fciwomenswrestling.com article, lyzabethlopez.com photo credit
Thundering with majestic mist, spray and force to move mountains, Angel Falls is truly the undisputed star of Venezuela’s tourism.
A towering South American dream with a total height of 3,211 feet, this waterfall is 16 times taller than its North American contemporary, the Niagara Falls.
Try and put that in perspective. We have to say it twice to believe it.
Sixteen Times taller than Niagara Falls!

Mind blowing.
Besides its impressive size, the waterfall also captivates its spectators with its lush wilderness. Moreover, the area is deeply rich in tropical flora and fauna, such as porcupines, capybaras, pumas, giant anteaters, orchid species and monkeys.
Okay fine. We are going to concede that Angel Falls is the undisputed star of Venezuelan tourism. Got it. Understand it.
Having said that, the incredibly gorgeous Fitness Model and Trainer Lyzabeth Lopez with roots in Venezuela arguably could be one of the country’s second greatest global attractions.
She is truly spectacular.

Have you meet her? She is so super sexy, had you seen even only once, you would know that you’ve met her. Her sex appeal is well…….thunderous.
It reaches to the highest waterfalls.
She is that gorgeous.

We desire to have a closer look and we can see it in your eyes. You do too.
Oh wait. It appears that the fun site thesportster.com beat us to it. “Any Instagram account with over 1 million followers, if you’re not a celebrity, is a sign that you’re doing something right with your brand. Lyzabeth Lopez definitely is. Lopez is a holistic nutritionist and award-winning master trainer who is most known for creating her infamous Hourglass Workout. It takes a lot of hard work to look like she does – her short videos provide a snapshot into her fitness routine – but it definitely pays off.
She’s sexy, sculpted, and definitely an inspiration to any clients, present or future. If you’re looking for a little motivation for your daily workout, look no further – Lopez will inspire you to push yourself in pursuit of sculpted curves like hers.”
Hey we love being pushed and shoved by Lyzabeth, if it comes to that.
She can be very convincing. We’re going to knock on her door at lyzabethlopez.com. She has a wonderful bio. “Lyzabeth Lopez is an award winning personal trainer, holistic nutritionist, fitness instructor, TV host, writer and social media powerhouse. Her wealth of knowledge, infectious personality and passion for holistic living has earned her a dedicated following of fitness enthusiasts and highly a respected brand in the health and fitness industry.
With over 15 years of experience in training and nutrition, this savvy entrepreneur, TV host (of a US syndicated nutrition and cooking show), and Pro Athlete has coached well over 3000 athletes in gymnastics, dance, cheer-leading, fitness and bodybuilding; including celebrities, models and actors. Lyzabeth is also recognized through her regular magazine appearances as a model and writer, as well as through her blogs and posts to over 200,000 social media followers.
Lyzabeth is the creator of the Hourglass Workout™, a women only fitness franchise that has changed the lives of over 2000 women since its inception in 2008. In addition to Lyzabeth’s signature training method to sculpt the perfect Hourglass Figure, she educates her clients with knowledge on how to reshape their bodies and minds through a holistic lifestyle. The Hourglass Workout™ program and methodology has steadily developed an international following and is expanding to a lifestyle brand that already includes a successful apparel line.”
Very impressive. Let’s have a closer look at that Hourglass Workout.

She continues, “It’s the perfect workout for women looking to gain strength, and get lean while maintaining and building on their natural curves.
The Hourglass Workout is an intense full-body conditioning program that will help you to build lean, sexy curves using a variety of workout styles including: kettle bells, trx, resistance training, boxing, pilates, hiit, interval style training and more! We also include holistic lifestyle training including offering your choice of customized holistic eating plan, monthly nutrition workshops, form training days, fun days are more! Hourglass Workout is a lifestyle training program that will get you to your healthiest, curviest body ever!”
She certainly has made a believer out of us.
Watching a sensational and sexy woman with a Venezuelan touch makes us think of many things including electronically visiting her culture.
Since she helps so many get into great shape, now we’re going to visit the village that helped shape Lyzabeth.
Venezuela officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a federal republic located on the northern coast of South America.
It is bordered by Colombia on the west, Brazil on the south, Guyana on the east, and the islands of Trinidad and Tobago to the north-east.
The country has an estimated population of 31,028,337.
And oh the food. We have an excuse to eat because Lyzabeth will help us work if off later.
Due to its location in the world, its diversity of industrial resources and the cultural diversity of the Venezuelan people, Venezuelan cuisine often varies greatly from one region to another.
Its cuisine, traditional as well as modern, is influenced by its European (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French), West African and Native American traditions. Food staples include corn, rice, plantain, yams, beans and several meats.
Potatoes, tomatoes, onions, eggplants, squashes, and zucchini are also common sides in the Venezuelan diet.
Lyzabeth, thanks for the inspiration. You got us started now we can take it from here.
We’re getting hungry, so let’s allow a visiting writer who has dined on Venezuelan food with a smile, fork in hand, to further guide us.
What Type of Food is in Venezuela?
By Pauline Go
Venezuela has a touch of marine flavor when talks about food place. Fresh fish and shellfish generally are a part of typical fare. In fact, you can get fresh fish and shellfish in practically any part of the country. However, ‘pabellon’ is known as national food of the country. Pabellon is a meat dish that is prepared with meat, rice, black beans and banana.
“Arepas”, a kind of bread which is prepared with corn flour, salt and water, is demanded all the time everywhere. A bite of it with jam or cheese tastes wonderful. Arepas, with different methods of preparation and various implementations, is served by almost all the restaurants in Venezuela.
Few types of food that are commonly eaten in Venezuela are as follows:
* Pabellon: This is a delicious preparation of stewed and shredded meat with banana and black beans.
* Arepa: This is also used as supplementary food. It is a perfectly baked or fried combination of corn flour, water and salt.
* Hallaca: This dish is prepared with cornmeal mixed with beef, pork, and ham, and then boiled or steamed after wrapping in banana leaves. A little amount of green pepper adds a wonderful flavor to it.
* Hervido: This is a soup made with beef, chicken or fish along with vegetables and tomatoes. The vegetables used vary according to the region where the soup is prepared.
* Meat: It can be noticed that meat is the major ingredient in almost all types of food prepared in Venezuela. Game meat like deer, capybara and rabbit are commonly consumed.
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in traveling industry. He also offers top quality articles like: Travel South America, Uruguay Tourist Attractions
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