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What’s the book on her?
With many of our competitive female submission wrestling stars, it’s a great read.
For example, do you know the book on Ingrid Mouth?

We’ve met her so we know that it is a fantastic read. In fact we loved her so much that we wrote about her twice.
Ingrid, A New Wrestler Who Represents The New Oakland
Ingrid Mouth, A Wrestler Chewing Them Up, One By One
Meeting rising stars like Ingrid inspires us to read and write their stories.
“I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it’s better than college. People should educate themselves – you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I’d written a thousand stories.”… Ray Bradbury
Her videos can be found at http://grapplingstars.com/
When we first met Ingrid in San Jose, she wasn’t sure that she was going to stay in the wrestling game, but as a lot of visiting women soon find out, when they try competitive wrestling, they want to participate over and over again.
It makes for a great read.

Imagine what the world IQ would be if everyone read an entire library of books.
Impossible for certain but what a different world that we would live in. True?
In terms of reading, there are so many books out there and if you don’t have quite the time that Mr. Bradbury above did, perhaps you can listen to the recommendation of a Mr. Robert Chen, a Life Coach and Blogger that we found to be extremely insightful.
He’d like to share his top ten books that he loved and you probably will too since they delve into a wide array of subject matter.
Please enjoy.
10 books I wish I read earlier in my life but glad I still read them eventually

By Robert Chen
Have you ever finished a book and found it so useful that you wished you read it much earlier on in your life?
I read on average 1-2 books a week (the silver lining to a long commute to work). Most of the books, I read once, glean the key ideas and never re-read again. Which is why I take notice when a book deeply impacts my view of the world.
Below are 10 books I wish I read when I was younger because they’ve positively changed the way I live my life.
1. The LOL2A-Principle
This book recommended by my German colleague started me on the road to personal mastery. Your world is what you think of it. Change your thinking, change your world. LOL2A = Letting go, (Love x2) and Action/Reaction.
The China Study
If you want independent, hard research on the best way to eat healthy, this is the book for you.
Spoiler alert: Eat plant-based, whole foods. Stay away from processed foods.
What Color is Your Parachute?
This book set me in the right direction towards my dream job. Learn about yourself and find the job that fits you as opposed to fitting yourself to a job that you probably don’t like. I’ve distilled the best exercises from this book and a few others in my Know What You Want course.
Atlas Shrugged
What if all the productive members of society decided to quit because lazier members kept condemning them for being rationally selfish and forcing them to share the wealth?
Inspired me to take responsibility and do great work – don’t expect a hand out or a hand up. Rise on your own.
5. Nonviolent Communication
I’m not a fan of the title but the process itself is excellent for asserting your viewpoint and needs effectively. Don’t make others feel guilty for how you feel. Take responsibility for your actions and intentions, not how others feel. Request, don’t demand. Receive empathically.
6. How to Win Friends and Influence People
Best way to win an argument is to avoid it. Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. Smile, be sincere and genuinely take an interest in other people. Remember names and make the other person feel important. These practical tips along with many others are worth mastering.
7. Thinking Fast and Slow
We are biased. This book shares why and how our perspective is skewed and what we can do about it.
What you see is all there is – be careful of finding meaning when there is none. Self-control requires attention and effort. We have an unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance.
Many books out there derive from concepts in this book. Save yourself time and read this one first.
8. On Writing Well
Great writing engages and moves the reader from one sentence to the next. Be genuine, crisp and interesting. This essential guide from the late Bill Zinsser covers the core principles, methods, forms and attitudes to write effectively.
9. Sleep Smarter
Sleep has been a part of our lives since we’ve been born so it’s easy to think we know how to sleep. This book shows you that both Quality and Quantity matters. If you’re feeling too tired to read this book, here is my quick guide to get quality sleep.
10. High Output Management
Andy Grove, former CEO of Intel, wrote this excellent reference for managing others. Whether you run a business or just run your family, you’ll find simple yet powerful advice that works to improve productivity, enhance your decision-making skills and prioritize what’s most important.
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Robert Chen
Robert Chen is the founder of Embrace Possibility and author of The Dreams to Reality Fieldbook. He helps people who feel stuck move forward by guiding them to see other possibilities for their lives. He specializes in working with high performers get to the next level. If you’re going through a tough time right now, check out Robert’s article on How to Feel Better Right Away and if you’re having trouble getting what you want out of life, check out How to Always Achieve Your Goals.
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