fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com Johannes-Plenio-pexels.com
When you wear the title of English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author, not only do people listen to what you have to say; they also write it down.
Sir Francis Bacon achieved those designations in the 16th century and here is one of the things he stated that stands through today. “Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.”
The sensational Belgian wrestler Xana has achieved a remarkable career that has spanned well over a decade and when you review her matches, something beams out at you. Like a carefully controlled fine Belgian wine, Xana is clearly improving with age.
She is one of the few competitors that can boast having a stellar career at DWW and BFW (Belgian Fighting Women). When she was new, we could clearly see that she was very talented and if she stayed in the industry that she would evolve into one of the greats alongside her fellow country woman Nadege.
Her outstanding DWW resume includes a struggle with the sensuous Zsuzsa, an erotic decimation of the soft feminine Simona, a trembler with Danube star Edita, a tussle with Reni in front of screaming fans and a grueling match with shapely and strong Evi to name a small few.
Away from the Danube maidens she’s taken on the American super star Gia Primo, her Belgian circle of Orchilinda, Nathalie, Nadia, Anne Hurricane and the reigning champion Nadege.
Her wrestling resume reads like a who’s who international phone book.
With her slender shapely form that has acquired more muscle over the years, Xana’s matches earn your respect while reigning in your attention.
In the female submission wrestling world, this is the kind of track record that allows you to be compared to a fine wine and Belgium certainly has plenty to offer.
In moderation, shall we smell the aroma and sip slowly?
“Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.”…..Benjamin Franklin
The fine information source Wikipedia begins our tour. “Belgian wine first appeared in the Middle Ages, around the 9th century. It is unlikely that wine was made in the area now known as Belgium before that, since the climate was not suitable and Gaul was covered with thick forests. However, there are mentions of Paris vineyards in the 4th century.
From that time, vine cultivation spread northward and in the 8th century the banks of the Rhine were covered with vineyards. The first attempts at viniculture in Belgium were made around the same time.
The respected site pursuitist.com provides more flavor. “Known abroad for its craft beers, the European nation also produces quality wines. Found in both Wallonia and Flanders, the country’s vineyards cover a total area of 370 acres and are owned by around 90 winemakers, most of whom are Flemish. Belgium produces around 500,000 bottles of wine per year using up to 34 different grape varieties, including Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Grigio.
Reds account for just 20 per cent of the country’s total production, and the white wine production consists of around half still, half sparkling. For a taste of Belgian bubbly, look for the “Vlaamse Mousserende Kwaliteitswijn” label.
A tour of Belgian wine country might start with a trip to Genoels-Elderen, the country’s largest winery, which spans 54 acres.”
Now for some more recent updates.
The information site xpats.com relates, “While Belgium is famous worldwide for its beers, the country also produces quality wine – chiefly white, and in ever-increasing quantities. In 2011, wine production in Belgium amounted to 539,550 liters, compared to 470,569 liters the previous year.
The wine-growing areas grew in surface from 119 hectares in 2010 to 130 hectares last year. The most productive regions for wine are Haspengouw and Maasland in Limburg province, along the Meuse River. Other fertile areas include the Hageland (Flemish Brabant) and the so-called Druivenstreek (grape region) near Brussels, as well as Luxembourg province.
Two years ago there were 41 wine producers in Belgium (27 in Flanders and 14 in Wallonia). Last year, their number had risen to 48. These figures apply to the wine producers applying for an appellation d’origine protégée. Another 31 growers produce wine without applying for an official local label. Seventy-eight percent of all wine produced in Belgium is white, with red (18 percent) coming second and rosé third with just 4 percent.”
What I find somewhat of a departure when watching Xana wrestling is how she affects the crowd. More than most matches, for some reason the crowds, primarily French, become exuberant and very vocal during her quests. While her opponent struggles underneath, she often fixes her pony tail and responds with humor to the audience while the match in still in progress.
Are you ready to take her on? Would you like to wrestle her? Here is what a very happy customer had to say who did take the plunge.
“Xana is as beautiful as her pictures, and really enjoys a good session. She is equally good at fantasy and roleplaying, sensual, and competitive. She is intelligent, cheerful, and fun to talk to, but completely serious on the mats.
She can speak and read/write English at an intermediate level, but it really helps if you can speak French (it will make the session more enjoyable, too, if you understand her taunts!). Xana gave me everything I could handle and then some, and I’m 6’0 and 225. Against an average-sized guy or smaller, I expect she’ll probably wipe the mat with him—but I guarantee he’ll enjoy every second of it. ”
You can contact her at the WB270.com wrestler site and she has her own blog as well, xanafight.skyrock.com.
It’s refreshing and life affirming to see someone enhance their craft the way that Xana has over the years. Some memories in life we prefer not to look back on, others we hope to sit outside on a warm sunny day at a Belgian café, sip wine and bask in it.
Like a fine wine, when you evolve as well as Xana has, producing one competitive wrestling victory after another; not only do people want to hear what you have to say, they want to write about it as well.
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com Johannes-Plenio-pexels.com
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, pursuitist.com, xpats.com, WB270.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.