fciwomenswrestling.com article, dwwgalaxyphoto
Andrea N, of DWW fame has a name associated with greatness.
Here are a few people that possess her name.
Andrea Jeremiah is an Indian film actress, playback singer, dancer, music composer, model and voice actress from Chennai, a multi-talented personality who works mainly in the Tamil film industry.
Andrea Bocelli was born on September 22, 1958 in Lajatico, Tuscany, Italy.
As a child, he learned to play the piano, flute and saxophone exceptionally well. Visually impaired from birth, Mr. Bocelli became blind at the age of 12 following a soccer injury. His 1995 album Bocelli did very well in Europe and 1999’s Sogno became an international hit. He remains one of the world’s most popular singers today.
You see, Andrea is as popular a girl’s name as it is for men. In fact the name Andrea has good qualities traditionally associated with men, such as courage and strength.
A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done.……..Marge Piercy
The Greek and American name meaning is Manly.
The great naming site sheknows.com takes us more in depth. “People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths. People with this name are excellent at analyzing, understanding, and learning. They tend to be mystics, philosophers, scholars, and teachers. Because they live so much in the mind, they tend to be quiet and introspective, and are usually introverts. When presented with issues, they will see the larger picture. Their solitary thoughtfulness and analysis of people and world events may make them seem aloof, and sometimes even melancholy.”

Andrea’s resume at DWW is enough to make all of us feel melancholy. She battled Monika N, Denise, Scharka, Irene, Clara, Linda and Tiffany.
Her most erotic match was an all-out tussle with Monika on the grass.
Here is the match review. “Two muscular and athletic women in a garden match on the grass. There are some great female muscles visible plus a lot of cruel scissors and dominant face sit pins. If you like wet bodies, female muscles, a match between an older and a younger woman, plus natural grass wrestling than you should definitely add this match to your collection.”
Her signature moral victory was when she tested the formidable DWW Warrior Denise and grappled to a 3-3 tie. The difficulty of that is not to be under estimated.
When Iva’s beautiful blonde sister Irene wanted to compete against the big girls, Andrea destroyed her with a number of painful body scissors.
Like many modern female wrestlers, Andrea lives a varied and fascinating life. She’s a married woman who enjoys spaghetti, wine, rock and pop music, swimming and snow skiing.
She comes from a great country for that.
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the northwest and west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the northeast. Prague, the capital, is the largest city, with 1.3 million residents. The Czech Republic includes the historical territories of Bohemia and Moravia, and Czech Silesia.
We think you know what time it is. It’s time to travel to the Czech Republic with skis in tow. What are a few of the great ski resorts in the Czech Republic?
The great Czech tourism site czechtourism.com gives us some warm gloves to get us started. “Just as France has its Chamonix and the United States its Aspen, the Czech Republic has Špindlerův Mlýn.
If you visit the most famous Czech mountain resort you will find 25 kilometres of groomed ski slopes, 3 snow parks, a U-ramp, 5 chairlifts, 11 ski lifts, 2 children’s parks and 85 kilometres of cross-country trails – all with excellent service. Simply choose one of the five ski areas and enjoy your winter holidays in one of the most beautiful parts of the highest Czech mountains. So, up the slope!”
The informative publication snowell.com swells, “The Czech Republic has much to offer for winter sports enthusiasts. Surrounded by mountain rangers, the high plateaus of the interior offer perfect conditions for skiers, cross-country skiers, and snowboarders and for trend sports like snow kiting. Perfectly groomed runs for beginners and advanced skiers, many kilometers of cross-country ski slopes, spectacular fun parks for snowboard cracks and ski jumping hills offer an ideal infrastructure for international competitions”
An independent source, from the United Kingdom, theguardian.com shivers with excitement. “Nowhere does anyone look after shocking skiers and very poorly dressed tourists better than the Czechs. More often than not “relentlessly incompetent” skiers such as the mayor of London, and myself, are ignored by the mainstream ski destinations. The opposite is the case in the republic, which, as one of its winter activities brochures proudly proclaims, “Offers numerous ravishing sceneries” where “you can enjoy the nature while struggling to ski”.
It openly vaunts itself as the ideal place for “not very capable skiers”, and is also something of a bargain.
You can ski in several places within a few hours of Prague. All are accessible, if pretty unpronounceable. There is Beskydy in Moravia on the Slovak and Polish borders. Pustevny, Jeseníky and Cervenohorské sedlo are popular resorts with well-maintained routes and drag lifts. Rícky and Deštné are the places to go in the Orlické hory (Eagle Mountains). Liberec-Jizera, home of the country’s longest cross-country ski race, is also the place for sledging and tobogganing.
Sumava may be the largest and best-equipped Czech ski area of all, boasting centers such as Zelezna Ruda-Spícák, Vrchlabí, Harrachov and Pec pod Snežkou. But perhaps the most picturesque and characterful is Boží Dar, which translates as “God’s Gift”.
About an hour’s drive from Prague behind sputtering Skodas, Boží Dar is right on the German border and therefore the most westerly of all the Czech ski centers. It costs about £5 a day to ski and there are no queues because there are few skiers and plenty of open spaces. The two main hotels are the Santa Anna (hotel-anna.cz, doubles in winter from 1,600 Czech korunas – around £50) and the Zeleny Dum (hotel-zelenydum.cz doubles from around £40).
Bohemia, the western two-thirds of the country, is like Bulgaria before Crystal Holidays arrived. The mountains are totally rep-less. The skiing is easy, therefore relaxing and exhilarating. The snow cover is not deep, so you don’t spend all day trying to find your skis if you fall.”
Sounds like fun! Even I think I could try that.
Watching Andrea compete left me shivering all over with excitement. It’s worth visiting dwwgalaxy.com to try and purchase her matches before they are permanently off market.
Courageous, strong, determined, athletic, beautiful and a great mom too; Andrea exemplifies the global spirit of the unforgettable Fem Competitor.
Andrea relaxing with Antonia

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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.