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Can body paint speak to women’s wrestling attire innovation?

You’ve been hired to design the women’s wrestling attire of the future. What is your assignment if you decide to accept it? You have to find the balance between mild eroticism, artistic creativity and cutting edge innovation.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”……………..George Orwell
Are you up to the task?
If you were to control the future as the great writer George Orwell says and you need to please the general public with a dignified women’s wrestling event, what wrestling attire have you dreamed up?
At Female Competition International we have sprinkled here and there what we would like to see. Our expectation is female wrestling at a Dojo with a variation of volleyball attire with no skin up top but a little sex appeal below.
Please remember, our research indicates that women believe in the right for women to wrestle but they tend not to buy the tickets. The men do. So if you decided to play it safe like the women’s freestyle world and have the competitors wear singlets, we’d like to ask you a question?
How many websites have you visited that sell women’s matches to be downloaded online at a profit with the combatants wearing singlets?
That’s what we thought.
The power of staying the course in the pursuit of your goals and dreams is that you come across some great ideas. In writing an article on one female competitor, research indicates she’s into body art.
“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative”.…………….Woody Allen

What a novel idea!
What if the female wrestling outfit of the future was comprised of volleyball attire and body art or body paint?
The Reference Dictionary explains body art as, “an artistic practice or style of the 1960s and 1970s developing from conceptual art and performance art and utilizing the artist’s body as both the subject and object in such experimentation as decoration.”
Another source states, “An artistic movement originating in the 1970s in which the physical presence of the artist (or of a model) is regarded as an integral part of the work.”

The great information source Wikipedia expands stating, “Body art is art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body. The most common forms of body art are tattoos and body piercings. Other types include scarification, branding, subdermal implants, scalpelling, shaping (for example tight-lacing of corsets), full body tattoo and body painting.
Body art is also a sub-category of performance art, in which artists use or abuse their own body to make their particular statements. More extreme body art can involve mutilation or pushing the body to its physical limits.”
There are comparisons to tattoos and defining them as body art as well. That’s fine, but that’s not our focus here. It’s the body painting that creates a different dimension to your being. Tattoos are permanent. Body painting is not.
When we think of the look of future competitors, we are also imagining limited parts of the anatomy.
If you visit the site, boredpanda.com you’ll see some incredible examples of body art. They present innovative and mind bending work. The artist Trina Merry is worth checking out.
fciwomenswrestling.com article, Trina Merry photo credit boredpanda.com
“There will always be a desire for something new, fresh and innovative, as well as a yearning and respect for timeless elegance and beauty.”…………..Helena Christensen
Health is always a concern. Here are suggestions on how to be safe found at thepaintedbody.com.
Things a body painter should ask themselves.
- Is the Paint I’m using suitable for use on the human body?
- When was the last time I cleaned my brushes??
- Is the model comfortable??
- Am I taking too long with this painting??
- Is this this design flattering to the models figure??
Now I can’t answer those questions for you but you should try to find the answers for yourself…
Things that body painters should never do
- Use acrylic or oil paints on the human body (Make-up is better looking and without the health risks of painting people with toxic materials)
- Paint on open sores or rashes (I’m not kidding)
- Make the model uncomfortable for any reason
- Leave the model unattended at an event
The Australian Department of Health has these important cautions as well, “It is not advisable to paint a child’s face if they are younger than three years old.
If the client or child has sensitive skin, food allergies or reactions to soaps, creams, dyes, they should advise the artist who may perform a small patch test first, or may choose not to paint the child.
The client or child must have clean abrasion-free skin, and must not have conjunctivitis, lice, cold or flu, chicken pox or any other infection. Painting faces with acne should also be avoided.
The clients face (or other area to be painted – arm or leg) shall be cleaned with soap and warm water or a moist towelette prior to having their face painted, taking care around eyes, and wiping runny noses.
Parents / guardians are to supervise their child while being painted at all times.”
When safely and carefully done, the mix and match of safe body paint and innovative attire could be a trendsetter.
The future of women’s wrestling is an extremely exciting one.
Please stay tuned. We know you’ll want to be a part of it.

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Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com, No affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, reference.com, boredpanda.com, thepaintedbody.com, public.health.wa.gov.au, photos thank you boredpanda.com, artist Trina Merry and Wikimedia Commons.