fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
Channing Pollock (August 16, 1926 – March 18, 2006) was an American magician and film actor. Mr. Pollock was recognized as one of the most sophisticated and charismatic practitioners of his craft.
A strikingly handsome man with an enigmatic stage presence, he was best known for an act in which he would elegantly produce doves out of thin air.
He was once quoted as saying something that made me think of Festelle’s long time great wrestling competitor Tracy. “The only good luck many great men ever had was being born with the ability and determination to overcome bad luck.”
Tracey began her stellar wrestling career back in 1994 and went on to become one of Festelle’s best wrestlers ever. Her popularity spanned decades and one of the reasons why was her incredible determination during a match.

Do you remember a few of the famous events from 1994, the time period that helped shape Tracy’s persona?
Let’s walk back for a minute.
- Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked (Jan. 6); three arrested in attack (Jan. 13).
- Aldrich Ames, high C.I.A. official, charged with spying for Soviets (Feb. 22).
- Four convicted in World Trade Center bombing (March 4).
- O. J. Simpson arrested in killings of wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and friend, Ronald Goldman (June 18).
These great people that impacted the world passed away.
- Richard Milhous Nixon 4/22/1994
- Cab Calloway
- Burt Lancaster
- John Candy
- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
- Tip O’Neill
- Jessica Tandy
1994 was a powerful news year.
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.…..Jesse Owens
When Tracy would latch onto to another Fem Competitor, often with an excruciating body scissors, she would absolutely never let go.
Festelle’s leadership has often compared her to a Limpet.
A limpet is an aquatic snail with a shell that is broadly conical in shape. The following describes the power of the limpet’s grasp.
The fantastic news site bbc.com explains, “Engineers in the UK have found that limpets’ teeth consist of the strongest biological material ever tested. Limpets use a tongue bristling with tiny teeth to scrape food off rocks and into their mouths, often swallowing particles of rock in the process.
In terms of man-made materials, the limpet tooth is stronger than Kevlar fibers and almost as good as the best high-performance carbon fiber materials.”
Wow, perhaps the strongest material in the world. That sounds like Tracy’s body scissors.
Spending that much time on the mats, Tracy has wrestled in many countries and for many companies. She has faced numerous fantasy female wrestlers but can absolutely mix it up with the industry’s best.
Here are a few match descriptions from Festelle.
“Tracy should be nicknamed ‘The Limpet’ ‘cos once she’s stuck to you she doesn’t let go! It’s straight to the mat and hard wrestling. She and Kirsty are both tough, have strong legs and a reluctance to give in.
Tracy has been working out, so her muscles bulge and stretch as she attempts to dominate her smaller but determined opponent. Someone has to give eventually, but who will it be?”
“Going up against the very experienced Tracy, Larra knows she will have to be at the top of her game in this all action wrestling contest. At the start, the big girl takes the older woman down in a move spectacular enough to have ended some matches there and then. She also plants on her strong scissors, but somehow the veteran just seems impervious to pressure or any pain from traditional wrestling holds.
Sensing an opportunity, she flies back at Larra, trapping her from behind in a vicious combination hold. The latter cannot believe that the match is only five minutes old as she noisily submits in some pain. This one continues to a crushing, squeezing, breathless finale. It’s obvious from the bursts of speed and the constant intensity, just how skilled and determined these two are. Lesser women would not have lasted so long.”
That was one tough match.
Tracy has faced so many industry greats like Nikita, Sarah, one of my favorites in Shay Hendrix and Charisma. She completely dominated the beautiful artsy cutesy Vixen in a brutal match and went toe to toe with the powerful German Kirsty in a backyard brawl for the ages.
Here is how the Canadian company Femwin describes her.

“Tracey is a petite wrestler from England and has been wrestling for over ten years. She’s very strong for her size and can punish even much larger opponents with her headlocks and scissors.
Although quiet in demeanor, Tracey is very determined on the mats and does not like to submit. Her wrestling style is such that she almost clings to opponents with her arms and legs and will not let go without squeezing until the bitter end. She particularly likes using her legs to squeeze her opponent’s arms, legs, body or head!”
Her matches against Sarah, Zara, Marcia and Kirsty can be found there at femwin.com.
According to a refreshing and well researched naming site sheknows.com the name Tracy is an Anglo-Saxon baby name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Tracy is: Brave.
Interestingly in Latin the meaning of the name Tracy is: Bold.
As always the informative site provides us with more. “People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details.
People with this name tend to be a powerful force to all whose lives they touch. They are capable, charismatic leaders who often undertake large endeavors with great success. They value truth, justice, and discipline, and may be quick-tempered with those who do not. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become impractical and rigid.”
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.…Vince Lombardi
Here is how our legend describes herself at her yahoo site. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/traceythunder/info
“Hello folks Tracey from UK. Yes I do Mixed wrestling, catfights, oil, mud and competitive styles. This group is for my fans and people who like wrestling female vs female and mixed so if you need info how to book me for any matches drop me a line. Girls that want to get into the wrestling, I will train you up just let me know.”
Good to know.
Tracy is listed from Daventry, England. FCI loves to take our readers around the world so let’s please travel to this lovely English village.
Daventry is a market town in Northamptonshire, England, with a population of 25,026 (2011 census). The town is also the administrative center of the larger Daventry district, which has a population of 77,843 (2011 census).
The town comprises a historic market center surrounded by much modern housing and light industrial development.
There is some great information found about Daventry at http://www.daventryfirst.co.uk/
They would love to welcome you and they do.
“Situated in the heart of England, Daventry offers a warm and friendly welcome to all. A town center offering distinctive independent retailers alongside the more familiar chain stores for all your shopping needs.
Enjoy easy access and free car parking before discovering the boutiques, hair & beauty salons, arts & crafts shops, eateries and pubs – there’s plenty to cater for all taste buds in this delightful market town. Daventry is a lifestyle choice, well connected with a perfect balance of urban and rural.”
Male Manderin Duck Found near Daventry
That’s enticing. You could session with Tracy, do some sightseeing and grab a bite to eat all in one enjoyable place.
Bold, brave and determined; Tracy is such a great memory for so many of us. She wrestled in tournaments and singles matches with great determination and intensity. She never, ever mailed in a match. She took on larger opponents and often submitted them at will.
It’s fitting that the great magician Channing Pollock would provide us with a quote that so aptly described Tracy’s wrestling career. It shouldn’t be surprising.
Watching the determined Tracy compete was magical.
~ ~ ~
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.