fciwomenswrestling.com article, unsplash.com pexels.com photo
An emotional comfort zone can be like relaxing on vacation, lying in a warm furry bed by the fireplace with an expansive window view while the temperature outside is plummeting and there are mystical snow flurries.

Did we also mention there are refreshments on your food tray?
It would be easy to stay there for the duration of your sojourn but as a result look what you would miss out on.
Part of the purpose of your getaway is to relax but isn’t part of it to explore new things? Meet new people? See new sites? Enjoy new restaurants? Try new activities?
Yes, staying in your comfort zone is well……comforting, but if you are not careful, life will pass you buy.
In a December 2015 article at psychologytoday.com they explore this potential honey trap. “Each of us has our own “comfort zone” which, more than an actual place, is a psychological/emotional/ behavioral construct that defines the routine of our daily life. Being in one’s comfort zone implies familiarity, safety, and security.
Creating a comfort zone is a healthy adaptation for much of our lives. But so is stepping out of our comfort zone when it’s time to transition, grow, and transform.
But experiencing a little stress and anxiety now and then is a good thing, too. If all you ever do is strive to stay wrapped up in your little cocoon, keeping warm and cozy, you may be missing out on quite a lot—maybe no new experiences, no challenges, and no risks. And looking at the bigger picture of life, if you can’t step out of your comfort zone you may experience difficulty making change or transitioning, growing, and ultimately, transforming; in other words, all those things that define who you are and give your life personal meaning.”
Our competitive female grappling industry is a very fascinating place.
You already know that and isn’t that the very reason that you are here?

What we love about the Fem Competitors in our magical world is that most don’t work 9-5 jobs, they are counter culture, travel the world and above all, are willing to try new things.
Here are three beautiful girls who have done just that.
Located in Glasgow Scotland, Ashley is new to the mixed wrestling scene and absolutely gorgeous.
Those powerful, thick feminine thighs are to die for.
She smiles, “I am a strong and determined wrestler who genuinely enjoys mixed wrestling sessions. I love what I do and hope you will too. I have a fully matted room with plenty of parking space in Glasgow. I am available most afternoons and weekends/just contact for more info.”
You can contact her at ashleywrestler@gmail.com
We now travel to the scenic Czech Republic to visit the industry leading video producer in Fight Pulse where they team with a sensuous young woman who is willing to give wrestling a try.

The producer enlightens, “Chrissy Fox is a talented young lady who joined our team in September, 2016. She has no professional sports background but is naturally athletic and strong. She displayed great understanding of wrestling in her first competitive female wrestling match only after one hour of practice. We are very excited about this prospect and bringing more videos with Chrissy to you.”
We travel to the wind swept elegant city of San Francisco to meet another beautiful young woman who was willing to try new things.

Poppy is a young girl from Gilroy, California who literally tried wrestling for the first time and met a journey level fighter in Kait. That took courage. It was a very energetic match that you can purchase at http://grapplingstars.com/
We would like to introduce you to a visiting speaker who relates some very insightful information on the need to try new things.
Empower Yourself to Try New Things
Are you stuck in a rut, want the courage to try new things, and don’t know how?
Contrary to what it may feel like when you are in a rut, the power lies within to make a change. Even if, you’ve been doing the same thing for your entire life and now want to go in a different direction, it’s your choice. You have the power to do what you want to do, if you are willing to take responsibility for your power or lack thereof. It’s important to try new things to have a quality of life; even if it’s just a new haircut.
Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with routine, but there is a difference between contented routine and feeling stuck in a rut. It’s all about your perception, and since the only reality is your perception, that’s what matters most. Sure, it’s okay to consider how your choices affect others, but that doesn’t mean you should not make a change. Just give any change some serious thought by weighing the options and determining how it impacts you and them before you choose. Once you choose stick to it. Too often people let others dissuade them from making change they know is right for them.
One thing that can help you know it’s okay to try new things is to realize that the happier you are in your life, the happier others will be around you. If you’re feeling stuck, and out of sorts, and even miserable, the misery will rub off on others. It’s best to figure out how to add newness to your life, restore your passion, and live your true purpose and aim.

Fear of change can be traced to fear of death, harm, or some sort of pain that is “death like.” If you can rationalize that you’re not likely to die from one of the changes you want to make, and you’re not likely to be harmed or experience pain that you cannot handle, you may be able to get to a place of empowerment. No one said it would be easy, but change begins by learning how think about something newly.
Remember, that most change will bring joy into your life — eventually. How many times have you tried something new that wasn’t that great, but it led to something else wonderful and awesome in your life? How many people have taken a leap of faith toward something new and now cannot imagine their life back the old way? Most successful people, if you ask them right now if they’d change anything they’ve ever done in their life, they’ll say no. Even if the things they’ve gone through are horrific. They know there is a lesson in everything to help you learn and grow.
So, take the leap, start small, and before you know it, change will be your friend.
Award winning author, Debra J. Slover’s leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years. Her website is http://www.leadershipgardenlegacy.com
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Debra_J._Slover/567972
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