Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Andrea-Piacquadio-pexels.com-photo-credit.
August 16, 2024,
If you live long enough, certain things in life are inevitable.
Fortunately and unfortunately.
In our circle, two childhood cousins, now in their mid-sixties were talking on the phone with idyllic memories of their young childhood. They basked in the fishing adventures at California Rivers and lakes along with family day picnics. Sometimes their families got together, just to hang out.
The holidays were amazing. It was magical to believe in Santa Claus.
Very special.
The magic began to wear off as they got older because their aged relatives began to die off, one by one. At first it was shocking and rare, but as time went on, there was one phone call after another. It became common place.
It was inevitable.
When inevitable events like death are in your older friends and relatives future, how should you react to it?
A number of ways. One of the main ways?
Spend time with them.
A timeless movie that demonstrates that so well is The Joy Luck Club.
The Joy Luck Club is a 1993 American drama film about the relationships between Chinese-American women and their Chinese immigrant mothers.
It was directed by Wayne Wang and stars Tsai Chin, Kieu Chinh, Lisa Lu, France Nuyen, Rosalind Chao, Lauren Tom, Tamlyn Tomita, and Ming-Na Wen.
The film is based on the 1989 novel of the same name by Amy Tan.
Here is the storyline.
Four older women, all Chinese immigrants living in San Francisco, meet regularly to play mahjong, eat, and tell stories. Each of these women has an adult Chinese-American daughter. The film reveals the hidden pasts of the older women and their daughters, and how their lives are shaped by the clash of Chinese and American cultures as they strive to understand their family bonds and one another.
The expert reviewers at rogerebert.com share, “What is about to be forgotten are the origins of the women, the stories of how they were born and grew up in a time and culture so very different from the one they now inhabit.”
How true that can be.
It is a process and certainly worth the effort. Before it was too late, the family members made a decision to spend the time together and address important memories.
Before it was too late.
Exceptional film.
We have one older person in our circle who was born in the south. Texas to be specific, and it amazes her how her rich southern culture was hard to retain and pass on to her own children. From simple things like the foods they ate, the music they loved, how they viewed the world and how they felt about religion.
It amazed her how, in just one generation, things can change so much and be lost forever. In a strange way, it appears to be inevitable.
Once her children had children, then it was as though that southern culture was completely gone. Her grandchildren have no concept of what her southern youth was like. Strange. When she was young?
It was like her way of life would last forever. Moving to the north was a major factor in that.
Another way to react to the inevitable is to demonstrate appreciation in very real terms. The gifts do not have to be extravagant. Sometimes it can be a matter of just taking the loved one or friend to lunch or dinner.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore.

Friends Are Everything: The Life-Changing Power of Female Friendship (Friendship quotes, Empowerment, Inspirational quotes) (Birthday Gift for Her) Paperback – March 15, 2022
By BJ Gallagher (Author)
“Appreciate your True Friends with Friendship Quotes and Stories
“BJ Gallagher … motivates and teaches with empathy, understanding, and more than a little humor.”—Debba Haupert, of the Girlfriendology Podcast
True friends are hard to find and even harder to describe. But with real life stories, friendship quotes, inspirational quotes, and anecdotes about the ups and downs and ins and outs of friendships, Friends are Everything has everything you ever need for friendship empowerment.
Beautiful friendships of all shapes and sizes. To bestselling author B.J. Gallagher, there are so many types of friends. There are friends who tell you what you don’t want to hear, friends who help you be your best self, friends who forgive you when you hurt them, friends who respect your boundaries. There are neighbors, best friends, childhood friends, spiritual friends, friends who are family, friends who are lovers, friends at work, and the list goes on. Get ready to dive into what it really means to love a friend and what it means to be one.
Inspirational quotes for your girlfriends. With more than three dozen inspiring stories from girlfriends across the country, affirmative acronyms, and female empowerment quotes, Friends are Everything is a heartfelt celebration of friendships across all generations and a perfect gift to share with your bestie.”
Sounds wonderful. Our suggestion? If you have a friend that you appreciate, do it now. Don’t wait. Over and over, express how important and special they are to you and why. In balance of course, but still, do it.
There is another aspect to see an inevitable future.
Create memories.
Be proactive.
With the people in your circle that you care for, create planned out memories, whether it something simple, like a group of you going to a restaurant or sidewalk café, be sure and take pictures and even keep a brief journal or diary for a keepsake.
Traveling for hikes and camping in safe and historic environmental locations with friends and loved ones can create some incredible lifelong memories. Be sure and take pictures.
For parents, we’ve found a book that could be very helpful.
Making Memories (Lessons Learned) Hardcover – April 1, 2003
By Josie Bissett (Author), Dan Zadra (Editor), Debbie Tomassi (Illustrator), Kobi Yamada (Illustrator), & 1 more
“Compiled from thousands of creative suggestions from parents, Making Memories has over 200 fun filled and easy ways to create strong and positive childhood memories that will last a lifetime. Wonderful childhood memories are the best thing a parent can pass on to their child. Josie Bissett shares these suggestions in a way that can make a difference for your child now and forever.”
It is worth the effort.
So much of the passing of life is inevitable.
Perhaps make the journey as memorable and special as you can.
Right now.
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OPENING PHOTO Andrea-Piacquadio-pexels.com-photo-credit.Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com