Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, editorial credit Stefano Chiacchiarini-shutterstock photo credit
December 21, 2024,
Timing is everything.
Which isn’t the same as, there is no time better than the present. It depends which present you are speaking of.
Put your thinking cap on. Use your imagination for some examples.
As a couple, you’ve decided to have a baby. In the present you are 25 or you are 45.
In the chair that you are sitting in, which present is more desirable?
It’s not just about the present, is it?
You have been contacted that your favorite relative passed away. They left you an inheritance of 2 million dollars. Does timing make a difference? Sure it does. You are 75 with stage four cancer.
What if you had received that inheritance at 40, when you had three children in the home?
There is no time better than the present?
Says who.
Which present, is everything. Give and receive things when it really matters.

If the expression is true, that youth is wasted on the young, another way of looking at is, youth is the time that once in a lifetime things should be done. You probably look the best you ever will in your life, are the healthiest, possibly the strongest and more. You still live in your parent’s home and are not paying rent. You have the freedom to spend your part-time job earnings on anything you want.
Travel to a foreign country? Do it now.
Go to college? Do it now.
Meet attractive strangers? Do it now.
Let’s turn to film.
Revolutionary Road is a 2008 British-American romantic drama film directed by Sam Mendes.
In 1948, Frank Wheeler (Leonardo DiCaprio) meets April (Kate Winslet) at a party. He is a longshoreman, hoping to be a cashier.
She wants to be an actress.
We wondered if he was really serious about that.
Frank later secures a sales position with Knox Machines, for which his father worked for twenty years, and he and April marry. The Wheelers move to 115 Revolutionary Road in suburban Connecticut when April becomes pregnant.
April wants new scenery and a chance to support the family so that Frank can find his passion, and so suggests that they move to Paris to start a new life away from the “hopeless emptiness” of their repetitive lifestyle.
What an opportunity that has been offered to Frank to change he and his family’s destiny.
He initially agrees with April but over time after a lack of support from friends and the incentives that open up for him in his company, he doesn’t follow through.
As a result, April who possesses an artistic mind becomes extremely depressed.
An American wife who is willing to work fulltime, in Paris, while her husband pursues his art and love. To become the epitome of the man he can be. On his wife’s dime.
Now if that isn’t unusual, we don’t know what is.
Be honest. Do you know of anyone in any circle who has a wife willing to do that for him?
That’s what we thought.
That is one of the reasons why the film Revolutionary Road, starring Kate Winslet as that wife, so emotionally stood out to us.
How often in life will a man get that opportunity to find out who he can be and his wife is willing to support him?
Never again.
Here, with two small children in tow, you either do it now, or never. Even if you could do it after the children grow up, it is not the same. No time better than the young present really counts here. This is the time to do it.
While you are both young. Now is when it really matters.
In terms of employment, we know of an associate, when young, had an opportunity to pursue a career or become a leader in the church and take a lesser job so that he could fulfill his responsibility to help take care of the flock. Big decision.
He took the lesser job.
Twenty years later he left the church, lost his job and found that he lacked the skills to get a good job in the employment market. His age was a factor as well. Technology had passed him by. He was now older and less attractive to employers.
He became so depressed he had a form of a breakdown.
Looking back, when it really mattered, he made a terrible decision.
Back to film.
The Big Short is a 2015 American biographical comedy-drama.
The film is based on the 2010 book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis, and shows how the 2007–2008 financial crisis was triggered by the United States housing bubble.
The film stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt, with John Magaro, Finn Wittrock, Hamish Linklater, Rafe Spall, Jeremy Strong, and Marisa Tomei in supporting roles.
Here is the storyline.
In 2008, Wall Street guru Michael Burry realizes that a number of subprime home loans are in danger of defaulting.
Listen closely.
Mr. Burry bets against the housing market by investing more than $1 billion of his investors’ money into credit default swaps.
Very questionable at the time.
His actions attract the attention of banker Jared Vennett (Ryan Gosling), hedge-fund specialist Mark Baum (Steve Carell) and other greedy opportunists. Now for the kicker.
Together, these men make a fortune by taking full advantage of the impending economic collapse in America. While they are still young. When it really matters.
We bring this up because, for those of us who are older, there is absolutely nothing worse, than looking back, knowing that you had a great opportunity in love, finance, employment, friendship or family and when it mattered really most, you either made the wrong decision or worse, played it safe and made no decision at all.
Only to find out later?
Later it too late.
You will never get that opportunity again and, even if you do, your circumstances have completely changed and/or, you are too old.
Here, have a seat.
In this case? There actually is no time better than the present.
Take a moment and think, in your life, right now, what really matters most?
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OPENING PHOTO editorial credit Stefano Chiacchiarini-shutterstock photo credit Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com