fciwomenswrestling.com article, pixabay pexels.com photo credit
Variety is the ice cream cone of life. True?
Just as we are crazy about curvy models and everyday women, we are completely crazy about slender babes as well.
The gorgeous actress that wet our taste for slender ice cream cones is Heather Locklear who for decades was the poster girls for slender, beautiful perfection.
She looks so delicious.
Heather Locklear is an American actress. She is known for her role as Amanda Woodward on Melrose Place (1993–99), for which she received four consecutive Golden Globe nominations for Best Actress – Television Series Drama.
Her other notable television roles include Sammy Jo Carrington on Dynasty (1981–89), Officer Stacy Sheridan on T.J. Hooker (1982–86), and Caitlin Moore on Spin City (1999–2002), for which she earned a further two Golden Globe nominations for Best Actress – Television Series Musical or Comedy.
She also had a recurring role on the TV Land sitcom Hot in Cleveland and a main role on the TNT drama-comedy television series Franklin & Bash in 2013.
What an incredible career.
We love variety in our Session Girls as well. What wonderful flavors.
Let’s look at a few slender babes who are waiting for your email so you can have scoops and scoops of fun.
Miss Eden
She’s talented, beautiful and nicely curved like the topping on the sweetest cone.
She smiles, “My name is Miss Eden. I am a fetish model, dominatrix and wrestler. I played soccer for years and have very strong legs. I have a private discreet location where I host sessions in Center City Philadelphia, plenty of space and wrestling mat. 3 years’ experience with Wrestling and Scissor sessions. Other experience listed in my specialties. Available for same day sessions! 24 hours’ notice preferred.”
E-mail: mistressedenx@gmail.com
She’s a slender girl with strong and broad abilities.
Let’s meet her.
“New to the mixed wrestling scene, Anna is not new to beating up on boys and men. She has practiced martial arts and extreme sports on and off since childhood and can’t wait to beat you up or lock you between her incredibly strong thighs.”
Though new, Anna is already well loved. Here is what one customer had to say about our slender maiden.
“Anna is fairly new, only having done about two dozen sessions. She is naturally very strong and claims she can press a 250-pound man. While I am nowhere near that, the ease with which she lifted me makes her comment believable.
She is also very feminine and beautiful – particularly her huge light blue eyes. The prior reviewers are accurate in that she loves scissoring and sitting on men, and the face sit is her favorite hold. Within a very short amount of time you will lie motionless under her unable to speak, hear or see unless she lets you. When you can see, you will be looking at her beaming smile (and those eyes). She is unable to hide her true enjoyment of the session. And her skills will only get better.”
Anna sessions out of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
You can email this slender cutie at annanigma89@gmail.com
Constance Cakp
Stats: 5-2 112 pounds, born 1986
Location: Amarillo, TX but travel all the time
E-mail: modelconstance1985@yahoo.com
Based in Amarillo, Texas, Constance is a true beauty. She is also very experienced in our business.
She smiles, “I am a professional traveling fetish model for 7+ years. I do all sorts of fetish modeling: shoots and sessions.
I love to wrestle both men and women and I do have very powerful legs for being so tiny. I pretty much do most type of sessions, in addition to, wrestling. Feel free to email me your session idea. I also only do PAID work! modelconstance1985@yahoo.com”
Sounds like fun.
Well these girls were worth the search and so great to look at.
If you are a Fem Competitor, wouldn’t you love to have a nice tight body like these session girls?
What a yummy group.
If you’re curious what it takes to keep a nice slender tummy and body, we have added ice cream on top of the session cake.
A visiting female writer is providing dessert.
By Kelly Beck
Thinner Thighs With Pilates Exercise – For Long Lean Legs and Slender Thighs
The best way to get thinner thighs is to tone them up with Pilates exercises specifically targeting the inner and outer thighs. Of course it goes without saying that you need to clean up your diet. One area in particular for women is to carry cellulite around the thighs and buttock area. The cellulite unfortunately gives the appearance of making thighs look fatter. What we want is nice smooth skin to enhance our thinner thighs.
Cellulite is a skin condition because even skinny people can have it. Cleaning your diet up will help you burn the extra fat on your thighs with the added bonus of reducing cellulite and losing weight all over.
Clean Diet
Eating a clean diet is really important so you must stick to natural foods to get thinner thighs. Stop eating junk food. Anything sugary, that means candy, donuts, pastries and white flour. Try to stick with veggies, fruit, salads and lean meats. You want your blood flowing freely not getting sticky and clogged up with junk. Try not to eat a lot of dairy as it can really clog the arteries. Eggs are ok!
Exercise is numero uno! Resistance training is excellent because it tones and adds muscle so you are continuously burning fat to get thinner thighs. Try some cardio to get the blood pumping and circulation moving. Best of all try these Pilates exercises for long and lean legs and slender thighs!
Pilates Exercises
The side kick series in Pilates works your inner and outer thighs, lengthens and tones thighs and hips, and increases strength and mobility in the hip joint. You are also using your abdominals to stabilize your torso and work your legs. To begin with try 10 reps on each leg.
Front and Back
Lie on your side and lift up on your elbow. Your elbow, shoulder ribs and hips are lined up at the back of the mat. Place your legs to the front of the mat at an angle. Your top hand is in front of your chest on the floor for support. Align yourself with shoulders stacked and hip over hip. Ribs are lifted.
1. Lift your top leg up to hip level and kick your leg toward your nose for 2 beats.
2. Reach your leg straight back, keeping it long for 2 pulses.
3. Squeeze into your buttocks as you do the movements and keep your chest open.
Up and Down
Maintain set up position as in previous front and back.
1. Rotate the top leg out of the hip so the kneecap faces the ceiling. Lift the leg straight up to the sky keeping pelvis still and stable.
2. Turn out even more and reach longer as you lower your leg down to meet the grounded leg.
3.Stay lengthened in your waistline and reach your leg long out of your hip
Maintain your side position as previous exercises.
1. Lift your top heel just above your bottom heel and begin circling the leg from the hip in a small but vigorous forward circle.
2. Do five circles forward and then reverse for five circles.
3. Squeeze your buttocks for support and lengthen your leg from the hip.
Inner Thigh Lifts and Circles
Maintain your side position with your top leg bent and foot flat in front of abdominals. Hold at ankle with top hand.
1. Lengthen your bottom leg and lift it up from the upper thigh, keeping knee straight.
2. Reach your leg longer and lower it down.
3. Lift and lower your leg without letting it touch the mat.
4. Hold the leg in a lifted position and pulse for ten pulses.
5. Also hold the leg lifted and circle five times forward and five times backwards.
Modification is to lower your head down resting on your arm stretched out.
You can also bring the foot down level with your thigh and no need to hold.
Follow these ultimate secrets and life changing tips in your quest for thinner thighs with Pilates exercise and get long slender sexy legs.
If you are ready to achieve an awesome sexy dream physique and you need a kick-start visit http://www.flatbellyhealth.com.
Kelly Beck is a qualified Pilates Instructor who is passionate about fitness and health.
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Before any exercise routine or change in diet, please consult your doctor.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kelly_Beck/583387