fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
Through the school of hard knocks and ego deflation, many of us learn that simple is truly better.
I like Kim-Ly’s wrestling style. It’s simple.
I’m gonna kick your butt simple.
She relentlessly stalks you, comes in closer and closer and closer and then pounces! Please don’t take my word for it. Just ask Nina, Tessa, Luisa, Monique, Jenny, Pia, Elise, Anni and Mary Ann. They are all on her combative resume and had a taste of Kim’s powerful leg scissors. They are the newer DWW generation who had better study some time tested methodologies when it comes to escaping Kim-Ly’s thigh crushes.
Talk about a school girl crush with repercussions.
You can purchase Kim-Ly’s matches at DWW galaxy.com and since she continues to compete, the site Fighting Dolls as well.

Her fans, reviewers and former teammates have very simple and respectful things to say about her. The one comment that stands out the most is that so many of the girls are afraid of her.
To describe Kim-Ly’s arsenal now becomes a more involved discussion.
She has a background in Thai boxing and Latin Ballroom Dancing which at first glance may not seem to complement each other but in terms of thigh strength, they do. What is also noticeable about Kim is how strikingly beautiful she is and she truly does remind you of a sly fox as she circles her prey.
There are many comments at their site by the DWW management but here is the one that seems to, well simplify things.
“Kim-Ly is much younger than Nina and she’s more inexperienced, however, she’s brutal and very muscular and strong and the scissors of the Thai boxer and ballroom dancer are extremely dangerous. Her thighs are all muscle!”
There are two important thoughts to expand on based upon that comment. The first agrees with what Female Competition International has been saying all along. Women wrestlers come from all walks of life and varied interests, especially the newer generation of global grapplers. They have virtually all attended or graduated from college but it is their hobbies and important side interests that are so intriguing.
I am a former top amateur tennis player and in the city where I played and like a carpet bagger I would travel from club to club, park to park and to public courts everywhere. For me tennis was mentally a very complex and demanding game but the style of play is fairly simple.
You are either a net rusher or a baseliner. That’s about it.
When I look at Kim-Ly’s intriguing sport of interest, Ballroom Dancing, after watching several movies and hearing the song over and over in each one entitled Shall We Dance…boom, boom…boom; I thought I knew a lot about the activity. Though often difficult to execute, it seemed like the moves were pretty much the same.
After studying Kim’s wrestling and researching Ballroom Dancing, nothing could be further from the truth. It is as complex a sport as it is varied.
Since we are here, shall we dance and take a closer look?
The energetic site www.dance-brookfield.com informs us of the myriad of styles and disciplines.
There is the American Smooth / International Standard Dances, Slow Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Quickstep, Viennese Waltz, American Rhythm / International Latin Dances, Cha Cha, Rumba, Swing, The Swing, Mambo/Salsa, Merengue, Hustle, Bolero, Paso Doble and Samba to get us started.
Whew, I’m getting tired already. Do you mind if I tap Kim-Ly’s partner on the shoulder and dance with her while we get a breakdown on a few of the styles?
The oldest dance is the Waltz which was the only dance to survive the Ragtime Revolution of the 1900’s. The Waltz is danced to a three count, and is one of the most graceful, magnificent and elegant dances of all time.
The Foxtrot is another extremely important Ballroom dance. The Foxtrot moves smoothly across the floor, and is typically danced to Big Band or Jazz music so it tends to be popular at weddings or on a cruise.
Most likely the movie favorite is the passionate and dramatic Tango which made its first appearance in 1910. This highly stylized ballroom dance has been popularized in many Hollywood films.
The fast paced site www.justdanceballroom.com enlightens, “There are two main styles of ballroom dancing — American and International. American style is danced primarily in the USA. It’s also not as standardized as International style, which is danced and known worldwide. Here in the USA, American style is practiced more for social dancing while International style is primarily seen in competitions. People will dance either American or International style socially, and competitions may include both styles.”
As usual Wikipedia has a way of simplifying things for us simple folks. “Ballroom dance may refer, at its widest definition, to almost any type of partner dancing as recreation. However, with the emergence of dancesport in modern times, the term has become narrower in scope, and traditionally refers to the five International Standard and five International Latin style dances.
The two styles, while differing in technique, rhythm and costumes, exemplify core elements of ballroom dancing such as control and cohesiveness. Developed in England, the two styles are now regulated by the World Dance Council (WDC). In the United States, two additional variations are popular: American Smooth and American Rhythm, which combine elements of both traditional Latin and Ballroom dances.
Competitions, sometimes referred to as Dancesport, range from world championships, regulated by the World Dance Council (WDC), to less advanced dancers at various proficiency levels. Most competitions are divided into professional and amateur, though in the USA pro-am competitions typically accompany professional competitions. The International Olympic Committee now recognizes competitive ballroom dance.”
Trust me, this was the brief version. If we were to read the details of each dance type it would take up at least 2,000 words. We certainly thank Kim-Ly for stimulating our interests.
It’s easy to be interested in her as a wrestler. She has a sly sense of humor and in the new DWW world they are allowed to be more open in their verbal gamesmanship. Kim-Ly can wryly smile and banter with the best of them.
What you’ll love about Kim-Ly’s matches is that they are intense and if her opponent doesn’t bring their “A” game, Kim will show no mercy and completely dominate them. I saw some match scores of 9-0 and even 13-0. Ouch.
The great news for fans is that Kim-Ly is young and loves to wrestle. Her competitive future looks bright and when you are as beautiful as Kim-Ly, appearing like you just auditioned for a James Bond movie and won, it’s as though the sun is shining every day.
So, here is some very simple and uncomplicated advice.
Watch Kim-Ly wrestle and be simply amazed.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, www.justdanceballroom.com, dwwgalaxy.com, www.dance-brookfield.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.