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If an exquisite flower sprouts, blooms and blossoms in a mystical forest, carpeted with a magical green roof, and no one sees it, did it really happen?
If a sensuous curvy woman in tight blue jeans walks down a crowded city street of professional men at lunch time and out of respect for political correctness, no one whistles or glares, is she aware that she is drop dead gorgeous?
It certainly doesn’t disqualify her.
But we’ve gotta tell ya. If she looks like Selini Angelini and she walks by, she’s going to know because we are going to express that to her.
To heck with politically correctness.
This chick is just way too hot. This chick is just way too hot. This chick is just way too hot.
Did I just stutter? Or is there an echo in here?
Now don’t get mad. We’ll just say something like, “Do you know the time?” or “Excuse me, but is 8th Street to the left?”
We’ll think of something.
Have you seen her before? Well my friends, it’s time to feast your eyes. It’s okay. Enjoy with a smile. It’s time to meet her.
At jetsetmag.com they provide us with her bio. “I am a nurse student who likes to model sometimes. I am 26 years old and grew up in Switzerland. My origins are from Greece so I feel very close to my family and roots there. I am interested in different cultures and reading is one of my hobbies, especially Arab literature. I am open minded and like to spread positive energy. I have also a rebel in me but this is who I am and why people like me, because I am 100% me. Without being scared of who I am. I guess that I am plus size and not really a standard type could help a lot of people (especially women) to send a positive message in the world. You are enough and worth.”
Wow. Sexy. Bright and confident too. Very good.
The thecornishgirl.com is a nice site that we have quoted often. They had a chance to speak with Selini and they asked her a poignant question. What suggestions does she have for all women and especially shapely ones to be happy in their own skin?
Going back to nature…happy in her own skin
Hey? Why are you looking at me like that? Wasn’t Selini the one who said a woman should be comfortable in her own skin? Well didn’t she?
All this writer is doing is trying to make Selini feel more comfortable. That’s the ONLY reason that we’re showing some of her beautiful skin.
We’re all professionals here.
Selini shares, “When you want to feel more comfortable, you should do things in life that makes you happy. I started dancing and athletics when I was 6 years old and I did it for 8 years. Sport is very good and helps you a lot to feel and to know your body.
Nature. Nature. Naturally Gorgeous
Don’t be around women that only talk about beauty and surgery as this doesn’t bring you further in life. Be you. Be proud of you. Pray to god. Make yourself a ritual and be proud of it. Set yourself goals. Surround yourself with positive and educated people.”
Now that is fantastic advice.
Watching a super sexy shapely woman in blue jeans is one of life’s joys. In the spirit of appreciation for Selini, we are going to listen to a female writer who is positive and educated.
Yah Hooooo.
She is going to enlighten us about finding just the right curvy jeans for a shapely body.
Please enjoy.
Best Jeans For Curvy Women – CJ by Cookie Johnson Versus PZI Jeans
By Dawn Goodson
Only in the past couple of years has the fashion industry seen the likes of stylish denim jeans made for women with curvy figures. Now the meaning of the word “curvy” in everyday speech may be up for debate, but in the eyes of the fashion industry, it means women who have relatively small waists in proportion to their hips and thighs. If you’ve ever heard of “body typing,” then this means your average pear shaped or hourglass figure. Currently, there are only two major brands of curvy jeans: PZI Jeans and CJ by Cookie Johnson Jeans. Sure, some companies like Gap or Levi’s produce one style of “curvy jean,” but these brands pale in comparison to the variety of styles you can find from the two companies listed below:
PZI Jeans
PZI Jeans sets itself apart from the competition by being the first entire line devoted to creating jeans that fit shapely women’s bodies. If you often struggle to find jeans that fit around your ample hips and thighs, these jeans are made with your body type in mind. For this reason alone, PZI has a loyal patronage of women who will tell you that these jeans fit and flatter their curvaceous bodies. Now in terms of styles available, the question to ask here isn’t whether you can find skinny jeans, cropped jeans, or wide leg jeans for curvy women, but rather what style of jeans CAN’T you find by shopping PZI Jeans? Within their collection of skinny jeans alone, there are over 10 different styles to choose from. Also no matter if you’re short or tall, you can order jeans with the correct inseam length.
CJ by Cookie Johnson Jeans
CJ by Cookie Johnson was perhaps the second sole fashion denim line to dress women with curvy figures. Originally created by former basketball superstar, Magic Johnson’s wife, these jeans also offer tons of stretch to fit voluptuous figures with larger hips and thighs. TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey featured these jeans as one of her “favorites” on the Oprah show after CJ by Cookie Johnson launched in 2009. No doubt, these jeans are a direct competitor with PZI Jeans. Despite all of the accolades (and who wouldn’t want an endorsement from Oprah Winfrey!), PZI Jeans still has a “leg up” on the competition by having a wider range of available styles. CJ by Cookie Johnson also lacks the ability to purchase jeans in short, tall, or extra tall.
All things considered, it looks like PZI Jeans win the current Battle for Best Jeans for Curvy Women due to more contemporary styles to choose from and a more affordable price tag. PZI Jeans are much more affordable than CJ by Cookie Johnson – compare an $80 vs $140-$150 price tag, respectively. PZI Jeans are sold in major department stores, such as Macy’s, but you can also order all of their styles online. CJ by Cookie Johnson is currently sold in Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus department stores, as well as some online retailers like Amazon. Maybe over time, CJ by Cookie Johnson will expand its line to rival that of PZI Jeans, but as of now, the 5 years of extra experience in the fashion industry has PZI Jeans winning the title of best jeans for curvy women, hands down.
According to recent surveys, the majority of women struggle with finding jeans that fit and flatter. You don’t have to be one of them! Please visit Jeans for Curvy Women for your guide to finding your best-fitting best jeans for curvy women!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dawn_Goodson/551263
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4468451