grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com-photo Radomir-Jordanovic.
May 14, 2020,
We are part of a collective group. Make no mistake about that.
What affects the group, affects us all.
Sometimes the group is extremely joyous like at a wedding or birthday celebration.
At other times the group is very somber as occurs with a death in the family.
All of these situations affect our mood. Not only as an individual but as a group as well.
As a group, one of the best group feelings and thought processes is that you truly are all in this together.
Though no longer there, we experienced this often in organized religion.
We would receive news information from our national headquarters and when the news was good, which it often was, because after all, you have to keep the troops in good spirits, as a group we would sometimes celebrate.
This demonstrates the importance of good leadership. In good times and bad, the group really needs their leadership to foster a spirit of unity and hope, often by example.

It sets the tone.
It affects the mood. Of the entire group.
During the recent pandemic, a large group, for example a country, as you might guess, can go through large moods swings.
When the numbers of infections are going up and the hospital and healthcare system is overwhelmed, it can send a mist of depression across the land.
If the same poll shows the numbers are going down, it can spring hope or optimism.
Let’s gauge the temperature and take a mood test as we travel across the United States.
As reported at inquirer.com, “The Philadelphia region has experienced an unusual sequence of wind events, with gusts of 25 mph or better on 22 days in the last five weeks, including gale-force gusts on seven of those, and three with 50 mph winds or better.
In measurable and immeasurable ways, on most days during the last five weeks the weather around here has been a fitting complement to the national mood, with a generous supply of clouds, a scarcity of clear days, and a chill that meteorologists say is likely to persist into May.”
Partly cloudy and windy at times indeed also reflects the national mood.

At thedailybeast.com, “It’s getting better all the time. According to a CNN/ORC International survey released Friday, 43 percent of Americans say things are going well in the country, 3 points higher from February but up a huge 19 points from August.”
The desire to get back to normal, despite the fact the there is no vaccine for the coronavirus, appears to outweigh the dangers.
Sometimes you don’t know how much you miss something that you participate in daily or weekly until it’s no longer there.
Sitting down at a nice restaurant, taking over an hour to eat and swapping stories with friends is now a luxury that many crave to get back.
We love to socialize a lot more than we think.

In the social sciences, a social group can be defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity.
For example, a society can be viewed as a large social group.

In most ways, you do not have control over the mood of the larger national group but you might have a measure of control over your community as a group.
Through recreational organizing, now temporarily electronically, volunteerism and coming to the need of those in crisis, you can actually affect the mood of your community group.
Perhaps the most important group you should be affecting the mood to is your own family unit. If there was ever a time they need your leadership, it is now.
Being positive with your partner and showing cohesiveness is critical.
No matter what is occurring during the national mood.
As reported by NBC News, “Reports of domestic violence increased in March in many cities around the country as the coronavirus pandemic spread, according to law enforcement officials — raising concerns about families’ safety as they isolate at home.
Of the 22 law enforcement agencies across the United States that responded to NBC News’ request for data on domestic violence calls, 18 departments said they had seen a rise in March.”
If there was ever a time for a parent to look at the larger picture, for his or her own little nuclear group, it is now.
If there was ever a time to set a positive example in how we speak about the community or nation, it is now.
These are times for very teachable moments to young people.

During these stay at home times, it might be good to evaluate the purpose and component of a group, including your domestic one.
Social psychologist Muzafer Sherif proposed to define a social unit as a number of individuals interacting with each other with respect to:
- Common motives and goals
- An accepted division of labor, i.e. roles
- Established status (social rank, dominance) relationships
- Accepted norms and values with reference to matters relevant to the group
- Development of accepted sanctions (praise and punishment) if and when norms were respected or violated
All components of the above model are important but perhaps most important are the evaluation, designing and implementing of your common family motives and goals during the pandemic.
Do you know what they are?
Are you happy with them? Now would be an excellent time to ascertain what you hope they can become compared to what they currently are.
Remind yourself what the definition of a mood is. A conscious state of mind or predominant emotion.
What is the constant state of mind or predominant mood within your family circle?
As a leader, how can you impact that? How can you propel it in the direction that you desire?
When times are wonderful, it is easy to be a leader. It is when times are challenging that you find out what kind of leader you actually are.
The pandemic is bad, No one is disputing that but make no mistake about it, there are other far worse large scale disasters like a massive fire, earthquake or tsunami.
We will get through this pandemic. We sense most of us feel that. A vaccine would be thrilling but we really don’t know when that will occur. In the meantime we will adjust. We always do.
Set the tone in your own group.
Take the initiative to set the desired mood.

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OPENING PHOTO grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com-photo Radomir-Jordanovic.