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August 5, 2023,
You hope it never happens to you.
You’ve heard about it happening to other people. Maybe read about it, as well.
It must have been something they did, to put them in that situation. What situation?
Starting over.
And you know what?
A lot of the time, it is something that they did, to make that happen. There is something that they could have done to prevent it.
But not always.
Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, massive fires and hurricanes happen. Insurance doesn’t always cover everything. Though extreme, these things do actually happen to people.
Having said that, always remember, starting over is a far better alternative to not being alive and not getting a chance to start over.
May we share a real life experience?
We know of someone in our circle who lost her houses (yes, plural), a substantial amount of her money and her health, all at the same time. Was it all of her fault? No, she had some really bad, predatory people in her life who helped destroy her. So called family and friends.
It was a disaster.
She didn’t see it coming, but she should have. She was the one who allowed it to happen.
Now, she has to start over.
At 50 years old.
There is the expression that you learn the most from your failures.
Well, you learn a lot from getting hit by a car.
Having your residence being broken into.
Getting bit by a dog.
Having your mate cheat on you.
We could go on.
We’re not so big on the “learn from your failures” theory. Though we know that is has great merit. It is just painful as heck. Some people don’t survive it. Some become homeless, have a nervous breakdown or retreat from civilization. Others of us know, those are not answers for us.
We have to start over.
It is horrible starting over. It is like all of your previous sacrifices and hard work were meaningless. A waste of time. In the back of your mind, you know that most people do not have to start over. They build on the foundation of the pyramid they started when they were young.
But it is, what it is.
In our experience, what is the first step to starting over?
Take responsibility for your mistakes (yes, plural). Don’t blame others. You allowed them to help dig your grave.
What was the pathway you were on that contributed to your collapse? Time to change direction.
Time for some advice. Let’s walk over to the bookstore.

Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthrough Program to End Negative Behavior and Feel Great Again Paperback – Unabridged, May 1, 1994
By Jeffrey E. Young (Author), Janet S. Klosko (Author), Aaron T. Beck (Foreword)
“Learn how to end the self-destructive behaviors that stop you from living your best life with this breakthrough program.
Do you…
• Put the needs of others above your own?
• Start to panic when someone you love leaves—or threatens to?
• Often feel anxious about natural disasters, losing all your money, or getting seriously ill?
• Find that no matter how successful you are, you still feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or undeserving?
Unsatisfactory relationships, irrational lack of self-esteem, feelings of being unfulfilled—these are all problems that can be solved by changing the types of messages that people internalize. These self-defeating behavior patterns are called “lifetraps,” and Reinventing Your Life shows you how to stop the cycle that keeps you from attaining happiness.
Two of America’s leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D., draw on the breakthrough principles of cognitive therapy to help you recognize and change negative thought patterns, without the aid of drugs or long-term traditional therapy. They describe eleven of the most common lifetraps, provide a diagnostic test for each, and offer step-by-step suggestions to help you break free of the traps. Thousands of men and women have seen the immediate and long-term results of the extraordinary program outlines in this clear, compassionate, liberating book. Its innovative approach to solving ongoing emotional problems will help you create a more fulfilling, productive life.”
Point taken.
Our friend sure wished she had read this book, when she was young.
One more.
What Self-Made Millionaires Do That Most People Don’t: 52 Ways to Create Your Own Success Paperback – May 21, 2018
By Ann Marie Sabath (Author)
“Confucius said that a thousand-mile journey begins with one step. The same principle applies to becoming a self-made millionaire except this journey consists of 52 common sense practices.
Debt free or not, this book will assist you in recognizing that you are closer to becoming a self-made millionaire than you imagine.
You will be astonished to see how anyone can achieve this status when you create the right mindset. You will learn how white-collar professionals, blue-collar workers, small business owners, even teenagers alike have joined this million dollar net worth rank by methodically and consistently putting into practice the self-made millionaire game plan revealed in this book.
In What Self-Made Millionaires Do That Most People Don’t, author, Ann Marie Sabath clearly explains why “beginning with the end in mind” is so vital for you to achieve your own millionaire status. Sabath makes it easy for you to implement these simple yet often overlooked strategies by sharing an Action Step at the end of each section to integrate into your life that will assist you in mastering these self-made millionaire secrets.
What Self-Made Millionaires Do That Most People Don’t will teach you:
- The Real Definition of Success
- How To Create A Self-Made Millionaire Mindset
- The 25 Habits That These Accomplished Individuals Have In Common
- What These Self-Made Go-Getters Do Differently Than The Average Joe
- How Self-Made Millionaires Benefit From What Most People Call Failure
- How Life Changes For Self-Made Millionaires After Achieving Their Goal
- First-Hand Advice To Readers Who Are Ready To Begin Their Self-Made Millionaire Status
You Have Been Given The Fishing Rod- Now Go Fish.”
Our friend could have really used this book before losing virtually losing everything at 50.
And again. Her story is real.
Sometimes, it is about the money. Starting over is about trying to make up for lost time and finances.
Before it is too late.
The biggest point we are trying to make here is, even if you suffer through a major life crash, setback or failure?
Don’t give up.
For a myriad of reasons, including teaching your younger loved ones, if they face a crisis, not to give up.
Starting over?
We hope like heck it never happens to us, but if it does?
Take a deep breath. Start over. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t give up.
Go down a different pathway. One that you love.
With passion.
~ ~ ~
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