fciwomenswrestling.com article, fightpulse.com photo
Lessons in endurance often have a strong and penetrating message.

The entertaining and informative site variety.com on February 7, 2014, shares, “The daughter of Olympic athlete Jesse Owens, Marlene Owens Rankin, was at the Berlin Olympic Stadium on Thursday to attend the international sales launch of “Race,” the biopic about her father.”
What was her powerful and life affirming message?
She enlightens that the movie’s message, “is about the human spirit — about its endurance and vulnerability — but also the success you can achieve when you are motivated, and persevere in the face of adversity,” she said. “So, hopefully, kids who are underachieving and who lack hope will be motivated by his life and successes in spite of all he went through.”
Competitive matches in the Female Submission Wrestling athletic world can be about many things, from entertaining to inspiring, to name a few.
Endurance is the ability of an athlete to exert herself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as demonstrate the ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to minor trauma, wounds, or fatigue.
The matches in endurance tend to inspire the most.
In recent times we have seen two matches in endurance that have stood out among many.
They would be a great addition to any collection.
We were introduced to Ultra as we watched her battles at the superior Femwrestle Events in Germany. What impressed us most was that though fairly new to the game and arguably lesser skilled, her matches against the Czech fighters Artemis and Siberia were energetic, feisty and unyielding.
Ultra vs Artemis

So when she faced the strong Hungarian grappler Sasha in London we knew she would put up a good fight and she certainly did.

Here is what the management at London Wrestling Studios has to say about the match.
“We thought we knew how this match would go too, but we were wrong! This turned out to look like a fairly one-sided match, with one lady dominating her opponent with attempted pins throughout – but would any of them be successful? Ultra is completely exhausted at the end of this battle!”
We purchased and were exhausted just from watching it. Enjoy.

It is endurance personified.
After viewing some photos of the sexy, strong physical specimen Anika at one of the leading competitive female submission wrestling companies in the world, Fight Pulse, when we received the notice that this sensuous amazon was finally ready to wrestle another woman, we couldn’t wait to purchase.

What a treat. Talk about a strong lesson in endurance, this one fits the tall bill.

Here is how the management at video leader Fight Pulse describes the action. “In this competitive inter-division female wrestling match middleweight Laila faces her biggest challenge to date in Anika.
While Anika dominates most of the match, Laila’s defense seems impregnable, as Anika has trouble scoring against the lighter wrestler. FW-35 features a long tedious battle between two strong women, – one on the offense, looking for a pin or a submission, and the other on the defense, avoiding them, waiting for an opportunity to counter-attack. Will Laila be able to survive the onslaught of the heavier and more experienced Anika?”

That was a great question. Anika had many opportunities to close the deal but could she?
In a match that features great endurance, this is a classic.
To wrap this discussion up with a nice ribbon, we invite you to listen to the words of a guest speaker who inspires us on the subject of endurance.
Endurance Leads To Success
by: Kit So
One of the greatest virtues of all successful people is the ability to endure.
Many of you might have learnt this as perseverance but I rather use the word endurance. What’s the difference? Well, perseverance means a constant struggle forwards against opposition, whereas endurance is, well, endurance. With endurance there is no need to struggle forwards. Sometimes it even means moving backwards, away from your goals. This doesn’t mean you give up – you are just waiting for the optimum or most opportune time to take action.

There is an old fable by Chuang Tzu, who was a philosopher in ancient China about 2,200 years ago, which illustrates the magic of endurance. It begins of with a fish called Kun. Now, this fish isn’t just an ordinary fish. It’s thousands of meters long. Kun evolves into Pung, which is a huge bird, thousands of meters wide. Don’t ask me why. To Pung, success means flying southwards over the great sea to the Celestial Pool. Pretty easy task, don’t you think? Nup! First, Pung beats his wings furiously and rises to a height of ninety thousand kilometers. It takes him 6 months to do this. Only then can he begin his journey southwards towards the Celestial Pool with nothing in his way.
A boat cannot float if the water is too shallow. Empty a cup of water on the floor and you can get a straw to float on the water, but the cup will sink. Similarly, if there is not enough wind, it cannot support great wings. Only when the Pung is ninety thousand kilometers high, can the wind support him.
When the cicada heard of this story, he said to the dove, “When I want to climb the elm tree, I fly and try to reach for higher ground. Sometimes I miss and fall to ground, but I slowly and surely make progress. Why does Pung have to travel thousands of kilometers without making any visible progress? The dove agreed: Pung was a fool. And so did every other animal in the kingdom.
So there it is. The fable of Pung. I hope you get the moral of the story because it captures the essence of endurance. If you don’t, read on. I’ve identified two pearls of wisdom in this story:
- When a person wants to have a short sail around the bay in his sailboat, he’ll have to pack enough food for a few hours. When a person wants to have an epic journey across the Pacific Ocean, he’ll have to pack enough food for a few months. If you are aiming for a great accomplishment in life, you need extensive preparation. This doesn’t just mean gathering enough resources; it also includes waiting for the opportune time for action.
- When preparing for your epic journey in life, you will criticized. That’s why you need to be true to your conviction and believe that, in the end, you will get what you set out for. And you will. Only then can you brush off the criticisms lightly and endure criticism because you know you are a Pung bird and the others, well, not Pung birds.
That’s it for today.
Happy living,
~ ~ ~
This is an excerpt from Kit’s blog, ‘Only One Life To Live’. To read more on how to live your life to the max, go to his blog at: http://onlyonelifetolive.blogspot.com/.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.