fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, grapplingstars.com photo-via Pinterest.com
February 10, 2020,
Free flowing dream fulfillment societies, bursting with dynamic people who live spectacular lifestyles with myriads of choices and options to make the right decisions, know there are second chances even if you don’t.
Learn from your mistakes.
Try again.
And again.
Welcome to the United States.
You can enjoy virtually any food that you desire, work at almost any job that you have coveted for years and live in an upscale community where you and your neighbor’s homes appear in high end architectural magazines and pricey real estate reality TV shows.
Ah the lifestyles of the upwardly mobile and those who have arrived on a big stage.
With all of those freedoms come doors of opportunity that continue to open and as we watched her career, one beautiful girl who seemed to glide through them elegantly and effortlessly is Whitney Port.
Whitney Eve Port is an American television personality, fashion designer, and author.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, she attended Crossroads School in Santa Monica as a teenager.
Yes we know that freedom demands taking responsibility but the far more enjoyable aspect of it is about making the right choices that lead to happiness.
In 2006, Whitney came to prominence after being cast in the reality television series The Hills, which chronicled the personal and professional lives of her and friends Lauren Conrad, Heidi Montag, and Audrina Patridge.
That is where we first saw her and were extremely impressed at how she seem to make the right choices while others did not.
Doors soon began to open. Wide. Very wide.
Whitney began to glide through them. Almost effortlessly.
Very good, because they can quickly close.
During The Hill’s production, she held positions with Teen Vogue and Kelly Cutrone‘s People’s Revolution.
Keeping Kelly Cutrone happy is no easy task. In that fascinating show, though she had her moments, Whitney managed to keep her happy more times than not.
Ms. Cutrone founded People’s Revolution in 1996.
She has appeared on three shows – MTV: True Life, The Hills—on which she allowed Whitney Port and Lauren Conrad to film in her office and The City, where she served as the professional/personal mentor and consulted on Port’s clothing line.
We can understand why Whitney was one of her star pupils. In an interview with MTV, Whitney expressed that she was part employee and part daughter.
From a distance it was captivating watching Whitney make decisions about work, love and life.
So what is the inside scoop? What is her life philosophy anyway?
We peek in at her site whitneyport.com and view the many hats that she stylishly wears. Ready?
She is a…
Wife. Daughter. Sister. Aunt. Cuzzie. Friend. Designer. Boss. CEO. Snack Mom. Baker. Snow Globe Collector. Skin Obsessed. French Fry Lover. Stylist to the Stars (aka my mom and sisters). Babysitter. Pasta Hater. Spin Master. French Braid Model. Pacer. Manicure Maniac. Juice Enthusiast. Beach Go-er. Leather Jacket Hoarder. World Traveler. Nester.
That certainly is a full life by any measure.
In terms of her mesmerizing looks she adds, “You have probably caught on to the fact that I am obsessed with skincare and beauty products! The obsession began when my mom told me to start using eye cream at age thirteen.”
Well, she learned from mom well. She applies her enhancements with eye candy attention and style.
She is also not afraid to take risks.
After moving to New York City to begin employment with Diane von Fürstenberg in 2008, Whitney was commissioned to star in her own spin-off series The City, which originally documented the lives of Port and companions Jay Lyon, Olivia Palermo, and Adam Senn.
In 2012, she served as a judge on the eighth cycle of Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model.
At the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards, MTV announced a reboot of The Hills entitled The Hills: New Beginnings.
The Hills: New Beginnings reunites the original cast members, alongside their children, friends, and new faces, and follows their personal and professional lives while living in Los Angeles. It premiered on June 24, 2019.
Now they have children? How time flies.
How well did it do?
In July 2019, MTV renewed the series for a second season.
Looking good.
Whitney is always looking good. How does she do it?
In an online interview found at cheatsheet.com she shares, “I try to work out three times a week and eat mostly lean proteins, veggies, and fruits but, I also allow myself to enjoy myself when I feel like it! I don’t believe in strict diets or limitations. It’s all about a healthy balance.”
Sound like a good idea. A healthy choice.
“Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become.”…Angelina Jolie
She is also a fan of hot yoga. She shared with her over 1.5 million followers on her Instagram Stories that she gets a good sweat session in by going to Core Power Yoga.
We are inspired.
When so many options and choices are open to us when we have beauty and assets, based upon our own experience, it is so tempting to take the easy way out and play it safe.
Just sit back and enjoy life.
That is a honey trap with a sting to most assuredly come later after your windows close and life passes you by.
Never be satisfied.
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”…Steve Jobs
As we learned from watching Whitney’s brilliant young career, and we truly have been watching, when you have so much going for you, continue to make well thought out healthy choices. For the things important to you, continue to take risks. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
That is how you learn.
Yes you may have heard it all before but it is still good to say it again. There is great power and retention in repetition.
We can never hear it enough.
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Opening photo fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, grapplingstars.com photo-via Pinterest.com