fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
What do you say unique regarding someone who has been written about and profiled almost as much any Southern California Movie Star Vixen at the top of her game? Challenging to be sure. So what do you do that’s unique?
Go by memory.
It is the one thing unique to you that no one except for Lieutenant Columbo can question and effectively tear apart.
Always remembered and forever respected, the master sleuth is no longer here. My memory should be safe from the challenge flag.
She was standing there at Jackpins 2008 Women’s Wrestling Convention. I stood with a crowd of fans nearby. At Jack’s convention it was more like a high school or family reunion where you could stand shoulder to shoulder with the stars and easily mingle with them.
I quietly watched Christie at a safe distance.

She stood there in a light colored sun dress near Jack sipping on a tall cool drink in a plastic cup. She didn’t look like the glittering larger than life star that I had been so used to seeing engage in acrobatics, acting and controlled rage in the lady pro ring wars. She looked like a neighbor. Not just any neighbor. I’m from Bryan, College Station Texas. Aggie Land. She’s from Mississippi.
Southern neighbors.
You can imagine my delight when it was announced she would battle the then rising star but little heard of Frankie Zappitelli. This was not going to be like the scripted encounters that the two would engage in later as friends. Nor would it be like their other convention matches.
Frankie had easily dispatched of the inexperienced version of Jackson from Sleeperkid and FWA fame. On Sunday morning she would also completely dominate a slender, sexy mature blonde named Tweety who had no connection to the famous Wrestling Tweety, though there was some similarity in looks. Frankie would lose to Virago star Grace, but that was to be expected. Still Frankie was a hot commodity having defeated Adrenelyn at a previous smaller event.
Christie was very famous but in the fully competitive female submission world, in terms of future results, that was a non-factor. I’ve seen at least three former lady pros try their hand at the submission game, two who were “Champions” (yes mild sarcasm) in the ring world. Champion and Chumpion; all three lady pros got completely destroyed by mid-level fighters in the non-scripted mat wars.
Sooooooo, I thought this was going to be Christie’s turn.
The match between the two was intense. The signature match of the convention by far. It was a struggle to exact a submission. Though we both liked Christie, a friend and I were encouraging Frankie since previous to the match we had engaged in comfortable conversation with her. Frankie had Christie at least twice in a position to close. Once Christie turned the tables, it was over.
I was deeply impressed.
So was Femwin the FVF wrestling industry leader who shot and produced her matches there. They express, “A well-known pro-wrestler, incredibly from the beauty pageant world, and now Christie Ricci’s forcing “real” submissions, and lots of them! She’s a very good wrestler, FOR REAL, and looks incredible doing it!”
Like most of us, if you are a Christie Ricci fan, you’ll know that she’s a mom, was trained by Leilani Kai, possesses a college degree and was a champion lady pro in many venues.
Let’s perhaps venture down another pathway before I close with her refreshing persona in what is often a tricky area.
At Female Competition International, as much as we like to inform and at times entertain, we also strive to globe trot with our readers since according to research; so many young people have a limited knowledge of our world and the people in it. Womens Wrestling is a great industry filled with stars like Christie who travel the globe.
Today, let’s travel to Christie’s home town of Clinton, Mississippi. Before we start please name three things about it?
That’s what I thought. So, here goes.
The official city site www.clintonms.org reels us in with a wonderful theme. “There are places you live, places you long for, and places you love. But we’re all looking for a place we can be a part of – a place where we can be ourselves and belong. For families, we hope you’ll instantly (or close to it) feel a sense of connection and camaraderie in Clinton that you haven’t felt elsewhere.”
That felt very good.
Let’s aim for more structure. Wikipedia is always exceptional for that. They express in a soft southern tone, “Clinton is a city in Hinds County, Mississippi, United States. Situated in the Jackson metropolitan area, it is the tenth largest city in Mississippi. The population was 25,216 at the 2010 United States Census.”
Having been a Job Coach in the Special Needs world for about a year, an experience that was very revealing, enlightening and not remotely what I thought it would be; I appreciate the following news items that smiles out of Clinton on January 9, 2015 as printed in the local newspaper at ClintonNews.com.
“Lauren Compere is competing for a national beauty title in July, and like every beauty queen, she’s done a lot to get there. But unlike every beauty queen, Compere has been in a wheelchair all her life.
Compere, a student at Mississippi College, ended up in the Miss Wheelchair Mississippi pageant almost on a whim when her friend Rebecca Sentell asked if she wanted to compete.
Miss Wheelchair America provides an opportunity for high-achieving women who happen to be wheelchair users to educate and advocate for more than 54 million Americans living with disabilities. Judges consider achievement levels, communication skills and presentation as they evaluate candidates who could be articulate spokeswomen for the disabled.”
That was a beautiful and progressive move on the part of Clinton.
Along with the typical small town southern charm, as expressed at travel.aol.com, in Clinton you’ll find tree-shaded old brick streets, historic homes and specialty shopping in the Old Town District.
It’s easy to understand why Christie is so down to earth in how she relates to those in the industry and her fans. I’ve heard her interviews and researched her products and it all seems to be low key with a relaxed flair.
Some may think that is an easy accomplishment but fame can be a very tricky dress to wear. It is a play land filled with people who work so hard to be recognized and then wear sun glasses and hats so that they aren’t. It’s a place where so often the star wants everyone that they don’t personally want to know, get to know them from a distance.
Christie Ricci seems to have mastered many things. From product promotion to character development, parenting and educational achievements, she has done exceptionally well. But having been in the elite sports world and the multi-media industry myself for years, I truly believe one of the best accomplishments Christie has garnered and should have a trophy on her mantle for, is the ability to balance fame and humility.
~ ~ ~
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, ClintonNews.com, https://femcompetitor.com, www.clintonms.org, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Here are must see Christie Ricci sites.