 3 Key Concepts For Body Shaping
Women Must Apply to Achieve Their Goal
In an attempt to get fit, reshape your body, and meet your goals, there are key components in your women’s fitness program that need to be applied. Unfortunately, most of the myths we hear about today go against these basic concepts. However, despite the misconceptions that have been passed down through the generations, the 3 components of body shaping women need to apply to get the body shape you want are listed below.
But before covering the 3 key components, it’s important to realize that in body shaping women need to find a program that allow two things to occur. One is that you add muscle. The second is that you lose fat. The two activities go hand in hand and your results will be minimized if one action is achieved and the other is not. If you just lose fat and do not do anything to increase muscle, essentially you get the benefit of the bean pole look and that doesn’t offer much shape to your figure. (Of course you could then be the lucky one called on frequently to squeeze into tight confined spaces.) If you build muscle but don’t lose fat, then you can enjoy the sumo wrestler appearance. And well…in picturing that shape, I personally do want to look in the mirror and see a marshmallow staring back at me. Remembering the concepts below will help you avoid this fate.
- Lift heavy weight – Most women when asked about their goals always state that they want to get toned but don’t want to bulk up. Here is the good news…women don’t bulk up. It takes extreme concentrated effort, very specific targeted training, and typically illegal supplementation (IE: steroids) for a women to actually gain any muscle bulk. Now this is not to say that you won’t build muscle because that is the purpose of resistance training. However, the extent to which you build that muscle is limited. Besides, if you are looking to do a little body shaping women need to add a little muscle as part of that. So lift the weight, push yourself, and see how heavy you can go.
- High intensity cardio – There’s a deceitful little button on most cardio machines that’s labeled “fat burning mode”. It’s deceitful because its label implies that by working out in that mode you are actually accomplishing a lot more than you really are. It’s a nice easy pace with little effort. The truth is that it takes 2 to 3 times longer to burn the same amount of calories using the fat burning mode as it does when you work out at a moderately high intensity for 30 minutes. If you want to make cardio exercise worth your time and get some real benefit from your work, you need to put in some effort…push yourself, elevate the intensity, raise your heart rate, and above all AVOID the fat burning mode.
- You can’t out train your diet – The bottom line to any women’s fitness program is that the diet plays the biggest role in body shaping women. And for any significant changes to occur, calories need to be cut. Although most of the time I wish there was another way, the truth is that you have to makes changes in your nutrition habits and reduce your caloric intake. Maintaining your same habits in taking calories into your body and continually attempting to add more time to your workout to cause a caloric deficit may have some very short term benefits. But in the long run, your time, energy, or body will run out long before your goal is reached. Consider this; to work off the extra slice of cheese pizza you had at lunch, you’ll have to run on the treadmill for an extra ½ hour at a moderately hard pace. Now I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to have to spend any more time exercising than I have to. Keeping that in mind, I personally think twice about whether I really want or need that second slice.
Apply these keys in your women’s fitness program to start your body shaping women. Working with these concepts will have your body refined and redesigned in no time.
I took my body fat percentage from 34% down to 21%. I dropped 4 dress sizes, created a toned look by adding muscle, and am now in the best shape of my life. You can learn more how I did it by going to Womens Fitness Central You can do it too!
To me it’s not about looking like a model. I want to be healthy and fit. If you are serious about getting healthy and fit too, take a look at Body Shaping Women Change your body…change your life. See you there.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jolene_Christopherson/189826
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2664946
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.