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It’ been said that a picture is worth a thousand words but in the case of the shapely model Andrea Spencer, why use a thousand when two words will do.
Absolutely gorgeous.
When you come across Andrea’s photos, it’s hard not to do a double take.
She’s a newer model to the curvaceous beautiful club which is great news. The sad news is that certain communities just can’t let go of the notion that women need to be thin to be beautiful.
According to a February 29, 2016 report by foxnews.com, the world famous model Cheryl Tiegs publicly apologized after stating, “I don’t like that we’re talking about full-figured women because it’s glamorizing them because your waist should be smaller than 35 [inches]”.
The model she was speaking of was one of the top curvy models Ashley Graham who was recently featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Many feel she was just saying out loud what numerous others are quietly thinking.
Former MP Edwina Currie has said size 14 model Ashley Graham looks “unhealthy” and that the fashion industry is encouraging people to become obese. She was speaking on BBC Breakfast. Ms. Currie continued by expressing that encouraging obesity was just as dangerous as encouraging people to be size zero.
She was reacting to a newspaper article written by journalist Katie Glass, who also appeared on the program.
In a November 2013 article in Psychology Today a study showed, “Adolescents diagnosed with serious eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (link is external) and bulimia often report that their symptoms can be linked to the bullying they often receive from their age peers as well as the unrealistic media images presented as an ideal for them to follow. When overweight people are shown at all, they are presented as comic relief and often ridiculed. The romantic heroes and heroines on the other hand, typically have bodies that are smaller and thinner than average.”
Andrea has been modeling for three years, primarily with Lane Bryant and can be booked at DorothyCombsModels.com.
She seems to be a rising star in an industry still clouded in controversy.
Perhaps this issue came to the fore when it was jump started by the timeless goddess Bo Derek in her break out 1979 movie “10”.
If you weren’t in a state of awareness then or lived on an island, the storyline was; a successful, middle-aged Hollywood songwriter falls hopelessly in love with the woman of his dreams, and even follows the girl and her new husband to their Mexican honeymoon resort.
He and the young beauty eventually meet.
For Bo, Interestingly years later, the star of the story in real life is finding that growing old is very hard and to quote the actress Bette Davis, not for sissies. She acknowledged that physical beauty is artificial according to the dailymail.co.uk.
“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.”….. Audrey Hepburn
There is good news though that curvy models are gaining more acceptance and breaking down barriers with magazine cover appearances.
An encouraging report was printed on March 15, 2016 at self.com magazine stating, “In February, Ashley Graham graced the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, making her the first size-16 model to score the coveted spot. And now, there’s another curvy model literally making big moves on a major mag cover. Model, designer and blogger Nadia Aboulhosn poses proudly on the April 2016 cover of Women’s Running, her first ever magazine cover, showing that, yes, women of all sizes are runners.”
Femcompetitor Magazine fell in love with Nadia and wrote an article about her.
So there was Bo Derek running on the beach, Nadia Aboulhosn was photographed running and we wished it were in a swimsuit on the beach and Ashley Graham posed in SI in a purple bikini on the beach.
Our star of this story Andrea is based in Miami which of course has wonderful beaches.
Let’s travel to the beaches of Miami and hope that we see plenty of plus sized models there in bikinis or bathing suits.
The long time travel expert frommers.com shares, “The Best Party Beach: In Key Biscayne, Crandon Park Beach, on Crandon Boulevard, is National Lampoon’s Vacation on the sand. It’s got a diverse crowd consisting of dedicated beach bums and lots of leisure-seeking families, set to a soundtrack of salsa, disco, and reggae music blaring from a number of competing stereos. With 3 miles of oceanfront beach, bathrooms, changing facilities, 493 acres of park, 75 grills, three parking lots, several soccer and softball fields, and a public 18-hole championship golf course, Crandon is like a theme park on the sand. The beach also offers Eco-Adventure Tours, including kayaking and snorkeling.”
Are there curvy models there too? Look, we’ll even settle for curvy girls who aren’t models. We want to people watch.
They share another beach with us.
“Best Beach for People-Watching: Lummus Park Beach, also known as South Beach, runs along Ocean Drive from about 6th to 14th streets on South Beach. It’s the best place to go if you’re seeking entertainment as well as a great tan. On any day of the week, you might spy models primping for a photo shoot, nearly naked (topless is legal here) sun-worshippers avoiding tan lines, and an assembly line of washboard abs off of which you could (but shouldn’t) bounce your bottle of sunscreen. Bathrooms and changing facilities are available on the beach, but don’t expect to have a Cindy Crawford encounter in one of these.”
That’s okay. We weren’t looking for a Cindy Crawford encounter but an Andrea Spencer bathing suit or bikini sighting…….
We suspect we are in the early phases of the body shaping controversy regarding what’s best for a woman. Shapely or thin?
“You know when I feel inwardly beautiful? When I am with my girlfriends and we are having a ‘goddess circle’.”…. Jennifer Aniston
Andrea has her thoughts on it so we will let her get the last word in as she spoke with plus-model-mag.com. “It is really difficult for a woman to be comfortable with her body. I struggled my entire life with my body image and self-esteem. In the past year I have come not only comfortable with my body but confident as well. My best advice is to accept your body for what it is and be happy with it.”
We agree.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.