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Depending upon the life that we live, sometimes when the stresses and severe disappointments mount, the desire to be beamed to another planet or spiritual realm can be a soothing thought.
Star Trek was a series that so vividly planted that idea into our heads and when the transporter was malfunctioning?
The Holodeck was a fantastic substitute even if only a temporary one.
Kung Fu is an American action–adventure martial arts western drama television series starring David Carradine. The series follows the adventures of Kwai Chang Caine a Shaolin monk who travels through the American Old West, armed only with his spiritual training and his skill in martial arts, as he seeks Danny Caine, his half-brother.

Often during the story when the stress began to mount it seems as though our hero would sit, relax, meditate and miraculously receive whatever answers or solutions that fit the particular situation.
We always wondered what spiritual realm that he traveled to and pondered if he had an extra ticket.
Well, Kung Fu the television series has long expired but fortunately we still can take a spiritual retreat through yoga.
We even have someone beautiful to lead us there.
“Yoga is a way to freedom. By its constant practice, we can free ourselves from fear, anguish and loneliness.”… Indra Devi
Leeza Gibbons is an entertainment personality that we’ve always loved.
She is best known as a correspondent and co-host for Entertainment Tonight (1984–2000) as well as for having her own syndicated daytime talk show, Leeza (1993–2000). In 2013, her book Take 2 became a New York Times bestseller and she won the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Host in a Lifestyle or Travel program for the PBS show, My Generation.
Trust us, when Leeza speaks, we listen.

Now it seems she can help guide us towards a spiritual realm softly nestled in our minds through her partnership with Beachbody and their 3 Week Yoga Retreat.
Their concept is pretty fascinating.
What is Three Week Yoga Retreat? The informative group at highya.com explains the basics. “Taught by world-class teachers, Beachbody’s 3 Week Yoga Retreat is an easy-to-follow program specifically geared toward beginners of any age, and at any fitness level.
Each class can be completed in 30 minutes or less per day, doesn’t involve any chanting, pretzel poses, or embarrassing classes, and—if you stick with it—could help you improve flexibility and lose weight and inches off your waist.”
They also share what some of the many benefits that can be received from practicing yoga. Here are a few:
- improve and maintain the health of muscles, joints and organs
- keep your mind healthy
- get a better night’s sleep
- improve performance and prevent injuries in sports
- speed recovery from training
- prevent conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and auto-immune disorders
- slow down the negative effects of an office job
- and increase your sense of happiness and well-being.
Good to know. It does raise some questions though.
Over the course of just 21 days, can you expect the 3 Week Yoga Retreat program to help you master the fundamentals of yoga in the comfort of your own home?
After the program ends, can you expect to have the skills you need to move on to a formal yoga class?
Why don’t we visit the source to have our questions answered?

At beachbodyondemand.com they smile, “Want to try yoga but too intimidated by the complicated poses? Or, do you think you’re simply not flexible enough to contort yourself into a pretzel? Then, you’re going to love 3 Week Yoga Retreat, now available on Beachbody On Demand and also on DVD! Get the DVDs here!
3 Week Yoga Retreat is perfect if you’re new to the yoga mat, as this beginner yoga program will guide you through three weeks of basic yoga classes and help you feel less stressed, improve your flexibility, and increase your balance. It is uniquely designed to start on a Monday, which makes it easy to follow the Class Calendar and stay on track. The program doesn’t require any equipment (though a yoga mat, yoga block, and a strap are all helpful), and we’ve included a modifier for each of the moves to help ease you in.”
We’re off to a good start.
After watching their television infomercial we were very impressed. What impressed us most is that you are taught by more than one instructor who is outstanding in their field.
Each week builds upon the prior one, and the 21-day program kicks off with Week 1 led by Vytas Baskauskas, a trainer who already has a dedicated following in Los Angeles.
At his dynamic site www.vytasyoga.com, “I have partnered with the world-renowned fitness company BEACHBODY to bring yoga to the masses. Through the link below, you will get 30 days free access to Beachbody On Demand, a streaming site that houses my most recent offering, the Three Week Yoga Retreat. This is a 21-day program for people to learn and deepen their yoga practice. It is a simple and straightforward introduction to yoga that absolutely anyone can benefit from.”
Okay, well said.
So who will we meet in week two?
Beachbody shares, “In Week two of the 3 Week Yoga Retreat, Elise picks up where Vytas leaves off, helping you expand on the poses and postures you learned in Week 1. A former dancer turned certified yoga instructor with a background in Vinyasa and Hatha yoga, she’s trained A-list celebrities and motivated countless clients to improve their lives with the practice. Elise says that with this program she “got to draw on my primary passion as a teacher, which is to awaken people to realize their full potential…both on and off the mat.”
Who will we meet in week three?
They enlighten, “For the final week of the 3 Week Yoga Retreat, you’ll progress with Ted McDonald. He’ll kick your practice up a notch, and you’ll begin to see improvements in both your skills and understanding of yoga. This former Elite Adventure Racer and lifelong athlete is educated in both Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga, and uses his classes to help his students improve their flexibility, strength, and focus. He’s been one of Tony Horton’s yoga teachers for years, is one of the designated yoga teachers for the Tour De France, and knows how to guide you through a practice that may also help you see greater results in higher-intensity programs.”
This is all very impressive. We love the innovation and variety in leadership. They seem to team well together and if Leeza Gibbons speaks highly of it?
We are very interested.
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