fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
The women’s movement in the 1960’s blew the door open worldwide and demanded it. In terms of how women would soon be viewed, the dictionary had to broaden and redefine it. Finally, the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin came along, re-emphasized and spelled it out for us.
With beauty, you know it when you see it. With truth, you know it when you hear it. With respect, you know it when you feel it.
Among the TPC 1990’s sensational sisterhood that included wrestlers Luna Winter, Stacey Lane, Anne Marie, Sonja Vanderbeck, Susan Strong and Kelly Blair to name an erotic few, in my opinion, in terms of respect from a competitive standpoint, Angela Scott garnered and demanded it.
I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.……….Julius Erving
Angela was certainly deeply admired as a result of her abilities and grappling achievements.

Whether she was well liked could be another matter. I viewed from the outside of the video screen and not from the inside of their Dereham village.
Angela’s wrestling style was often described as fierce and just because you wrestled in the club doesn’t mean she was going to go easy on you. If you were from outside the club and competed at a TPC event, it was a guarantee that she was going to try and tear you to pieces as the French maiden Chantel so intimately and painfully found out.
Here was one online reviewer’s description.
“Old TPC match – Angela was a fabulous entertainer – Chantel was from France, Angela Scotland – I have a clear copy of this fight and it was great to watch – Angela appeared not to like Chantel and really beat the hell out of her. TPC’s competitive matches were as good as any ever produced.”
My guess is that like a professional sports team that gets fired up playing at home, Angela clearly seemed to wrestle at her best in England. Nothing like home field advantage.
On another occasion I saw her wrestle in Florida against a shapely blonde American that fared well against Angela. That surprised me. I will admit that watching Angela struggle was a rare occurrence.
According to the research site behindthename.com, Angela is derived from the name Angelus meaning Angel. When you watched Angela, there was always a quiet angst but she was certainly one beautiful Scot, yes spelled with one T.
Let’s travel to Scotland and view the village that helped form our dark haired, coal bright eyed, nicely shaped princess.
The dynamic travel site visitscotland.com sings, “Explore Scotland, famous for its historic castles, traditional Highland games and beautiful lochs, and discover the setting of world-famous movies, the place for stylish shopping and the perfect stage for new and exciting events.”
Since princess Angela could grace any castle window with style, let’s journey to her homeland and admire the castle walls.
Our guide continues, “From magnificent city landmarks to mysterious ruins, Scotland is renowned for its iconic castles. Whether you are looking to explore the largest in the country, follow a regional trail or seek out those hidden gems, there is plenty of history to uncover as each castle has a fascinating tale to tell.
Head to Aberdeen City and Shire where you will find Scotland’s only designated Castle Trail boasting 17 highlights to visit. Dunnottar Castle is perched on a cliff-top, a beautiful fortress, while Craigievar is a fine example of Scottish baronial architecture and the striking curtain wall at Balvenie will leave you awe-inspired.
Scotland’s capital is home to Edinburgh Castle, which overlooks the city from an extinct volcano. See the nation’s crown jewels before admiring some of the oldest Renaissance decorations in Britain in The Great Hall.
Step back to a time of James V at Stirling Castle’s recently refurbished Royal Palace and experience a world of lavish color with rich and elaborate decor. The castle also houses some beautiful tapestries and you can experience what was once a bustling kitchen as well as a Regimental Museum.
Eilean Donan Castle, by the picturesque village of Dornie on the main route to Skye, is one of the most admired castles in Scotland. Ruined in a Jacobite rising, it has now been restored and is the base of Clan McRae.
Many of Scotland’s castles still belong to the clans, including Eilean Donan and Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye. Dunvegan has been home of the chiefs of Clan MacLeod for 800 years and is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland.
One of the most romantic castles in the Highlands, Cawdor is forever connected with Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth. Although this 14th century tower house was constructed long after the historical events that inspired the play took place, it has always been the ancestral home of the Thanes of Cawdor.
Wherever you are in Scotland, you’re never far away from a striking ruin or charming castle which will amaze and excite you with its tales of past lives and loves. If you are planning to visit a number of castles, it might be worth your while to buy tickets which allow access in to a number of attractions, such as the Historic Scotland Explorer Pass and Scottish Heritage Pass.”
What a tour.
More and more I’m falling under Angela’s magical spell.
What many of the female wrestlers may sometimes lose sight of is that their wrestling did pave the wave for future generations of girls, especially in the freestyle world to wrestling in high school and if a star, have their college educations paid for.
In Scotland, women’s wrestling still lives in the form of the group with a banner that would certainly appeal to Angela’s heart called fiercefemales.co.uk. Like Angela they are unique and are happy to tell us why.
“Fierce Females is the only all-female wrestling promotion based out of Scotland, we held our first show in September 2012. We run our main shows in Glasgow city center and have used venues such as The Arches, The Classic Grand and The Garage in the past. We also run smaller shows out of The Source Wrestling School in Shawlands.”
Also like Ms. Scott, they seem to be taking something that can often be applied in an ordinary and perfunctory way and are propelling it in an extraordinary way.
That’s the Angela Scott way and more importantly by competing that way, not only do you pave the way for others to follow in kind, have time remember you and fans appreciate your body of work; you earn something so often desired but not easily attained.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, tpcwrestling.com, behindthename.com, visitscotland.com, fiercefemales.co.uk, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.