fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com pexels.com pixabay.com
Modern women have many choices and options in terms of family, career choices and life pathway.
They also have more choices in terms of what is defined as a beautiful body that others find erotic and attractive.
In times past, especially pre 1970’s there was a pervasive view of what defines a feminine, beautiful woman and the operative word here is feminine.
In today’s world where many Alpha Females rule, a girl with muscle is often seen as a beautiful ideal especially in our female submission wrestling world.
A woman that is a great fit for the new model of beauty design is Fitness Model Sue Lasmar. If you haven’t heard of her you certainly should get a good look at her.
Wouldn’t you love to wrestle with her while she gives you a good old fashioned butt whipping?
(We know you do)
She speaks to her inspiration at her site http://suelasmar.com by quoting Cora Coralina, “I try to sow optimism and plant seeds of peace and justice. I say what I think, hopefully. I believe in what I do with faith. I do what I do, with love. I strive to be better every day, because kindness is also learned. Even when everything seems to collapse, it’s up to me to decide between laughing or crying, go or stay, give up or fight, for I found, in the uncertain path of life, the most important thing is to decide.”
She continues.
“In this sentence of Cora Coralina my life has always been based. I came from a humble family, I lost my father and mother, though surrounded by few friends! I never had to give up because I opted to fight and live, or die! I won my childhood with determination, went through adolescence with focus, and my life has always been so; DETERMINATION AND FOCUS.”
Here are some of Sue’s great accomplishments.
2014 WBFF World Championship (Diva Fitness Model) – 2nd Place
2014 Fitness Universe (Orlando – FL) – 1st Place (Champion)
2014 Fitness Universe (Fort Lauderdale – FL) – 8th Place
2013 IFBB BRASIL – SULAMERICANO (Balneário de Camboriú – SC) – 4th Place
Those are some mind blowing accomplishments.
Sue spoke about her upbringing and the basic philosophy that she lives by. She expands on her motivational influences at simplyshredded.com, “My motivation comes from seeing how far I have come. Not many people believed in me when I first decided to start my fitness journey and the fact that I have made it this far is really something special to me. The second biggest motivator is my fans. I want to help as many people as possible change their life for the better.
There was a point in my life where I was very unhappy with the way I looked. I decided to make a change and I cleaned up my diet and started working out 4-5 times a week. I would never skip any meals and always made sure I stuck to my training routine. I managed to drop 46 pounds and I felt great! I then decided to try something new and compete in a Brazilian Fitness Competition and I placed 4th out of 42 amazing girls. I was so proud of myself and after that I was completely hooked.”
We’re proud of her too and glad that she is so persistent.
For Sue it’s not all work and no play. Her favorite deserts are cookies and ice cream and she loves to dance and go to the beach. Simply put she loves life and any activities outdoors.
If you would like some desert you can have some nice eye candy and view Sue online.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGAPqxMje2I nice video look
Sue is from Brasilia, Brazil.
Brasília is the federal capital of Brazil and seat of government of the Federal District. The city is located atop the Brazilian highlands in the country’s center-western region. It was founded on April 21, 1960, to serve as the new national capital.
Brasília and its metro (encompassing the whole of the Federal District) had a population of 2,556,149 in 2011, making it the 4th most populous city in Brazil. Among major Latin American cities, Brasília has the highest GDP per capita.
The centers of all three branches of the federal government of Brazil are in Brasília, including the Congress, President, and Supreme Court.
Brasília was planned and developed by Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer in 1956 in order to move the capital from Rio de Janeiro to a more central location.
The late Mr. Niemeyer’s work is absolutely brilliant.

On December 6, 2012, the powerful news source nytimes.com reports on his masterful resume during his obituary. “Oscar Niemeyer, the celebrated Brazilian architect whose flowing designs infused Modernism with a new sensuality and captured the imaginations of generations of architects around the world, died on Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro. He was 104.
Mr. Niemeyer was among the last of a long line of Modernist true believers who stretch from Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe to the architects who defined the postwar architecture of the late 1940s, ’50s and ’60s. He is best known for designing the government buildings of Brasília, a sprawling new capital carved out of the Brazilian savanna that became an emblem both of Latin America’s leap into modernity and, later, of the limits of Modernism’s utopian aspirations

His curvaceous, lyrical, hedonistic forms helped shape a distinct national architecture and a modern identity for Brazil that broke with its colonial and baroque past. Yet his influence extended far beyond his country.”
He was once quoted as expressing, “I am not attracted to straight angles or to the straight line, hard and inflexible, created by man. I am attracted to free-flowing, sensual curves. The curves that I find in the mountains of my country, in the sinuousness of its rivers, in the waves of the ocean, and on the body of the beloved woman. Curves make up the entire Universe, the curved Universe of Einstein.”
You see, Sue Lasmar is coming from a great place, but so much in life is not just where we are from, but where we are headed.
With her absolutely gorgeous looks, the perfect architectural design of the new woman, hard work and determination, for Sue Lasmar even the sky may not be the limit.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.