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February 17, 2019,
If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?
If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?
At some point in our lives, hopefully when we are very young, someone should have asked us at least one of those questions or more importantly, it is a question we should have asked ourselves.
Hollywood is filled with dream chasers who asked themselves that question, changed their life course, and continue to reap the rewards of living the dream.
A pathway filled with star dust.
The epitome of that on celluloid is what occurred to the beautiful starlet who brings vibrancy to the television series, The Arrangement.

The Arrangement is an American drama television series created by Jonathan Abrahams which airs on E!. The series premiered on March 5, 2017. On April 13, 2017, E! announced that it had renewed the series for a 10-episode second season, which premiered on March 11, 2018.
Here is the storyline.
Megan Morrison, a young actress, auditions to play the female lead in a high profile film opposite action A-List star Kyle West.
She meets Terrence Anderson, the leader of the Institute of the Higher Mind, a self-help organization. Anderson offers her the title “arrangement”—a contract offering her $10 million if she marries West.
The show centers on the Hollywood actor and actress’s relationship, and is an “‘amalgam’ of stories inside Hollywood about arranged relationships against the backdrop of self-help programs”.
Sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for.
It often comes with more than you bargained for, but person to person, if you asked them about having the courage to ask for your dream and if comes true, even with it’s flaws, they would never want to go back to where they were before attainment.
Before they asked.
Instead, they learn to adapt.
What we loved about Megan’s new life is how she evolved from who she was to the power broker that she became.
The first step is that you have to think the unthinkable.
“Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.”… Deepak Chopra
Once you get there, at some point you become comfortable with your new arrangement and begin to see it as normal. You even begin to feel that you belong there.
Let’s change that.
You begin to feel that you deserve to be there. Why? Because you do.
You’ve heard the expression before, why me? We ask, why not you?
So here and now, think the unthinkable.
Have you tried that before? For yourself? Why don’t you try it now? Yes at this moment. Go with us on this.
Please stop reading this until you do.
For your life, in terms of your dreams, what is the unthinkable to attain?

Then ask yourself, why do you think it is unattainable? Provide yourself with the main reason for what appears to be the main barrier.
Is the barrier about money? Then the next question is how do you begin to raise the money?
Whatever the barrier is, there is always a follow up question as to how to overcome the barrier.
Step one is to ask.
Ms. Atalanta Beaumont is a former psychotherapist trained in the methodology of Transactional Analysis and the author of Hand Hints for Humans.
In her August 1, 2017 article printed in Psychology Today, regarding asking for what you want, she makes a good point. She states, “Asking for what you want from any situation makes life much simpler. However, in order to do this you need to know what it is you want and what your limits are. Contrary to popular belief, stating what you want is much more straightforward for others, too. It is not just self-serving, it serves everyone involved.”
Point taken. If you begin to ask life for what you want and begin to take steps to pursue it, the relationships with people around you will become simpler too in terms of how they see you and respond to you.
You now have a goal and a dream and once they have clarity as to what it is, in some cases they may even have some ideas on how to help you get there.
We know of a true story in our circle where a young woman who we’ll call Tabitha was attracted to a handsome and popular male employee. She didn’t know him well but an acquaintance did. The girls were not close but on good terms.
Tabitha told her associate that she liked the guy a lot and wanted to be his girlfriend. Her business associate smiled, said nothing and walked away.
She then went to the male employee, smiled and said words to the effect, “Do you know Tabitha? That cute girl in advertising? She wants to be your girlfriend.”
Truly. That is a true accounting.
The male employee smiled, waited and eventually introduced himself to Tabitha. Guess what?
They became boyfriend and girlfriend. They had a beautiful relationship that lasted for a year before Tabitha received another job offer and felt it was best to move on. Their romance ended amicably and both were glad that it happened.
Sometimes you just have to ask the unthinkable.
“So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”…Jesus Christ
In his February 10, 2014 article posted in Psychology Today, Mr. Thomas Hills Ph.D. shared, “One of my most favorite psychological studies of all time is based on simply asking. It was conducted in the late 70s by Clark and Hatfield (1989) and it goes like this. Male and female volunteers randomly went up to people of the opposite sex around campus and, after saying they found the person attractive, asked one of three questions: ‘Would you go out with me tonight?’, ‘Would you come over to my apartment tonight?’, or ‘Would you go to bed with me tonight?’.”
Okay, we know up front that men and women are going to respond very differently to those questions. Especially the one about having sex on the first night with a stranger. After all, it was conducted in the 1970s.
Still, here was one of the findings. More than half of the women surveyed were willing to go to dinner with a random male stranger (56%).
Do you see the point? The women can’t say yes, if you don’t ask.
Perhaps view life as a beautiful stranger who doesn’t know you. There is no previous history thus no animosity, jealousy or agenda.
Yes, a stranger who has never met you before but has incredible power.
The power to grant any wish that you want. Not every wish. Any wish. The most important one. As the expression goes, you can have anything that you want in life but you can’t have everything that you want.
That is fine with us.
We are extremely happy to get anything that we want. Aren’t you?
What is different from what we are proposing and presenting here in comparison to your life?
Now the rest is up to you.
What are you going to ask for?

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Opening photo Pexels.com pixabay.com photo credit