grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com Cedric-Lim-Ah-Tock.
Life is full of surprises. Often said and more often than not, painfully so.
Sometimes we get a nice surprise and fortunately other times we get a beautiful surprise.
Carina, the slender sexy German brunette who wrestled at the Fighting Style Events in the mid 2000 years was a pure and precious surprise given the expectations going in and her stellar results afterwards.
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.……Buddha
So often, when a writer is researching female wrestler A, he gets a nice surprise from watching female wrestler G, because after going down the primary person of interest’s resume, as the memory fades over time, the writer forgets how good lady G was or…….. forgot about her all together.
For this writer that happened…….again…..when I revisited another wrestler’s resume and by pure chance stumbled upon how great an event Carina had.

Before you laugh at my approaching senility, regarding this German Princess, how good is your memory?
Don’t feel bad if it faded. We take in a lot of news and information over time and fortunately we are introduced to one mind blowing female grappler after another.
Perhaps we can walk back in time and remind ourselves how good Carina actually was by enjoying a synopsis by Femcompetitor Magazine focusing on some of her important matches.
2004 MATCH
The Berlin Expo was one of the best Fighting Style Events ever. When it came time for Carina to face Annette after a brief introduction the two girls began to circle one another. Carina was sporting a white top and orange sherbet shorts while shapely tanned Annette with her shy demeanor and girl next door looks, looked stunning in a red bikini.
Carina quickly seized the opportunity and encased Annette in a standing head lock and brought her sexy foe down to the ground and within seconds Annette submitted.
A little more wary now, Annette circle slowly at a distance but no matter. Carina attacked again and tapped Annette with a strong body scissors as Annette bent over her. She quickly submitted.
Annette then tried to side flip Carina who fought her off and once again had Annette down on the lime colored mats and submitted her with a body scissors. To her credit, as the match wore on, Annette became more fearless and aggressive, even rolling on the ground with Carina caught in a headlock. Kudo’s for her feisty upgrade, at one point during a break she even pushed Carina away.
It was Carina’s match to dominate.
Dressed in luxurious white, Carina immediately went on the attack against Claudia, grasping a headlock, taking her statuesque opponent down and securing the submission.
The next submission was almost a carbon copy of the first one except it took a little longer. Part of the struggle was that Claudia seemed to be getting a feel for Carina’s tactics as they grappled in front of a sizable crowd on the lime green mats in the large Dojo like facility.
Claudia soon began to turn the tables, not with head locks but with strong body scissors, lying flat on her back that were very effective in submitting Carina.
This was a fantastic match.
The surprise match for me was Carina’s joust with Wendy. Wendy had gotten exceptional results in other matches including against the formidable Karine where Wendy did very well. Here though she seemed to be no match for our dark haired princess.
Carina would also face the sexy, compact Greek muscle girl named Nadia in a fierce competition as well as the feisty German-Swiss Kahti in another rough and tumble affair. For a girl who had mostly wrestled in informal situations, Carina did extremely well in a public one with structure.
She was pure fun and very good and now time will remember her efforts.
I use the word pure often here because that is what Carina’s name means in the American, Swedish and French languages.
To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.….Buddha
The intriguing naming site sheknows.com further explains, “People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.
People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient.”
Interesting. The name displays a wide variety of qualities that would make for a great Fem Competitor.
Researching female wrestlers continues to open our minds to insights globally that we might never be educated about.
The word pure seems like a simple word but can be a very volatile one when it pertains to certain controversial subjects like genealogy, religion or sexual behavior. At Femcompetitor we love to travel and when we do, probably just like yourself, we love to eat.
The subject of purity in food in general and healthy food in particular in this time period of corporate industrial farming is less controversial but still extremely important. The health food industry in America has been well chronicled but for many of us, did you realize that a sizable population in Carina’s Germany is very passionate about eating pure foods?
The interesting and educational site ourworld.unu.edu shares, “Europe, for instance, is home to 24% of the world’s organic farmland and demand for organic food is booming. Many people, in countries like Germany, have literally become organic food-obsessed after the implementation of regulations to subsidize local and organic farming industries — an unprecedented show of state support for organic agriculture.
Today, Germany is Europe’s largest market for organic products, with a sales volume of €5.8 billion and an average growth of 15% every year.”
The group goes on to express how the shift towards an organic lifestyle fell on fertile ground in Germany because of the country’s long history of green movements and green politics.
It reports 90% of Germans say they approve of organic food and 70% state that they would not consider buying genetically-modified food.
Another informative site dw.com (not DWW), expresses, “Germany is the second biggest market for organic foods with a turnover volume of over seven billion euros,” says Hanns-Christoph Eiden, from Germany’s Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). “It’s a really important market.”
A respected authority on the subject germanfoods.org surmises, “Germany is a key player in the global organic market and also has played a pioneering role in the organic food movement from the very beginning. Today the country at the heart of Europe is well-established as a vital powerhouse of the organic world.
As a consequence, our demand for organic products continues to grow rapidly, especially in North America and Europe where organic foods have become an integral part of mainstream culture.
What Germany brings to the global table is a strong commitment to organic farming, a state-of-the-art food industry with stringent quality control systems, and a great variety of organic and natural products, from nutritious staples like organic wholegrain breads and mueslis all the way to natural snacks and organic refreshment drinks.”
Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.…….Boris Pasternak
Carina is a perfect and pure example of why so many of us love the female wrestling game.
We have beauty, tough competition, and wonderful surprises and if we keep our minds open, a global education of what’s going on in our fascinating world and the communities where these gorgeous girls come from, their inner workings and how all of us are affected.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.