fciwomenswrestling.com article, bantambagels.com photo
Double takes and staring at gorgeous women in coffee shops while pretending that you aren’t is the essence of any Hollywood movie.
These days if you quietly sit in a coffee shop and watch bright, intelligent women eating bagels while drinking coffee you too will often do a double take.
First off, they will frequently be wearing leggings. Super sexy.

Second, either women are getting a lot taller and larger or the bagels are shrinking.
Maybe both are true.
Shrinking women have been in the movies after all.
The Incredible Shrinking Woman is a 1981 American science fiction comedy film directed by Joel Schumacher (in his directing debut), written by Jane Wagner and starring Lily Tomlin, Charles Grodin, Ned Beatty, John Glover and Elizabeth Wilson. This film is a take-off on the 1957 science fiction classic film The Incredible Shrinking Man, and credited as based on Richard Matheson‘s 1956 novel.
That was science fiction. This is not.
No doubt about.
Bagels are indeed shrinking.

As reported in foodbusinessnews.net, “While many categories of the baking industry can survive consumers’ current obsession with health and others can hide safely behind their indulgence, bagels find themselves trapped in the middle.
This precarious position has the bagel field staring down flat sales, and bagel bakers looking for new ways to jump start sales momentum.
To combat this image and quiet consumers’ fears, bakers have succumbed to pressure to shrink the bagel.”
One thing that is constant about life is change.
They continue, “Despite this messaging of carbs and their satiety power, the belief persists that fewer carbs and calories pave the way to a thinner waistline, and for those consumers, thin bagels continue to dominate as an alternative to the hearty boiled bread.”
This was confirmed when watching Nick and Elyse, owners of Bantam Bagels, pitch their product on the business investment series, Shark Tank.
The bagels looked tasty but looked smaller than we are used to seeing. Now we understand why.
You can eat any bagel you want, just apparently less of it, if you want to stay healthy.
That’s good news because the bagels at Bantam Bagel look delicious.

Let’s meet them at bantambagels.com.
“Nick and Elyse, graduates from Columbia University who spent years in their fast paced jobs on Wall Street, never thought that a bagel company would be the next step. Funny as it sounds, the idea for mini stuffed bagel balls actually came to Nick in a dream. Waking up suddenly, bleary eyed and excited, Nick grabbed his phone and typed in a reminder.
The very first batch was baked a day later… and they were delicious! After hundreds of test batches made in their Brooklyn apartment, Nick and Elyse finally found the perfect recipe and the Bantam Bagel was BORN. Friends, families, and colleagues went crazy over the tasty morsels! It became clear pretty quickly that this dream was one worth pursuing.
Excited to take the leap and start their own business, Elyse and Nick traded their small apartment kitchen for their very own shop on Bleecker Street. The tough bagel critics of NYC not only accepted their new twist on the bagel, but after being open for less than a year, Bantam Bagels was named one of the top 3 Bagels by the NY Daily News!”
Very impressive and tasty.
When speaking of bagels they are so excited they want to keep talking about them.

“Sharing our bagel balls with people that have never tried them is always exciting, and sometimes even a little scary, especially if they are Sharks! We flew our bagels frozen from NYC all the way out to the Shark Tank and just had to hope they were up to the Sharks liking – luckily for us, everyone was in love! We had always dreamed of presenting our bagels to the Sharks, so it was an incredible feeling when they couldn’t get enough of our bagels. Each shark liked a different type, and Everybody’s Favorite ended up being Lori’s favorite too!
To buy the flavors that the sharks tried and loved, click here!”
Yummy, and we’re relieved. Bagels are here to stay. Only they are smaller and rounder.

They still taste great.
Okay, we are all in. We love Bantam Bagels but we also love variety.
We have a visiting writer who shares where we can get bagels on a broader scale.
The Best Bagels

As a kid in New Jersey it was tough not to consume a lot of bagels. It’s a standard in the food intake of lots of people in the Northeast. As soon as I found myself in the ninth grade, I wandered into a bagel shop and I landed my very first job. I was employed at the bagel shop for many years, and I learned a lot regarding the bagel business. When I finished high school I happened to reside in a number of different areas all over the United States Of America. It was always a point to try out bagels from all over the U.S…
One of the best things about bagels is the U.S.’s fast growing popularity of them. As I get older, and continue to travel across the country I see a lot more shops popping up. With all due respect for the big chain stores, I prefer to get bagels at a mom & pop store. Nothing can beat a fresh hot bagel which was made in the back of the shop that day.
The best way to prepare a bagel is by boiling, and then baking it in an oven. This is what I grew up on, learned in my time being employed at bagel stores, and this approach is my desired way of eating them. It is usually very easy to detect whenever a bagel is fresh, boiled and baked. Lots of people claim that they are better in New Jersey because the water. I do think there’s a little bit of weight regarding this claim, however I have discovered that when they are prepped and baked the right way, they will taste just great. The optimal combination of crunchy and chewy.
One thing that I have found over time is the shortage of seeds on bagels. It is a fairly scarce occasion when I have a plain one. Because I frequently order sesame, onion, and everything bagels I prefer them to have a lot of seeds. If you can’t taste the seed what’s the reason for ordering that kind of bagel? While I was employed at the bagel shop I would seed each side of the dough. Some of the seeds slide off when they’re flipped in the oven, but both sides should get seeds. Since they lose a lot of seeds is all the more reason to seed both sides.
A reason I enjoy bagels a whole lot is because of their adaptability. They’re just great for breakfast, or lunch, and they’re an excellent option for snacks. I really like the taste that a bagel adds to a sandwich. I also often make pizza bagels. Just cut it in two, add a little sauce and cheese on it, and pop it in the oven for a couple minutes. Very quickly you have a wonderful snack, meal or appetizer.
The wonderful thing about bagels is that they can last forever. Nothing can compare to a fresh bagel, but sometimes that’s not easy. Throughout the North East loads of shops have deals like if you buy one dozen get a 1/2 dozen free. This can often lead to a lot of left-overs. Should this happen to you simply put them in the freezer. When you want to have one all’s you need to do is microwave it for a few seconds, just so it is thawed out enough to slice. Immediately after that put it in the toaster, and you will have a good tasting bagel right from the freezer.
Bagel shops continue to grow throughout the U.S., and are rising in popularity just about everywhere. They are becoming more popular because they are to begin with, yummy. They are can also be extremely versatile. They are an excellent option for your morning meal, and are perfect for commutes. By using a bagel you can add tons of taste to sandwiches, and you could also get imaginative and make fantastic little appetizers. Check out the bagel stores in your neighborhood, and try something totally new today!
If you are interested in Starting a bagel shop [http://rlgoldbergconsulting.com/] turn to the professionals with a solid Bagel shop business plan [http://rlgoldbergconsulting.com/]. They’ll help get your business off the ground. Opening a bagel shop isn’t an easy task, but it can be with RLG Consulting.
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OPENING PHOTO CREDIT bantambagels.com photo
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