Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com,Cottonbro-pexels.com-photo-credit
January 14, 2024,
If you were completely self-aware, at one years old, and had a choice of living a long average life or an intensely short event and achievement filled one, which would you choose?
What do you think most people would say?
It depends upon who you talk to.
As usual, we like to start you off with real life stories that occurred in our circle of influence.
In past articles, FCI has often stated that our leadership was once heavily involved in an international organized religion. There we met, respectively speaking, a massive amount of people who placed their current lives on hold, kept things simple, and spent most of their time and energy trying to serve the Creator.
Even though, they never met him.
Even though, it was possible they were serving the needs of a man made corporation.
Their reasoning was, this current life is just a test and the real life will come later, in the afterlife.
Since no one actually ever met someone who was in the afterlife and came back to talk about it, their lifestyle was based upon faith that the afterlife did exist and everything would be perfect there.
The organization was filled with a substantial number of young people who stated before they joined, they had one life, often filled with immoral sex, drugs and bad behavior. Once they joined the organization their life greatly improved.
We had another associate who experienced the opposite.
When he was a teenager and his looks changed and he began to take more risks, admittedly with questionable behavior, like having a lot of girlfriends with no intention of marrying anyone, he was on top of the world and got everything he wanted.
Then, when he felt he hurt the wrong person, he felt guilty and changed his lifestyle to become pure again and feel better about himself.
The challenge he found was that by doing so, his life became very ordinary, unspectacular and women were far less attracted to him. It was like the religion reprogrammed him to become a person who was allowing life to pass him by, when it really mattered, while he was young.
He accepted a dead end job, which gave him time to participate heavily in the ministry. Instead of being extremely bold and confident, as he was as a teen, he became more passive and less confident, almost to the point that by the time he was in his late thirties, he no longer recognized who he was and didn’t like it.
That is when he decided to leave that religion and accept that he wasted his adult youth. The thought that he was not going to get into the afterlife was acceptable. He wanted to live life to the full in this life, like he did as a risk taking teen with a powerful sports car, but this time, not hurt people along the way.
That’s when he joined FCI.
If he had to do it over again, he would fall into the camp, live life to the full while you are young, even if you die early.

A thought proving episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, speaks to that.
“Tapestry” is the 15th episode of the sixth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, the 141st overall.
Here is the storyline.
During a diplomatic mission, Captain Picard is rushed to sickbay due to severe, unexpected injuries. In particular, a deadly wound to his heart.
After dying from his wounds, he awakes to find himself in an otherworldly realm, where he is greeted by the god-like alien Q.
Q greets him with, “Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc — you’re dead!” Q explains that the energy weapon that shot Picard destroyed his artificial heart, and that a natural heart would have survived the shot.
Captain Picard lost his original heart as a young officer, when he was stabbed during a bar brawl, an event he regrets.
When Picard remarks that he would do things differently if he could relive that moment, Q sends Picard back in time two days before the brawl, where he meets with fellow cadets and friends Corey Zweller and Marta Batanides.
They are surprised by Picard’s change of personality; no more devil-may-care attitude.
Similar to our associate, no more risk taking.
Cory, his best friend, is cheated by a Nausicaan at a bar game, and plans his revenge trying to rig the next match, but is prevented from rigging the table by Picard.
When the Nausicaans try to bring Cory into another game, Picard prevents it. When Cory is goaded into attacking the Nausicaans after being called a coward, Picard intervenes by holding Cory back, even pushing him down to the floor, averting tragedy but humiliating his friend.
Cory leaves him in disgust.
Marta is attracted by Picard’s unexpectedly mature behavior and has a one-night stand with him, but it complicates their friendship. Their friendship ends.
Be careful what you ask for.
Q returns Picard to the Enterprise in the present.
Instead of being the captain, Picard is a junior science officer who has led an unremarkable career doing routine work.
Picard consults Commander Riker and Counselor Troi, who explain that his aversion to risk means he has never distinguished himself.
Picard confronts Q, who tells him that although the fight with the Nausicaan nearly cost him his life, it also gave him a sense of his mortality. It taught him that life was too precious to squander by playing it safe.
Picard realizes that his attempts to suppress and ignore the consequences of his indiscretions have resulted in him losing a part of himself.
A very important part.
Like our associate found out, in emotionally devastating ways, a very important part of himself, as well.
Picard declares that he would rather die as the captain of the Enterprise than live life undistinguished.
He would rather die as the man he was, than live the life he just saw.
You see, apparently he did it right the first time. Big mistake and all.
No second chance was really needed.
How about your life? Especially if you are young?
Are you living an unremarkable life, waiting for later because later will be better? Or, are you taking risks and living the life you truly want, right now, even if you run the risk of great failure?
Which one?
We are in the camp that when you are young, take the time to find out what you really want, put the gas to the floor and live the life you really want, even if you die early.
The other camp might point to, as of this writing, the current president of the United States, in Joe Biden.
The oldest person elected president was Joe Biden, the nation’s current president, at age 77. Biden celebrated a birthday between Election Day and Inauguration Day making him 78 when sworn into office.
For us?
That’s too late.
Get it done before 60. Maybe even fifty.
Live life to the full right now.
Not later.
Later may never come.
And even when it does, for us, later is too late.
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OPENING PHOTO Cottonbro-pexels.com-photo-credit Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com