fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
Tyler Aria’s wrestling matches have established that she is a solid Fem Competitor on the move!
Good ideas are rare.
Michael Caine said that on film.
“Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.”……….Napoleon Hill
In my opinion his portrayal of a clever, ruthless Captain of mercenary soldiers who will fight, murder and rape for the highest bidder in the film “The Last Valley”, next to Alfie and Clue was the Englishman at his finest.
The Last Valley is a 1970 historical drama film directed by James Clavell. Set during the Thirty Years War, it stars Michael Caine as the leader of a band of mercenaries, and Omar Sharif as a teacher fleeing from the violence endemic to Germany during this period. They manage to find one valley, untouched by war, in which they live in peace, at least for a time. It was based on the novel of the same name by J.B. Pick.
The Last Valley is the last feature film photographed in the Todd-AO 70 mm widescreen process until Baraka, 21 years later.
Thank you Wikipedia.
Tyler Aria provided me with a simple yet brilliant idea when I managed the session board at Femwin’s June, 2014 Women’s Wrestling Extravaganza in Las Vegas. I tried to organize it by day, room and time but to put it mildly, it was a struggle.
“Why don’t you just put a sign in list on each door”, she smiled as we sat next to each other watching a match in progress on the event stage.
Hmm, she’s cute and smart too.
“Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.”……..Jim Rohn
I’m not surprised by her creativity. She certainly has been all that and more on the wrestling mats taking on one tough competitor after another including a young rising star named Jolene. Her match with Tessa provided her opponent with the back to school experience as Tyler smiled while teaching a wrestling clinic.
As the Eastern European region served by the mighty Danube River brought the women’s submission wrestling world the masterful DWW female warriors in the 1990s and London has followed up with some of the best talent post 2010; Las Vegas is now providing our industry with one star female wrestler after another.
Tyler hails from Las Vegas.
The official website, lasvegas.com states, “Las Vegas, an ever-changing fantasy-land of a city, has seen unbelievable expansion since it emerged from the desert just over 100 years ago.
The sights and sounds of Las Vegas are enjoyed by millions of visitors every year. They stay in some of the most glamorous, unique hotels in the world. They eat at five-star restaurants and expansive buffets. They play at casinos, pools, health spas and golf courses. Sometimes (many times, actually) they even marry each other.
You will be dazzled by Vegas, but the sheer number of things to see and do can seem overwhelming. A little advance planning will help you to enjoy your Vegas trip.”
Tyler describes herself at the dynamic site modelmayhem.com, “I have been modeling for five years. I love the experience and have grown a lot through this. I work best with photographers with a sense of humor.
I have shot in Prague, London, New York City, St. Louis, Los Angeles and my home, Las Vegas. So, if expenses are paid, I will go pretty much anywhere.
I do fitness, print, glamour and commercial to name a few. I take pride in my work and am dedicated to perfecting my craft.
My rates are reasonable, I answer all emails. tyleraria@gmail.com. (Article date 8/30/2014)
Please include project details, rate offer or budget, and your MM # and I will get back to you ASAP.”
Very efficient.
She also has powerful legs that can make any man tap out before his head explodes. How does she get such powerful thighs?
The well respected site muscleandfitness.com shares, “Leg training is punishing, unforgiving and, at times, painful. But it’s in that pain that the chaff is separated from the wheat when it comes to lifters. The truly dedicated realize that building a better physique is not solely a waist-up endeavor. In the interest of symmetry and totality, right-minded lifters hit the squat rack with the same kind of will-shattering intensity as they do the bench.”
Whatever her routine, Tyler is perfecting it. If you have ever viewed some of her video and watch someone get trapped in her scissors, sometimes it hurts just to watch. Better him than me.
She’s highly praised in many circles. This writer knows the gentlemen behind the Femwin matches and they sing her praises as though on a Las Vegas stage. I witnessed her hard work ethic during the Las Vegas event as well.
The well-known session site scissorvixens.com has this to say about Tyler. “Like Shauna Ryanne our latest ScissorVixen, GORGEOUS Tyler Aria, was discovered by our scissor-scout at a Las Vegas foot fetish party. He immediately called to tell me about this new girl who had him tapping out in seconds from her CRUSHING scissors! So when we finally made the trip to ‘Scissor City’ to shoot with her we soon discovered trying to find a victim willing to spend 30 minutes between her thighs was becoming very difficult! A few of the potential victims we had in mind had felt the power of her thighs before but for much shorter videos. There was NO WAY they were willing to try and survive her leg scissors for 30 agonizing minutes!
But we’re sure you might be able to survive watching her DESTROY her victims between her POWERHOUSE THIGHS here on ScissorVixens.com!”
As the hypnotic film The Last Valley begin to draw to its inevitable sad and deeply moving conclusion, filled with mist, new beginnings and tearful endings, I couldn’t help sense that I witnessed history from a safe distance complete with the curves, joys and unfortunate devastation this life’s journey seems to bring to many.
As the Women’s Wrestling Extravaganza began to wind down to its conclusion, meeting and spending time with Tyler gave this writer the sense that our women’s wrestling industry is moving in the right direction. Whatever curves and surprises come our way during this unpredictable life’s journey, if great minds like Tyler Aria decide to stay, as an industry we will survive.
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Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source. No affiliation.
Sources: Wikipedia, brainyquote.com, lasvegas.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, femwin.com, scissorvixens.com, imbd.com, Ms. Aria’s photo credits modelmayhem.com, thank you Wikimedia Commons for Las Vegas photos.