fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fciwomenswrestling2.com mentatdgt-pexels.com-photo-credi
March 20, 2023,
After you are born, you are either growing or dying.
Small towns must become larger towns.
Larger towns must become cities.
Large cities need a robust economy of growth.
The principles of life rarely change. Virtually everything living, including structures made of concrete, is either in decay or growing.
As human beings, we are the same way.
We are either learning new things or become stagnant.
We are either taking risks for personal growth or complacent and comfortably lodged into a cautionary comfort zone.
Let’s talk about Personal Growth, Self-Development or Self-Improvement.
Tomato, tomatah. Your choice. The roads lead to the same place.
Personal development or self-improvement consists of activities that develop a person’s capabilities and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, and enhance quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations.
Does that sound like what you are in the middle of?
Personal development should take place over the course of an individual’s entire lifespan and is not limited to one stage of a person’s life.
Think of the possibilities.
It can include official and informal actions for developing others in roles such as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, coach, or mentor, and it is not restricted to self-help.
Everyone should start somewhere and if they keep reaching and growing, they evolve into someone else.
The Ball Boy who is now one of the dynamic NFL Coaches.
This one happens often.
The child who starred on a Disney Kids TV Show is now a Social Media millionaire or A-List actress.
So, where are you at in your life right now?
As compared to a year ago? Five years ago?
How much growth have you seen and in what ways?
When you are in an important friendship or relationship, if your partner is growing, hopefully you are too.
A movie we enjoyed speaks to this, though initially, it didn’t seem obvious.
Killing Me Softly is a 2002 erotic thriller film directed by Chen Kaige and starring Heather Graham and Joseph Fiennes.
Here is the storyline.
Alice is a young American woman living in London who believes she is happy in a secure job and a relationship with her boyfriend.
The operative word is “believes” that she is happy.
She and her boyfriend are very comfortable in their relationship (cough, rut).
At least he is. After work having a beer and watching TV.
The gorgeous blonde he is living with is not quite feeling the same way.
After a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger, she seeks him out, taking a taxi with him to his house and having passionate sex. She returns home to her boyfriend and unsuccessfully attempts to bring out the same feelings between them that she had with the strange man.
We think you can see where this is going.
She soon breaks up with him.
She wanted growth, he wanted traditional comfort.
June Cleaver doesn’t live here anymore.
Just because you are comfortable with the ways things are, doesn’t mean your mate is.
Time for some fresh ideas.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore.

The Growth Mindset: A Guide to Professional and Personal Growth (The Art of Growth) Paperback – May 12, 2017
By Joshua Moore (Author), Helen Glasgow (Author)
“If you’ve ever wanted to experience personal and/or professional growth, but haven’t been able to find practical ways to develop and implement this vital knowledge, this book has the inside track information you’ve been searching for! Co-written by a personal growth researcher and life coach, and a top business executive who also teaches and trains “soft” business skills, this book bridges the gap between personal and professional growth as well as scaffolding theory with concrete plans of action to ensure you are successful in your growth development efforts in all facets of your life.
Here are just some of the insightful growth strategies you’ll find in this book:
- The Balancing Act of Personal Growth
- Growing your Career to its Maximum Potential
- Being Lonely vs. Being Alone
- How Personality Affects Growth Development
- Networking vs. Collaboration
- Social and “Soft” skills Development
This book has been carefully designed to give you all the strategies needed to map your own personal and/or professional growth plan of action that will implement all your growth goals.
Are you ready to make your dreams of personal and professional growth a reality?”
Some great ideas. Suggestions in both professional and personal growth.
One more.
We love this one because it speaks to what personal growth is all about. Taking responsibility for your actions and future progress. It is up to you.
Are you in charge of your life? Or are you being swept away by things that are seemingly out of your control?
In Rewire Your Mindset, the bestselling author of The Fitness Mindset, shows you how to take control of your mental, emotional and physical world. If you have ever set a goal for yourself and then self-sabotaged the moment you hit it, let fear dictate what you do, been emotionally broken by a failure, lacked confidence and felt full of self-doubt or let negative people influence you, then this is the book for you.
Read Rewire Your Mindset to: Learn how to get the success your desire and the life you deserve! Take 100% responsibility because then you can control and change your life Decide exactly what you want to achieve then make it happen Believe whatever you want is possible.”
That is an important starting place.
Everyone loves something or at least they should. What do you love? It is a simple question. Once you answer that question, what steps are you going to take to obtain what you love or at least get heavily involved in it?
That is how you grow.
So keep thinking about that philosophy. You’re either growing or dying.
Don’t be complacent. While the above movie example is tragic, it probably happens a lot more than you think. Keep pace with your partner.
Ultimately, like most things in life, it is very personal and, if pursued and achieved, very rewarding and satisfying.
Life looks forward to your progress with open arms.
Continue to grow.
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OPENING PHOTO mentatdgt-pexels.com-photo-credifciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fciwomenswrestling2.com