Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Liza-Summer-pexels.com-photo-credit.
September 6, 2024,
When it comes to what people around you are thinking, perhaps you really don’t want to know.
When it comes to what you are thinking, well, you already know but, how do you feel about it?
It is one of the areas that we mostly have control over. At least in the area of how much we think about something.
Is your thinking governed more by outside sources or internal self-created ones?
In today’s world, currently wars and elections are prominent in the news. The information involved is clearly stirring up a lot of emotions. These are volatile times indeed and while it is important to know what is going on in the world around you, how much time should you spend thinking about it? Especially since most of it disturbing.
Those subject matter pound strong sensory stimulation. Keep this in mind.
In their most common sense, the terms thought and thinking refer to cognitive processes that can happen independently of sensory stimulation.
We know of someone in our circle who has made a decision to limit themselves to watching no more than 30 minutes of news, just to catch up, and then spends the rest of the day thinking about other subjects important to them.
The associate likes to create her own inner speech as opposed to having outside stimulation impose its will upon her.
According to Platonism, thinking is a spiritual activity in which Platonic forms and their interrelations are discerned and inspected. This activity is understood as a form of silent inner speech in which the soul talks to itself.
Aristotelians hold that the mind is able to think about something by instantiating the essence of the object of thought.
In other words, think about it, and your mind expands and thinks about it too.
The informative team at psychologytoday.com educate, “The only things we can control in life are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If we can manage those, we can achieve our goals and gain success in life.”
Hopefully, we can control more than that, but that is a huge internal area to work with.
Especially through escape.
The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film written and directed by the Wachowskis.
It is the first installment in the Matrix film series, starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving and Joe Pantoliano, and depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside the Matrix, a simulated reality that intelligent machines have created to distract humans while using their bodies as an energy source.
When computer programmer Thomas Anderson, under the hacker alias “Neo“, uncovers the truth, he joins a rebellion against the machines along with other people who have been freed from the Matrix.
The master reviewers at rogerebert.com, speaking of the rebels surmise, “They’ve made a fundamental discovery about the world: It doesn’t exist. It’s actually a form of Virtual Reality, designed to lull us into lives of blind obedience to the “system.”
Do you feel that way sometimes?
We know the world is physically real. You can touch and feel it. Sometimes painfully but how much of our life experience is predestined or controlled by entities in a spirit world that we can’t see? Are coincidences really just that? Is fate accidental or, uncontrolled by humans, destined to happen and you can’t stop it?
Honestly, we sometimes wonder.
The Matrix opened in theaters in the United States on March 31, 1999, to widespread acclaim from critics, who praised its innovative visual effects, action sequences, cinematography and entertainment value.
The film was a box office success, grossing over $460 million on a $63 million budget, becoming the highest-grossing Warner Bros. film of 1999 and the fourth-highest-grossing film of that year.
Very impressive.
What we loved about The Matrix is that the film was so ahead of its time. The online world was on the horizon but the average person didn’t really understand it. It did get us thinking about the possibilities of the online future, even if in hazy outline.
So much of everyday life is what you choose to focus on. Part of the philosophy is to think about things you have control over. We’re not sure how beneficial it is to focus on news that is important, but you have little to no control over it, especially if it stresses you out.
Focus on what you can control.
We’ve been to the movies, now let’s walk over to the bookstore.

The Art of Focus: Find Meaning, Reinvent Yourself and Create Your Ideal Future Paperback – January 14, 2024
By Dan Koe (Author)
“Look around.
We are on the brink of catastrophe.
A dystopia of excessive pleasure, comfort, and a false sense of security as to how successful you will be is no longer just a relatable movie scene.
Since birth, you were spoon-fed ideas, beliefs, and routines that program you into the same default path as everyone else. This leads to the same quality of life as everyone else.
It’s no wonder why most people feel anxious, overwhelmed, and have a cloud of meaninglessness hovering over their heads at all times.
Focus is the cure.
But not the narrow focus we associate with deep work and study.
Focus is what separates action from distraction, meaning from meaningless, and success from failure.
Focus is how you conduct your own adventure to stop hurling toward the dead end that was assigned to you by society for their benefit.
This will be a painful journey to find meaning, reinvent yourself, and create your ideal future.
The only thing more painful than seeing what you are capable of is not seeing what you are capable of, and I can’t think of anything more worthwhile to dedicate your life to.”
Very sound advice.
Given what is on our plate, as citizens in a very chaotic and disturbing world, what we spend much of our time thinking about, is mostly up to us. The key is to focus on things important to you, issues that you have control over and setting aside time to think about things that make you feel good.
Our suggestion?
Think about it.
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OPENING PHOTOLiza-Summer-pexels.com-photo-credit. Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com