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June 5, 2023,
You’re going in to this situation with low expectations.
Possibly no expectations.
Have you ever said that to yourself before? If so?
Is that a good thing?
Isn’t it good to always have high expectations?
The answer to that question depends upon what chair you are sitting in.
Often when it comes to romance, expectations can run high.
So can disappointment.
The epitome of a film that speaks to a powerful love lost and what could have been is the 1988 classic, simply titled, Summer Story.
A Summer Story is a British drama film released in 1988, directed by Piers Haggard, based on John Galsworthy’s 1916 short story “The Apple Tree“, with a script by Penelope Mortimer. It stars James Wilby, Imogen Stubbs, and Susannah York.
Here is the storyline.
In 1904, a young gentleman visiting a rural area has an intense love affair with a village girl. She is an already engaged fresh faced country girl who falls deeply in love with the visiting aristocrat traveler staying at her inn and risks everything to run away with him.
Eighteen years later, he is passing that way again. Is she with him as well?
You need to watch this one. We won’t give too much away but if you have ever experienced the pain and deep sense of loss, for what could have been, you truly should watch this gem.
When two people love one another as much as these two did, no matter the obstacles, they must get together.
Or else.
Trust us. You don’t want to experience the “or else”.
Let’s talk about the origin of expectations.
The team at psychologytoday.com speak to the origin of expectations. They educate, “Where do the expectations that you hold for yourself come from in the first place? In a word, parents. Parents expect their children to behave in certain ways. Parents have rules they want their children to follow. Parents have moral values and standards that they want their children to live by.”
How true that is. At least in our case. Apparently others too.
Time for another film.
The College Admissions Scandal is a 2019 TV film that aired on Lifetime as part of its “Ripped from the Headlines” feature film. The film is based on the 2019 college admissions bribery scandal and stars Penelope Ann Miller, Mia Kirshner, and Michael Shanks.
Here is the storyline.
Caroline DeVere (Penelope Ann Miller) and Bethany Slade (Mia Kirshner) are two wealthy mothers. Caroline is an interior designer and Bethany owns a financial services firm. When they want their teenagers to get into a college, they resort to paying Rick Singer (Michael Shanks) to get them in.
Their expectations are extremely high and merit and ethics go out the window.
In 2019, a scandal arose over a criminal conspiracy to influence undergraduate admissions decisions at several top American universities. The investigation into the conspiracy was code named Operation Varsity Blues.

The investigation and related charges were made public on March 12, 2019, by United States federal prosecutors. At least 53 people have been charged as part of the conspiracy, a number of whom pleaded guilty or agreed to plead guilty.
Thirty-three parents of college applicants were accused of paying more than $25 million between 2011 and 2018 to William Rick Singer, organizer of the scheme, who officials say used part of the money to fraudulently inflate entrance exam test scores and bribe college officials.
It gets even juicer.
Of the 32 parents named in a Federal Bureau of Investigation affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Boston, more than half had apparently paid bribes to have their children enrolled at the University of Southern California (USC).
Now, that is what extremely high parental expectations can do for you.
Here is our take.
Life is about balance.
In our book, it is better to have high expectations and push yourself as far as you can go (as we did with our children) because sometimes, guess what?
You actually exceed the expectations.
Low expectations are essentially a barrier against disappointment. The lower your expectations, the less chance you have to be disappointed. There is a flip side to that.
There is also the lesser chance of achieving great things in this short life.
Somehow all of us have to find the balance, but we say “aim high”.
You can always find ways (therapy) to get over disappointments.
That is our view.
We always like to get another view. Let’s walk over to the bookstore.
Live Free: Exceed Your Highest Expectations Hardcover – May 4, 2021
By DeVon Franklin (Author)
“The bestselling author returns with his biggest book yet in which he teaches us the secret to living a happier life: get rid of as many expectations as possible—of ourselves, our future, our relationships, our career and our family.
Expectations are the secret software, running on the hardware of our minds, controlling our emotions, decisions, and actions. How?
Think about your life. How much of the sadness you feel derives from what you think should have happened—than with what actually happened?
Think about your career. How much of the discontent you feel comes from your belief about where you’d be at this point—than with the progress you’ve actually made?
Think about your relationships. How much of your dissatisfaction with friends, family, significant others, or spouses has to do with your unspoken presumptions—than with the people themselves?
Having so many expectations is distorting your perspective, decreasing your happiness and disrupting your joy.
You can live a life of true freedom, greater peace and less stress: release as many expectations as possible.
This, DeVon Franklin argues, is the secret to a better life now.
In a culture obsessed with more, Live Free is a bold counterintuitive book that can start a cultural revolution, Franklin contends.
Everyone struggles with unnecessary expectations. But once you learn to let go of them, you can set the stage for the life you’ve always wanted.”
Let go of your expectations? Really?
As we said, we like to offer another view and this is absolutely a different one.
Ultimately it comes down to how you were raised and what your immediate circle expects of you and based upon that, what you expect of yourself.
Can you break free of that?
Our question is, should you want to?
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OPENING PHOTO Pixabay.com-photo, Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com