fciwomenswrestling.com article, sarahscott.co.uk photo
Time changes everything is a timeless expression that can portend for good or otherwise. One aspect of the thought that is consistent on both outcomes is that it often speaks to trends. Good or bad.
There is a great trend in the fitness world where more and more women are seeing Fitness Pole Dancing as a desirable option to have fun and stay in shape.
Once relegated to the often questionable neon lit erotic strip club along with the stigma attached to it, Pole Dancing is now coming out into the light and into the mainstream.
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.….. George Bernard Shaw
Understandably, one of the leading Pole Fitness industry sites polefitness.com sites sees all good and no bad. “Improve your strength and endurance simultaneously with a non-ordinary sport. You learn spectacular spins and choreographies in an accessible way and a short period of time, encouraged by the other members of your group. Improve your fitness, muscle power, sense of rhythm, and become more confident.”
I think we’re all for that.
So who is the Pole Fitness Social Media Darling that we can look to who can show us the way into the new look fitness world.
Please meet Sarah Scott.
We read at Sarah’s site sarahscott.co.uk that Sarah is an International Performer and Instructor, X-Pole Model, Dew Point Pole Rep, Fitness Model, Pole Performer, Pole Instructor, Fitness Instructor and Super Hero Model.
Sarah has been Pole Performing and Instructing for the last 5 years.
Here are a few of her mainstream awards.
1st Place Miss Pole Dance UK 2012, 1st Place Miss Pole Dance UK Doubles 2012
2nd Place World Pole Dance Doubles 2012, 2nd Place World Pole Sports Doubles 2012
UKPPC Elite Category – Runner Up 2012 and Sponsors Choice – UKPPC 2011.
Sarah has been a Pole Fitness Model for X-Pole International at Clothes Show 2010, 2011, BeFit 2012, FIBO 2012 & 2013, Fitness TV Active Chanel, Rimini Wellness 2012, Nuts Magazine, and a League of their own on Sky 1.
Those who report on and participate in the Fitness Industry are impressed with Sarah’s results.
Some would say that she is a change merchant.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.….Barack Obama
The site with a great Pole Dancing name, badkitty.com expresses, “Sarah has been Pole Performing and Instructing for the last 5 years. She currently travels teaching workshops and hosts training packages in South West England Miss Pole Dance UK Singles and Doubles Champion 2012 www.misspoledance-uk.com
She is a pole fitness model for XPOLE, representing them at events such as BeFit, FIBO, Rimini Wellness and has presented at the International Fitness Showcase for the past 2 years.
A master trainer for XPERT Pole Fitness Training (http://www.xpertpolefitness.com) she is available for workshops across the world, to find out more please contact info@sarahscott.co.uk.”
That was a great endorsement. Let’s see what others in the industry have to say.
Another enjoyable fitness group, emilyspolefitness.co.uk, smiles, “Sarah is known for her strength and her POWER HOUSE moves, Sarah is now available for workshops. Sarah as a child gained a sports scholarship and competed at regional and national levels at a number of sports including athletics. After spending her childhood competing Sarah lost her passion for fitness until she found Pole.”
Three times is a charm. The respected site konbini.com praises, “As an award winning, taught performer, Sarah incorporates almost balletic elegance with sensual spins, using her immense upper body strength to whip around the pole. Harvey’s video is inspiring, with Sarah looking nothing like the glassy-eyed pole-dancers that are usually portrayed in film and television. She says that the growing trend of using pole dancing as a fitness aid has meant that men and women of all ages are now signing up for classes.”
Most important, how are her everyday customers reacting to her program? Are they buying into it?
One happy customer shared, “I have done a few one day training days and workshops with Sarah and would definitely recommend to anyone considering! She’s a great teacher…she has a great way of explaining and demonstrating technique for those tricky moves. I would especially recommend full day or more training packages – you can tailor you training to what you want and you learn so much in a day its well worth every penny.”
Another customer is in agreement. “I’ve trained with Sarah twice as part of her training packages and also attended her workshops in general at other studios. On all occasions I’ve left totally buzzing and inspired! Not only is Sarah a great performer but she is an amazing teacher, she breaks moves down so well that it’s hard not to get the move. Her patience, enthusiasm and experience makes me feel like I’m in safe hands.”
We researched Sarah and we have to say that we saw one of the most moving, inspiring and even spiritual videos that artfully showcases her immense talents.
We would like to share it with you.
In an interview with the entertaining site ramblingbeachcat.com, when asked about her perception of the public’s view of pole dancing as a fitness option, she replied, “A few years ago when I started, I found that people were a lot more shocked when I told them my job. But now I’m finding people are a lot more accepting as pole dance and fitness is being shown more positively in the media – like in talent shows and documentaries.
There are also so many pole studios about now and more gyms are running regular classes. You still get the negative comments now and then, but it’s mainly from people who don’t understand or haven’t seen what pole dancing is nowadays. Once they see it they usually change their mind.”
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future…..John F. Kennedy
There are a number of components to Pole Fitness that has advantages over other outdoor fitness sports. The main benefit is that you are inside and away from the elements. Another is that if you go to group session, it can be a very positive social affair.
So if you had a certain skeptical view of pole dancing and limited that perception to strip clubs or the underworld, I think that you would agree that like female submission wrestling, when participated in or performed in a dignified environment, many from the general public can enjoy watching or participating in the sport.
Change is not easy, but constant.
The great news for the Pole Fitness Industry is that with a gorgeous, talented and gregarious young woman like Sarah Scott leading the way, not only can she help change bodies but minds as well.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.