fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
Sometimes it’s the coat they wear, the way they walk, the car they drive or the music they listen to. Great people with unique behavior usually have a “tell” or identifying mark.
If I saw a statuesque, shapely, athletic female wrestler who had a long pony tail that would swing from side to side, again and again, who attacked her match in a standup position, I knew it was the sexy British star from the 1990’s named Terri Vixen.

Terri first caught my fancy when she was in a training video with a number of beauties who would later wrestle for TPC, many of whom were sitting on a couch waiting for a turn to wrestle. Terri got her chance to grapple and it was obvious that she would be a fan favorite and a star.
Unfortunately for us fans, she would be a shooting star as her illustrious career only lasted for approximately two years. Her matches can still be purchased at TPCwrestling.com. Here is their description of our tall fighter with the girl next door looks and winning smile.
Victory is the child of preparation and determination.……..Sean Hampton
“The popular Terri wrestled during 1997 and 1998 and proved to be a determined competitor. She wrestled the best in Europe and USA, never refusing a challenge.”
Yes, during her two years she wrestled some of the best and brightest in England and America, primarily in South Florida. Her match history includes competitions against Lena, Carmen, Nicky, Sherry, Naomi Starr, Sasha Lee, Jill Monroe (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=1742 TPC’s Jill Monroe From Scotland Stood Above The Crowd), Jeanne Hunter (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2472 Jeanne Hunter, TPC, Wrestler, Tall Blonde Beauty), Rose Devlin and one of my favorites, super sexy Luna (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=1412 Luna Winter, A TPC Wrestler From Milan, 1990’s Luminary).
Terri was wrestling royalty.
I was not alone in my fondness for Terri. Here is what a respected blogger had to say about her at femfighting.blogspot.com. “Terri Vixen was one of the best the UK company TPC had to offer. She was strong, had great stamina and often sat out holds only to escape them eventually. Terri did wrestle Jill on several occasions and those were mostly pretty even.”
Terri could play rough. TPC matches were enjoyable in that they occurred in various settings from the mats in a gym, an indoor wrestling ring, a South Florida club or even the famous TPC apartment location with the yellow mats.
In one apartment setting Terri is matched against a tough novice Fem Competitor named Niki Wild who gives Terri all that she could handle. Nikki certainly lived up to her last name. This rough and highly competitive match ended with a broken toe for one wrestler while the other received a cut and swollen eye. Ouch!
Terri also worked with TPC associates, one of them being Womans World Wrestling. They proudly proclaim that they have been producing female wrestling videos far longer than most companies. And you don’t stay in business that long unless you are doing something right.
One match that stood out among the crowd was hers with Luna.
“Since her last ‘Gold’ challenge match, Terri has lost some weight, bringing her into the range of the popular Luna. This specially sponsored match was agreed to be up to 60 minutes with submissions and pins to a 10-count. Because she had never met Terri before, Luna was in a more aggressive mood and soon proved to her opponent that she was going to put up a fight. Terri has improved with each match she has fought, becoming more powerful and very fit and is quick to learn and try new holds.”
Part of the importance of living life outside the box and not limiting yourself to what others and society say that you should and should not do is that those risky and bold endeavors often bring you memories that will always be far more important to you than those where you played it safe.
Trust me. Competing as a female wrestler is not playing it safe.
A modern day Vixen, named Dana against Dylan

My private coaching days are mostly behind me but the memories that I have building high school sports super stars stand out far more than the too many play by the rules and do what you are supposed to memories that I mostly want to forget.
I suspect that while Terri has lived a very fulfilling life, her wrestling years are probably some of the most dynamic.
Where were you in 1997-1998 while Terri was entertaining the world?
We live through so many experiences that inundate us one after another, rushing at us like a hands on gauntlet; it’s easy for them to all meld together like an expanding mountain of slowly melting clay where little stands out.
Let’s jog our memories.
Here are three major headlines in England from 1997.
It was June 30 that the publication of J. K. Rowling‘s first Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was completed.
What about this historic milestone. On July 1st, 1997 The United Kingdom transfers sovereignty of Hong Kong, the largest remaining British colony, to the People’s Republic of China as the 99 years lease on the territory formally ends. This event is widely considered by historians and commentators to mark the end of the British Empire, the largest imperial endeavor in the history of mankind.
Fireworks in Hong Kong during transfer
Who could forget the day of August 31, 1997? Reports emerge in the early hours of the morning that Diana, Princess of Wales, has been injured in a car crash in Paris which has claimed the life of Dodi Fayed, the Harrods heir. Within four hours, it is confirmed that Diana has died in hospital as a result of her injuries. The United Kingdom and much of the rest of the world is plunged into widespread mourning.
Do you remember where you were when those events occurred?
Now here are three significant events from 1998.
On November 26, Mr. Tony Blair becomes the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to address the Oireachtas (Irish parliament).
It was October 3rd when the masterful actor Roddy McDowall passes.
March 3rd marked the beginning of construction on the Millennium Dome. The Millennium Dome, often referred to simply as The Dome, is the original name of a large dome-shaped building, originally used to house the Millennium Experience, a major exhibition celebrating the beginning of the third millennium.
Thank you to Wikipedia for walking us back in time during Terri’s reign.
If we take the time, our memories are delightfully flooded with our favorite female wrestlers that span decades. Often what it boils down to in terms of appreciating them is how much we liked them. I loved Terri Vixen, not only because she was sexy and gorgeous but also because her great personality shined through. It was evident in her interviews and match competitions.
Terri wrestled with skill, strategy, aggression and most importantly with determination. She is one of the reasons why most of us involved the competitive female wrestling world will always cherish the years 1997-1998.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, tpcwrestling.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.