Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Elias-de-Carvalho-pexels.com-photo-credit.
October 5, 2024,
If there is no end in sight and the vision looks dire, you still have to keep going.
Still have to keep moving forward.
Continue to make up your mind not to quit. Why?
Because at some point, the major problem may go away, something unexpected may happen that creates a new and positive pathway to clearance without you doing anything at all or, you actually solve the problem yourself and it is resolved.
Take politics as an example.
You may live in a country where there is a very volatile upcoming election that is worrying you. Do you personally have the ability to do something to affect its outcome? Yes, to some degree. Become a volunteer for the party of your choice, donate money and vote.
Above all, stop worrying about something, previous to its outcome, you have little control over but work at the things you do have control over. In a positive way, don’t give up and who knows?
Your political party just might win.
The overall climate of the world from political strife to climate change can be daunting. Try not to let it get you down. Keep going forward.
You still need to take care of the needs of your family.
Single, you still need to pay for groceries, gas and living expenses. Keep living, keep going forward.
Above all, stay positive.
If you keep moving forward, performing the basics, at some point things will most likely get better. It often does. Some of the personal qualities that will help things get better is a positive spirit, determination and resilience.
A positive spirt is not about sticking your head in the sand while all is crumbling around you. It is more about being optimistic regarding what you can do to enhance your future and those you care about around you.
Optimism is an attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor, or outcomes in general, will be positive, favorable, and desirable.
We sense that you’ve heard this one before. A common idiom used to illustrate optimism versus pessimism is a glass filled with water to the halfway point: an optimist is said to see the glass as half full, while a pessimist sees the glass as half empty.
How do you currently see life?
Much of it has to do with your lifestyle and mindset.
Positive psychologists suggest a number of factors that may contribute to happiness and subjective well-being, for example: social ties with a spouse, family, friends, colleagues, and wider networks.
You may need to get out more, be present and get involved.
Membership in clubs or social organizations, physical exercise and the practice of meditation.
Spiritual practice and religious commitment is another possible source for increased well-being.
Happiness may rise with increasing income, though it may plateau or even fall when no further gains are made or after a certain cut-off amount.
Another aspect is a positive mental attitude. A positive mental attitude sure helps.

Positive mental attitude is that philosophy which asserts that having an optimistic disposition in every situation in one’s life attracts positive changes and increases achievement. Adherents employ a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances.
We have associates who have competed and excelled in the elite high school sports world and found that it does indeed work.
Positive mental attitude (PMA) is the philosophy of finding greater joy in small joys, to live without hesitation or holding back our most cherished, held in high esteem, and highest personal virtues and values.
Research suggests that individuals who engage in positive self-talk and maintain a mindful approach to their internal dialogues tend to exhibit greater self-control and resilience which is crucial for personal and professional growth, highlighting the significance of self-regulation and mindfulness in fostering a positive mental attitude.
Furthermore, research on leadership strategies suggest that a positive mental attitude, characterized by a proactive approach to personal and organizational challenges, significantly improves leadership effectiveness and success in leadership roles.
And check this one out.
A study of Major League Baseball players indicated that a key component that separates major league players from the minor leagues and all other levels is their ability to develop mental characteristics and mental skills. Among them were mental toughness, confidence, maintaining a positive attitude, dealing with failure, expectations, and positive self-talk.
Keep reminding yourself. Maintain a positive attitude.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore. This entry takes an unconventional and wide open look at the importance of keeping going.
Keep Moving Forward: 9 Life-Changing Lessons Taken from the Hiking Trails of America Paperback – June 27, 2021
By Matt Landry (Author)
“When we hike, we are in awe of the beauty before us and realize that we are a direct part of the beauty as well…
That beauty in front of us is also within all of us.
Some of the most valuable lessons we learn in life can occur in unexpected places.
We often find that the journey is more important than the destination…
Keep Moving Forward explores nine lessons I learned while on America’s hiking trails. It’s my hope these lessons will resonate with you and will inspire you, invigorate you, and impact you in the most positive way.
For some of us, it takes moving out of our comfort zones, pushing our limits, or simply peeling back layers of our lives, current situation, or stressors to fully grasp the lesson we’re supposed to learn or wholly accept that we are so much more than what happens to us. We are our own worst enemy and staunchest supporter.
Learning to embrace the better parts of ourselves and heal from the scars of the human condition takes work. I hope this book will eliminate those steps and will give you the motivation you need to just Keep Moving Forward, no matter how difficult the journey ahead may be. You will get through to the other side, stronger, wiser, and better for it.”
That is another aspect to keep going and going forward. Over time, if you learn your lessons along the way and become stronger over coming challenges, it will improve the fabric of who you are.
So, through challenges and strong winds of adversity, we must keep going.
When you think about, we really have any other better choice.
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OPENING PHOTO Elias-de-Carvalho-pexels.com-photo-credit. Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com