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Born in French Algeria in 1941, Pierre Dukan, a French medical doctor and nutritionist, and the creator of the famous Dukan Diet was quoted as saying, “I think it’s better to be a woman with some curves. It’s more natural.”
Naturally I completely agree with him. That’s why when I relive the wonderful memory of DWW’s Ilona; it takes me on a scenic drive filled with curves and exotic beauty.

I would say I’m voluptuous. Statuesque. Definitely curvaceous….Queen Latifah
Ilona’s name means shining bright or bright light and that’s what she certainly did when she competed in the early 2000’s at the Danube fort. The smooth naming site sheknows.com adds, “People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.
They also have a need for harmony and balance in their lives, and respond positively to beautiful things.”
The DWW leadership explains why they found Ilona to be a highly sought after prize. “The popularity of DWW-76 led us to put together more matches between big and strong women. In addition to Czech girls Ilona and Jana we have a great new find in Eva who is a very beautiful, powerfully built, strong and deadly. These are round robin matches with clear winners and losers. The final match to determine the winner of the tournament was an epic battle and we had to exceed the time limit to get the final submission.”
Having seen many of Ilona’s matches I can say that while she wasn’t the top fighter, she was always in the fight and never gave up. Clearly the French doctor and I are not alone in our love for shapely women.
Here is the description against sexy Gaby. “Gabby vs llona – It’s quite obvious that these girls have thighs of steel as their moans and groans will attest. This is a very hard-fought match but with a clear and decisive winner with three powerful body scissors, 3~0. The match lasts 10 minutes.”
Personally, I’ve always loved the curvy look.…..Kim Kardashian
The DWW Management continues, “We had a lot of requests to have a tournament between heavier but fit girls. There you have it! Hungarian Loren and Czech girls Ilona, Martina, Marketa and European Championship cyclist Jana with incredible thighs took to the mat in this elimination style tournament.”
Focusing on another Ilona match they excitedly express, “A battle between strong BSA girl Viktoria and Ilona from our 1997 summer event. Both girls were egged on by their friends and the atmosphere soon became thrilling and extremely challenging. They literally fought to a finish. A tape you shouldn’t miss if you like big beautiful women.”
In watching her perform, she had a sweet, feminine persona. She loved the ground wars and excelled at long struggles and fights to the finish. As of this June 2015, it’s been well over a decade since I laid eyes on her so it’s good to remember what I felt when I did.
Her signature match was when she faced a new Petra, now a DWW legend. Brand new to the game, unfortunately for Petra she had injured her ribs early and was reduced to tears when she had to withdraw in her match with Ilona.
Ilona was shapely but very athletic. Her hobbies included a love of hand ball, submission wrestling and all kinds of sports. Her taste buds find chicken and orange juice delightful. Her favorite actor is one of mine as well in the American star Richard Gere.
Demonstrating that female wrestlers emanate from all parts of respectable society, Ilona’s occupation is that of a nurse.
This brings us to the subject of healthy eating in Ilona’s home country, the Czech Republic. What is the health food culture like there? Can you find many restaurants that will cater to those needs?
The informative site euromonitor.com relays, “Health and wellness performed well in the Czech Republic in 2014 and registered similar current retail value growth to 2013. Fortified/functional beverages and organic beverages performed best in retail value terms within HW beverages during 2014, as Czech consumers continue to seek added value in beverages. Growth in organic beverages resulted from increasing prices of organic hot drinks during 2014. Within HW packaged food fortified/functional and naturally healthy packaged food achieve the fastest retail value increase.
Consumption of health and wellness products is projected to register steady retail value growth over the forecast period at constant 2014 prices. The health and wellness trend is expected to continue and fuel consumption of HW packaged food products and beverages. Organic HW and fortified/functional HW group are predicted to perform the best over the forecast period as Czech consumers will focus on added value; naturally healthy products will follow.”
Very good. So in terms of their eating habits, the Czech population is on the right track.
The government site www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov speaks to the benefits of those changing eating habits. “Life expectancy at birth in the Czech Republic is continuously increasing, having reached 77.2 in 2009.”
So far so good. Hmm. Where can we get some good healthy food where we can sit down and dine?
A great review site www.10best.com will help us out. “Being a vegetarian in Prague is not as impossible as you might think when you see the meat-filled menus. Almost all restaurants offer at least a couple of vegetarian dishes from smazeny syr, fried cheese, to sopsky salad, Greek salad. If you find yourself in an all meat restaurant, and there are many of these in Prague, simply order two or three side dishes. You will find a staggering number of potato dishes and some vegetables like broccoli, mixed vegetables and fried cauliflower. The good news is that finding a vegetarian restaurant in Prague is becoming less of a headache these days.
Lehka Hlava in Stare Mesto neighborhood is both tearoom and restaurant and immensely popular. The menu is 100% vegetarian and bursts with authentic flavors. The best spot to sample Vietnamese and Chinese dishes is Vegetka. You will keep coming back because their fried noodles are the best in town. Are you craving for Indian curries, samosas or pakoras? The best place to soak up truly Indian atmosphere is in Dhaba Beas. All dishes burst with flavor, coriander, cardamom and ginger. Ceska Hospoda na Vinohradech in the Vinohrady neighborhood is popular at lunch time when both vegetarians and meat-lovers come to savor authentic Czech cuisine.”
I’m getting hungry. Aren’t you? I wish we could hang out at one of the above restaurants, have a natural drink and some fantastic natural foods. A fan review from a nice travel site ricksteves.com sums it up well.
“Don’t worry about the food. I travel every year to Czech Republic eating gluten free and no mammals with very little issue any town I’m in. Czechs are becoming more concerned about their health and eating more veggies and salads. You will see there are also fish items on many menus as well. And you can substitute rice for potatoes in some places. I would say Hungary would be no problem either. There are many nice places to eat in Budapest. RS has a menu translator in his book to help you out with your choices. Make sure to avoid items that say smažený (fried).”
Nothing like a healthy choice.
I loved revisiting Ilona’s sexy, shapely memory. She was blessed with dark hair, an erotic curvy body and a passion for wrestling other women. What more can you ask for?
Her internal light shined bright and as a fan you could feel its glow. It’s beautiful, sweet exotic girls like Ilona that encourage us to build written monuments to women’s submission wrestling.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, WB270.com, dwwgalaxy.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.