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Beautiful, Powerful Kara (ab0ve).
Las Vegas and Fully Competitive Women’s Wrestling go together like fun and excitement!
They come from all over the world.
To compete.
It’s fantastic when people with common interests converge on an agreed upon location to accomplish great things. This is sure to happen June 27-29, 2014 in Las Vegas at Femwin’s spectacular women’s wrestling event.
If you are reading this after that date or ticket purchase deadline, please contact femwin.com for information on future events.
As we stated in our January 2013 Mission Statement, Female Competition International is always excited about working with private women’s’ submission wrestling companies and hold the view that since ours is a global sport, like the international corporations, the competitive women’s wrestling industry should cooperate with one another and merge for growth and survival. One of our writers is scheduled to attend and cover the event so please stay tuned for the inside scoop highlighting some of the exciting experiences of your favorite female wrestlers.
As of this writing, here are some of the beautiful, talented and spirited women wrestlers confirmed to attend.
The frontrunners and established wrestlers with years of victories achieved at a high level will be in attendance and are certainly ones to watch. Known worldwide for her myriads of victories over tough competitors is Julie Ginther otherwise known as Julie Squeeze. Super stars Kristie Etzold and Liz Lightspeed hail from southern California and their extensive record of wrestling success speaks for itself.
A list that is the “A” list should always include Kara, originally from Oakland, California. She has racked up big victories in England and America and even this early in her stellar career there are no limitations on what she can do and who she can defeat. It wasn’t that long ago that one of our writers met Cheyenne Jewel, originally from Ohio at a Los Angeles event and she seemed like such a cute wrestling baby. Ms. Jewel has certainly grown up and if this were a tournament it would unwise to count her out from finishing in the final four championships.
In Las Vegas there are rising stars everywhere with careers ready to explode at a moment’s notice.
Given who else is on the card, Femwin’s Las Vegas event is no exception.
A few of the rising stars to watch are ex-military warrior princess Shauna Ryanne who during the past two years has been kicking tail and taking names in cadence. Jolene the Valkyrie recently had some decisions go in her favor including one where she completely dominated an earnest opponent and Jolene promises to be a dynamo on the mats. Tyler Aria can be tough and clever as we’ve seen in her previous matches. Frankie Zappitelli is always dangerous as she is sultry and beautiful and like her matches at Jackpin’s convention, all are must see!
Two of our favorite competitors who are improving and flying towards the wrestling clouds are So Cal pretty girl Samantha Grace and exotic Pandora from the Chicago. Yes your hearing is fine. A sexy girl from the Midwest with just the right muscle framed in beautiful gymnast thighs and flowing brown hair can be exotic. One of our writers met her at Jackpin’s 2008 convention and truthfully she is far better looking in person than her pictures show. Female Competition International was pleased to research and write a well-received article on the windy city princess (fciwomenswrestling.com Pandora Wrestler Gymnast).

Samantha Grace is the picture of So. Cal perfection with soft brown hair, a mild year round tan, better looks than the girl next door and a fantastic personality to match. Please keep an eye on her matches that will appear on https://femcompetitor.com. She has worked extensively with this northern California private wrestling company and will be the showpiece of their upcoming store.
It could be argued the greatest star is the city itself, majestic, larger than life Las Vegas!
One day we hope our women’s wrestling events meet the qualifications outlined by the Las Vegas Convention and Business Authority. “Sports and sponsorships continue to play an increasing important role in the branding of Las Vegas and Southern Nevada as the world’s leading event destination. The LVCVA, in association with Las Vegas Events, will identify and support events that maximize hotel occupancies. Such events will continue to play an important role in enabling the LVCVA to deliver its message to millions in the U.S. and abroad.”
They continue, “To drive the tourism engine that powers the Southern Nevada economy, the LVCVA is charged with and committed to building and protecting the Las Vegas brand among its diverse audiences of current and potential visitors. With more than 150,000 hotel rooms in Las Vegas alone and over 10.8 million square feet of meeting and exhibit space citywide, the LVCVA’s mission focuses on attracting ever-increasing numbers of leisure and business visitors to the area.”
What celebrities are useful for is bringing attention to the public and making them more aware. They can be unbelievably effective.
…………..Diane Keaton
Another site to make you salivate is lasvegas.com which provides an inside tip on meeting the stars. “Whether it’s a musician, reality show star, film actor or pro athlete, you probably have a celebrity crush on someone. If you’re looking to bump into your celebrity crush or just want to brag that you danced at the same bar as today’s hottest “it” girl, look no further. Las Vegas is the definitive place for big-name stars to celebrate. And why shouldn’t it be? We throw a bigger, better party than you’ll find anywhere in the world.
When the stars come out, they like to party well into the night (and sometimes morning). You can catch today’s hottest reality stars and celebutantes cozying up at VIP bottle service tables at any of today’s hippest clubs.”
Female Competition International is proud to enter into an agreement with https://femcompetitor.com, providing them with up to date women’s submission news, interviews and information fulfilling the role as their exclusive news source for this exciting new women’s wrestling magazine that features the beautiful Brazilian runway model Carol Seleme on their website cover.
We appreciate our friendship with femwin.com who states regarding this spectacular event, “There are some great girls coming to this event and lots of things going-on. There’s the “main-event” area where the cameras are on and private areas where you can wrestle your favorite girls without being filmed. NOTE: These are not competitive matches and absolutely nothing sexual!
We also welcome fans to all social activities, including dinner, drinks, etc. The only stipulation is that the guys pay and the girls don’t!”
Thanks Femwin for all of your hard work that enable these women’s wrestling extravaganzas to become a reality.
For all of you fans of women’s submission wrestling please stay in touch. With the women’s submission wrestling companies venturing towards greater cooperation, Las Vegas should be the first of many fantastic women’s wrestling destinations and we strongly suggest that you come along for the ride.
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Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source. No affiliation.
Sources: http://www.lvcva.com, lasvegas.com, brainyquote.com, femwin.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, https://femcompetitor.com, Pandora WB270 photo, thank you Wikimedia commons for additional photos.