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Los Angeles and its glorious suburbs are always the place to find the new it thing, the magical mind blowing new actress on the rise, the latest fitness trend and female submission wrestlers that you must spot on your radar.
We would like for you to meet two of them.
The ones that need to be on your submission wrestling radar, that is.
Courtney is her name and knocking your block off is her game.
Courtney can box, wrestle and certainly speak for herself, so why don’t we let her do that.
“I am a competitive MMA fighter, boxer, coach, personal trainer and nutrition specialist. I have begun to specialize in competitive and semi-competitive boxing session and also one sided beat downs with real skill behind it!
I have access to a private indoor ring in the Canoga Park, California area for sessions.
Please use my email for the quickest response.” CourtneyFights@yahoo.com
Thanks Courtney.
Hmm, a ring in Canoga Park? Sounds very familiar. Ah brings back memories. That is where this writer shot his first video matches that were his own.
Yes we are speaking of the industry loved Hit The Mat (HTM), run by two gentlemen who are very down to earth, customer service friendly, and fun to work with.
No wonder Courtney enjoys working with them.
Have you ever been to Canoga Park?
Here is a brief description.
Canoga Park is a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California, United States. Its 60,000+ residents are considered to be “highly diverse” ethnically. Before the Mexican War the district was part of a rancho, and after the American victory it was converted into wheat farms and then subdivided, with part of it named Owensmouth as a town founded in 1912. It joined Los Angeles in 1917 and was renamed Canoga Park on March 1, 1931, thanks to the efforts of local prominent civic leader Mary Logan Orcutt.
Thanks Wikipedia.
When I traveled there it was sunny and warm, very fall like weather and really family friendly. And the food on the grill was to die for.
The local park was filled with people enjoying great smelling food, their family and friends.
Darrius from HTM, Samantha Grace, her photographer family member and myself had lunch at a fantastic greasy spoon Mexican restaurant where we had to go for seconds. It was that good.
So if you decide to have a session with Courtney, you find plenty of places to relax and eat well in Canoga Park.
Courtney is a good wrestler too.
She had better be if she is going to take on former WWE Star and female submission wrestling legend Jennifer Thomas.
Here is the description found at Hit The Mat website.
“There’s a new tight bodied muscle girl in town! Resident power wrestler Jennifer Thomas interrogates the newcomer Courtney in the ring, and the dark haired beauty is quite disrespectful. Jennifer is going to put her through the paces and see if Courtney has what it takes to be a wrestler in the business. Two strong and fit girls grappling in the ring!”
Okay, so this pretty girl is pretty tough since she can both box and wrestle.
Be nice. Remember that and have a lot of fun wrestling with her.
Are you ready to meet another tender but tough Los Angeles cutie?
She’s a real jewel and she would like to meet you.
Her name is…..well, Jewel.
“I have played sports all my life since child hood (Soccer, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, you name it!) and at the age of 14 years old began to lift weights.
I have always been strong for my size and later down the road became a personal trainer (which I still am today).
A few years ago I stumbled across the world of Powerlifting, with which I had a small love affair with.
I competed in Powerlifting and was quite good at it.
The first ever competition that I did was the California State Championships were I won the “Push & Pull” event (Bench & Deadlift), which qualified me to compete at the US Nationals the next weekend, where I won that too becoming National Champion and was then invited to represent the USA at the World Championships!!
However, since they were in Prague (Czechoslovakia) I was unable to go. And the following year I was once again invited to the world Championships for Deadlift Only. Since then 2014 I have retired from Powerlifting as I am good with all the records and Titles that I have.
Since I no longer powerlift, I am now quite a bit smaller….Back then I was up to 170 lbs. on my 5’6″ frame was a lot to lug around, but now I am usually around 140-145 lbs. and feel a lot better! LOL! These days I just lift weights to stay in shape, and I dabble in boxing, wrestling (for fantasy) and dabble in arm wrestling. I love learning all kinds of new and fun things!
Hope that this gives you a little bit of a background on me! ) And I look forward to sessions with you soon!”
Sounds like a very nice lady.
Sounds like a great opportunity for you.
Here is her email: gemmadoll21@gmail.com
Thanks much Jewel.
So what is power lifting anyway?
Power lifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift.
As in the sport of Olympic weightlifting, it involves lifting weights in three attempts. Powerlifting evolved from a sport known as “odd lifts”, which followed the same three-attempt format but used a wider variety of events, akin to strongman competition. Eventually odd lifts became standardized to the current three.
In competition, lifts may be performed equipped or un-equipped (typically referred to as ‘raw’ lifting or ‘classic’ in the IPF specifically). Equipment in this context refers to a supportive bench shirt or squat/deadlift suit or briefs.
Very good.
So we have a boxer and power lifter to lift your spirits.
They are diamonds and are rough.
Think about it?
Power lifting, wrestling and boxing on the same day with two gorgeous women and afterwards a sumptuous meal in Canoga Park.
Maybe it will be the new “it” trend in Los Angeles.
~ ~ ~
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons and WB270.