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Even when you disagree with a reputable person’s political position, religious views or very opinionated personality, it’s hard not to admire their passion.
A person’s passion can influence, motivate and transcend roadblocks.
When you enter Fem Competitor Yasmin’s world, it’s a realm of high expectations surpassed and passion personified.
She passionately introduces herself to us. “Every woman has a treasure inside her, a combination of fire and passion that drive her feelings and craves. Some of them live their life asking why they feel the way they do, others never dare to explore it because it might not be socially acceptable.
I acknowledge and fully enjoy the components that forms who I am and know exactly how to feed the different flames burning inside me. Step into my world and experience your fantasies.”
An exceptional athlete and submission wrestler, Yasmin’s resume speaks to her passion for excellence and high achievement.
It’s certainly evident in her resume.
She smiles, “I hold a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and am active in formal competition. Below are titles I have attained:”
US Open Absolute 2003 Champion
Twice California Inland Empire Champion (2003/2004)
3rd place at the World Jiu Jitsu Championship in 2007
6 times US National Champion (2004/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009)
4 times Pan-American Champion (2005/2006/2007/2008)
Pan-American 2008 Absolute Champion
3rd place at Pan-American Championship (2004/2010)
VII Copa Pacifica 2004 Champion
United Gracie JJ 2005 Champion
San Diego Open 2005 Champion
Naga-Las Vegas 2007 Champion
Arnold’s Classic 2007 Champion
You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support……..Sabrina Bryan
Usually someone who paints such a dynamic lifestyle picture of great accomplishments lives an interesting, exciting and varied life. Yasmin’s life adventure seems to speak to that as she speaks again.
“I have a full life and have other activities which include school, training and a part time job as a personal trainer and self-defense instructor. I also love animals, music, dancing, shopping and traveling.”
Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head…..A. R. Rahman
Leaders in the female submission wrestling industry clearly are enamored with her as well. Bill Wick who has worked with some of the greatest female submission wrestlers of all time expresses, “Her skill level is right up there with Helen Von Mott, Stacy Jett and Raquel.
Her Scissor strength is better than anyone I’ve ever met under 175 lbs., even then, she is right up there with the very best at a body weight of only 130 lbs. and a height of 5′ 8″. She has the leg length of a six foot woman however, so that gives her the squeezing leverage necessary to crush ribs. Yasmin enjoys controlling and dominating big men, but if you are NOT one of those guys,
She will control you with very sexy squeezes that will leave you breathless (literally) and you’ll wonder how such a beautiful Woman can make you feel so ……..helpless.”
Wow, high praise indeed.
The praise keeps coming.
Another respected industry leader utopiaentertainment ignites, “You can’t believe the pressure this beauty can exert with her legs. She will live you breathless in her body scissor, and unconscious in her head scissor. All the time with a smile on her beautiful face!
With a session wrestler who would say is the most important recommendation? Yes, the customer who has sessioned with her. Many spoke glowingly about Jasmin but here is a statement from one of the appreciative customers who stood out.
“I am an experienced session wrestler and have wrestled over a hundred of the best girls. I have had several sessions with Yasmin and she is the best ever. She is very beautiful and sexy. Fantastic Brazilian body. Her strength is amazing for 130 pounds. Her legs are as strong as any body builder or weight lifter (she has leg pressed over 1000) and her upper body strength is outstanding. How does she pack so much strength in that sexy body??? A great mystery. But the really incredible thing about Yasmin is her wrestling skill.
WOW!!! She knows how to use her strength and quickness and flexibility. She loves to wrestle!!! She lives to wrestle. And she is VERY, VERY good.”
Yasmin hails from excitement personified in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, measuring a city population of about 11 million and almost 20 million in its metropolitan region. It is the capital of the Southeastern state of São Paulo, and also a vibrant beehive of activity that offers an enticing nightlife and an intense cultural experience.
São Paulo is one of the richest cities in the southern hemisphere.
Historically attractive to immigrants as well as Brazilians from other states, it’s one of the most diverse cities in the world.
You are going to love many things about this South American jewel with so much on the life experience menu. Much, as you can guess, is on the food menu as well.
What is travel without good food?
Home to what’s considered the largest Japanese community outside Japan, São Paulo is blessed with hundreds of tasty Japanese restaurants.
The enticing site travel geographia.com propels us off to a good start. “There are two things Sao Paulo is best known for in Brazil: business and food. Because the city’s sprawling population represents every ethnicity in the country, cuisine in Sao Paulo becomes a matter of choice. There are thousands of restaurants, and if there’s something you crave it’s bound to be there, be it the obscurest of world cuisine or a simple slice of pizza – a local favorite.”
The globally respected news source theguardian.com has invited us to dine with them. They have some exceptional advice and insight. “Thanks to the city’s million-strong Japanese and Brazilian-Japanese population, sushi and sashimi are at the heart of São Paulo’s gastronomic industry, a major food group for food-loving Paulistanos, who appear to need regular fixes of the stuff to stay happy and healthy. Revered masters of the art, such as Jun Sakamoto, of the eponymous restaurant, command eye-watering prices, but there’s something for every budget in Liberdade, SP’s Japantown. And if affordability, simplicity and quality are in order, old-school Yamaga is a consistently reliable choice.”
Thanks. That was yummy. Would it be okay if pricetravel.com eats with us as well?
They also have something to offer. “In this region of Brazil, food is based on the use of ingredients such as corn and pork, and one of its most typical dishes is “virado á paulista”, with “tutu de feijão” (a delicious pasta of cooked beans and cassava flour), pork chops, sausages, fried bananas, and eggs, served with a garnish of vegetables. Another typical dish of this city is “couve-de-folhas”, which is basically cabbage seasoned with pork. As in the rest of the country, the “feijoada” is one of the most representative dishes and it is prepared with a succulent combination of beans, specially red and black, and pork served with rice. Due to the European influence, mainly Italian, pizza has become one of the favorite specialties of locals, who have adopted it as their own.
Another specialty of São Paulo is couscous, a dish originated in Africa consisting of flour, milk, egg, and butter, all steamed; it is ideal to enjoy it with other ingredients, such as rice and vegetables. Other less famous specialties include the delicious soups of mollusks, octopus, or shrimp, as well as other dishes based on oysters and crab.
After enjoying the dishes offered by the city, you can try delicious sweets made with tropical fruit and coconut.”
In terms of the travel experience, the bustling metropolis of Sao Paulo is a difference maker.
In terms of the female submission and session wrestling world, Brazil’s Yasmin is a difference maker and she’s humble enough to tell us so.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.…..Audrey Hepburn
“The difference between me and every other women you’ve ever wrestled is, I LIKE to wrestle more than you do. When I get on top of a man, I am in control and I absolutely LOVE to control a man with my muscles and skill. I can outwrestle most men and the few that I can’t keep coming back because they tell me they can’t find anyone better than me.
The reality is that if they are man enough to keep coming back, I WILL eventually BEAT them. I train everyday by lifting weights, running and grappling in styles that will surprise you. Once I get my thighs around you and have you begging to breathe, I’ll explain what I’m going to do next as I slowly turn my legs to braded steel. You will be under my control and you will be frightened and I will be enjoying my dominance, as a woman should. Don’t you agree? I’m new at this session stuff but I have been wrestling men since I was 12 years old.”
Why would we ever disagree with Yasmin?
With passion comes admiration and in Yasmin’s case, enjoyable sessions and mutual agreement as well.
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, WB270.com, dwwgalaxy.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.