fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
The job duties of a Media Assistant has certainly changed over the decades from when looking pretty with a big smile, serving the boss coffee and knowing how to use the Xerox machine were high on the qualifications list.
Today’s Media Assistant plies his or her trade in a far more complex electronic environment.
Our DWW intelligent beauty Christine shows her last listed occupation as a Media Assistant. Browsing the online job boards yields a view of the duties of what a current Media Assistant must know and perform.

- Supports marketing operations by compiling, formatting, and reporting information and materials for the sales & marketing teams.
- Building prospect lists utilizing LinkedIn and other social platforms while maintaining and organizing data in CRM and tools like Hubspot.
- Assisting in building marketing email campaigns.
- Utilizing tools like SEM Rush, Hubspot, and others to research and define prospecting opportunities.
- Research target prospect industry changes, positional movement, and topical content to be used as collateral in outreach efforts.
- Contribute content for our blog both as a writer and editor.
What We’re Looking For
- Computer and application proficient MAC/PC, MS office suite, HTML, basic image software, Adobe tools
- Analytical mind to understand, parse and interrupt datasets
- Basic word press skills to build, edit and maintain content on the web
- Impeccable communications skills is a must for this candidate
- A profession and active social presence should be evident
- Basic data entry skills in excel and importing knowledge is also required.
- This internship is part time up to 32 hrs. a week
Wouldn’t you agree that the job is far more involved than before?
Interestingly, consistent with what we’ve often seen as well is that many companies want a person to work almost full time hours, here 32, but make no mention of medical, dental and vision benefits.
Fortunately this company does offer this as a full time salaried position with full health benefits, flexible PTO plans and 401K.
Welcome to the modern world.
DWW’s Christine is very reflective of the modern world.
Her lifestyle hobbies include spending time with her dog, running, cycling, body building, fitness training and yes, internet surfing.
A cosmopolitan girl; she loves Thai food, watching film music by the masterful music master Sting and swilling some Scotch Whiskey from time to time.
Her wrestling at DWW is also a study in contrasts with most.
She doesn’t care for the violent matches so you will never see her in any cat fights or tough grueling knock down drag out affairs. She certainly made an impression on the DWW leadership.
Regarding the girl next door wrestling genre, “But for me, it’s more of the magical, complex, unique and gorgeous nature of women; and the fact that they will compete erotically, well that’s just . . . absolutely wonderful. And for me, there is one girl that sits atop the pile as it were, normally knocking seven bells out of whoever’s underneath it must be said, and that is Budapest’s Princess, CHRISTINE. Under skillful guidance of GR and Peter, we’ve witnessed some amazing stuff. This fabulous girl has been a corner stone of this type of wrestling competition at DWW for some years now.”
According to the informative naming site sheknows.com, a person with the name Christine have a deep inner desire for travel and adventure, and want to set their own pace in life without being governed by tradition. They desire harmony and balance in their lives, and respond positively to beautiful things.”
That definitely describes Christine.
Christine is from Hungary.
FCI has electronically traveled there many times before but each competitor has a new story to tell so we will travel there once more for the basics.
Hungary is a land locked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The country’s capital and largest city is Budapest. Hungary is a member of the European Union, NATO, the OECD, the Visegrád Group, and the Schengen Area. The official language is Hungarian, which is the most widely spoken non-Indo-European language in Europe.
Since we have written so many stories about DWW’s beautiful Hungarian grapplers, it’s easy to fall in love with the architecture, culture and mindset of Budapest. It’s also too easy to color them progressive in all aspects of Hungarian life.
Is that the case?
Since we have been reflecting on the position of a Media Assistant, if I were to ask you on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best; based upon what you know, how free would you say the Hungarian Press is?
According to a September 2014 article published in the New York Times, “The European Union faces a challenging conundrum. While Hungary has embarked on building Europe’s most controlled media system, the European Commission just agreed in August to provide the country with nearly 22 billion euros of economic assistance.
Hungary has become a disturbing example of how a political elite can roll back democracy, even in the heart of Europe. Leveraging an electorally successful right-wing populism, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has staged an autocratic crackdown on the nation’s press, which the independent watchdog Freedom House now ranks as only “partly free.”
The writer Philip N. Howard concludes, “Media, information and telecommunications policies have an impact on all other policies. Media pluralism keeps democracies working. That’s something any European policy maker will say and every journalist will print. But a regime as tough on the media as this one should not receive such generous and unconditional support. Europe should not be financing a government that is undermining one of the cornerstones of democracy.”
President of National Media and Infocommunications Authority. Szalai Annamária
Another respected news source freedomhouse.org states, “Hungary’s constitution protects freedom of speech and of the press, but complex and extensive media legislation adopted in 2010 is widely seen as undermining these guarantees. A ruling by the Constitutional Court in December 2011 and amendments adopted during 2011 and 2012 to meet objections from the European Commission did little to limit the power of a new media regulation authority, which is currently controlled by the ruling Fidesz party.”
Another established news source www.opendemocracy.net expresses their thoughts through the writer Diane Shnier in August of 2014, in very cautionary tones. “The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, sent a frisson across the EU with his boast last weekend that he is building a “non-liberal” state, like in China, Russia or Turkey, free of “western European dogma”—but then his steady destruction of liberty in Hungary has gone largely unchallenged.
“Soft censorship“, including actions such as quiet dismissals, punitive tax laws, denied radio frequencies and abuse of privacy legislation, is arguably the most worrisome type. It creeps and grows in small increments and therefore often goes unnoticed until it has become institutionalized, at which point it is difficult to reverse. Over the past four years, Hungary has seen dozens of small, and not so small, encroachments on the right to free expression. Taken en masse, certain developments in Hungary indicate a clear trajectory towards authoritarian regulation of the media, and the situation is becoming increasingly dire.”
This subject no doubt is something for all of us who believe in a free press to follow.
Thank you Christine for awakening our media senses with your career pursuit.
Watching Christine wrestle is an exercise in joy especially if you like the girl next door type.
Her friends at DWW surmise their experience with her well.
“Christine is enchanting, sensual and gorgeous and should be in the DWW Hall of Fame forever. She’s so alive with charisma, charm and sexual energy. We are so fortunate to have witnessed such a beautifully wicked person at work. Does she ever have a story to tell? She moves me and obviously most of those who take her on with her wit, humor and sheer radiance; that smile, those kisses – I can’t wait to see her again.”
Ditto and Xerox too.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, dwwgalaxy.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.