fciwomenswrestling.com article, thekyliejenner.com photo credit
Feeling lonely? A great cure is to do something right now (besides watching T.V.) that millions of other people are doing.
Why don’t you hop over and visit Kylie Jenner’s website. https://www.thekyliejenner.com/
You certainly won’t be alone.
Kylie Kristen Jenner is an American reality television personality, model, actress, entrepreneur, socialite, and social media personality.
She fits it all in so beautifully in her schedule and that scrumptious body.

In 2012, she collaborated with the clothing brand PacSun, along with her sister Kendall, and created a line of clothing, “Kendall & Kylie”.
Our sweet and always gorgeous Kylie has come a long way from being a shy, somewhat sheltered teen to the vivacious starlet that she is now, especially since as of this July 2017 writing, she is about to launch her own show.
Everyone loves sexy.
So if you’re are feeling sexy, you can also visit her cosmetics store.
Whether it’s her growth on her family’s reality television show, the successful launching of her cosmetics line and now the grand opening of her own long awaited show, Kylie seems to keep re-inventing herself in bold and grand ways.
We should mention something else.
On October 21, 2016, as reported by Kayleen Schafer at Vanity Fair, “In August, 19-year-old Kylie Jenner bought a $4.5 million mansion in Hidden Hills, California. The 5,000 square-foot, four-bedroom house is next door to the other 7,000 square-foot, six-bedroom house she bought for $6 million in May, in which she actually sleeps. It was reported by TMZ that Jenner planned to use the additional property as a workspace for Kylie Cosmetics, the burgeoning makeup empire that turned her from the baby of the Kardashian-Jenner extended media universe into a mogul in her own right.”
Unbelievably impressive.
Word has it that Seed Beauty, the company that manufactures Kylie Cosmetics in Oxnard, California, says they are running the factory 24-7 to keep up with the red hot and increasing demand of Kylie’s products.
So about that show that those in the know with power and control have been so tight lipped about.
Fortunately we read deadline.com and they share, “The eight-episode half-hour show will follow Jenner as she navigates her life as entrepreneur, fashion designer, author, social media star and CEO/Founder of Kylie Cosmetics. The show also will document her personal life, including spending time with her close friend Jordyn Woods.”
Keeping up with Kylie is just as challenging and fun as Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
For now, while we take a momentary break from Kardashian sightings and updates, let’s focus on re-inventing ourselves.
So please ponder on what we are about to say, especially if you are unhappy with your present state.
Have you ever believed that you can re-invent yourself into virtually anyone that you want to become?
We truly think that you can and there appears to be some proven steps that can be taken to at least start in that direction.
The first step is to recognized signs that you are not where you really want to be. The site powerofpositivity.com provides a few clues. “So much of our day and week is spent at work, that feeling dread when you wake up or as the weekend nears its end is a sure sign that something is not right. Take some time to figure out what it is about your day at work that you are dreading and devise a plan for changing it.”
And here’s more.
“Staying focused on better times, whether it’s the past or the future, might be a sign of trying to escape the now. It is not uncommon to dream about a better life and dreaming can be good. It’s when the dreaming takes the place of doing that a problem exists.”
Intriguing. They also speak about being jealous of other people’s success.
The steps to changing your life is another story so we are going to start with the foundation here.
Please remember. When the time comes to make a life change, whether changing your look, your job, or your relationships, your emotions will either sabotage or support your desires.
If we start from the beginning, as the saying goes, the past is such a great predictor of the future. If we study our past, perhaps we can learn certain things to alter and re-invent our future fortunes.
Please enjoy.
Who Designed Your Life?

- What motivates you to open your eyes in the morning? Besides your children and the buzzing from the street?
- What motivates you to get up and go to work?
Reasons that may have crossed your mind could have been something like this: to sustain our life, to feed our family, to provide financial support for our children. It’s naturally our duty to do all this, isn’t it? And so we keep squeezing more time out of our days and often run on maximum energy levels to fulfill this predestined task.
Most of us have some or all of those reasons so ingrained in the back of our mind that we may believe it’s the only possible way to be. Yet, without the early guidance from our parents and conditioning of our society or community our own beliefs could have developed quite differently.
As we grew up our parents imprinted their beliefs upon us with good intentions to give us an understanding of the world outside and keep us as safe as possible. Over the time of our childhood, these teachings slowly became our own and knowing no different we dutifully keep following them.
Universal rules or inherited beliefs
“You need to study well, to get a good job, to work hard, to marry well, to be a good parent etc.” Sounds familiar? No, these are not universal rules. They are purely common beliefs that generations upon generations kept transferring to their children.
There is however something left out of this equation.
- Did anyone ever ask YOU what your life should be like?
- Did you have your say in deciding the direction of your life?
- Or are you living a dream someone else dreamt for you?
Take a step back and dissociate from your current reality. Acknowledge the state of your life as it is now compared to your childhood dreams. This exercise can be uncomfortable, even discouraging to the point that we tend to choose not to look at it at all and continue to live the ‘misery called life’.
There is no change without change
The well-known paradox is that people are frightened by the slightest changes to their reality, where we all know that changes are a necessity. Without changes life on earth would cease. Birth as well as death are changes. Change is movement and movement powers the factory of life. The power that moves the whole universe. Yet this doesn’t give most of us enough comfort in order to accept responsibility for our own life.
Hit over the head
Oftentimes we do come to terms with our lives and consider other possible ways of living only after some unexpected tragedy or illness crosses the smooth path of our personal experience. Such an event can take us out of the well-known daily routine into the world of an altered sense of reality.
Only then we do allow ourselves to sit down and find the time to deal with the issues at hand. As a side effect of any such crisis our mind is forced to reorganize at a higher level and a new door to the world of possibilities is opened. It may be during these moments that we discover or remember our true life purpose and finally start designing it’s preferred outcome.
A pretty gloomy thought that a crisis needs to occur in order for us to get out of our comfort zone and start living the life we meant to be living, isn’t it? Of course it is and of course it isn’t the only way this can be achieved. Yet, the longer we are living in the disillusion of such a reality, where our life has been designed by someone else and where we have no say in creating it, the more determined we need to be in order to create the desired changes.
Everything is possible where there is a strong will
- Do you feel that your life is not the way you would design it?
- What would need to happen in order for you to live the life you were meant to live?
- What would be your life experience if your life was designed by you?
Imagine if you could… with no limitations… without money constrains… what would change in your life?
The two secret ingredients in fulfilling our dreams are ‘pen & paper’.
Once dreams are written down with all the specific details, they take on a magic-like ability to be transferred into goals and to become our new reality.
Hana Rubinstejnova writes articles to give us an opportunity to reflect back on our lives. To take a moment from our busy days and bring to our awareness our internal values, beliefs and dreams that design our lives. Having been through many life learnings and experiences herself and holding International Certification in several healing modalities (Certificate in Life Coaching, NLP Master Practitioner, Certificate in Nutrition, Certificate in Psychosomatic Therapy).
Hana lives to empower and inspire people to reclaim responsibilities and rewards which come from living a purposeful life. HealthAndRelationshipCoaching.com
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Ms. Jenner’s photo credits thekyliejenner.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Hana_Rubinstejnova/340299
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2446907