fciwomenswrestling.com article, photo found twitter.com
Gorgeous girl one is the star of the story but wow, gorgeous girl two is incredible. If she’s not the star of this storyline, hers in certainly coming.
That’s what this writer thought when I first saw Indie Wrestling Princess Sonya Strong.
She took on LuFisto, which is never easy, and really held her own. With her flowing dark locks a sensuous shapely body, sometimes it’s hard to keep your eyes on her wrestling.
Our star is still considered a newbie since she’s only been wrestling for less than three years but our Bronx native is gaining respect and positive notoriety.
She is the first women to fight in 2KW.
The 2KW Wrestling Federation, most commonly referred to as 2KW, started back in early 1999, as a no name federation created by young superstars such as Vinny Mac, SyNN, and Kid Krazy.
Observing Sonya’s in your face and energetic style is doing them proud.
Her legion of fans are growing. At the fantastic wrestling site cagematch.net a fan proclaims, “Sonya Strong’s career hasn’t been long, but already, she is showing staying power. So early in her career, and so much potential. Strong was trained by the Amazing Red, and from her quickness, and her lethal kicks, it shows. She also is technical, and knows how to throw great suplexes and put on great matches. The sky is the limit for Strong.”
Maybe there are no limits for Sonya. So much of a rise to female wrestling stardom is about achieving important goals.
In a nice interview with thefrisky.com when asked about her ultimate goal, Sonya smiled, “ Of course the WWE is the highest platform there is and I want to be able to wrestle for them. But regardless, I want to influence people in a positive way with my wrestling. You can get stuck in this world of what you should be instead of what you can be. What you can be is what I want to stand for.”
Great advice. Wonderful goal.
As you see, Sonya can inspire passion and discussion. In terms of achieving important goals, let’s keep the conversation going.
A visiting female writer is going to continue us down that pathway with beneficial insights.
Smart Women Use 5 P’s of Successful Goal Setting
Smart women understand that setting clear goals create a road map to follow and drastically increase chances of success in business. Regardless to where you are in your business cycle, the success of it is dependent on long and short term goals you’ve set and how a road map to getting there. What goals have you set for your business? Better yet, what actions have you taken toward accomplishing them? If you are not sure, here are 5 P’s of successful goal setting.
Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” Tom Landry, football coach
Why is passion an important ingredient in business? Starting and running a business is extremely challenging. It takes endless time and attention. When you absolutely love what you do, then you will be able to face every uphill battle to overcome difficult obstacles as you work your way to the top. That passion will enable you to see your goals to the end.
Women are notorious for putting others first, especially their family and business. Unfortunately, doing so often causes stress, exhaustion or illness… if you are not careful!
Taking care of you should be priority! In setting your goals, it should be first about you, and then your family and business. Ultimately, you are in control of the ‘how, when, where and why’ of achieving your goals. Your goals must align, personally and professionally.
If you take a road trip and fail to plan your route, how likely will you reach your intended destination? Just as planning your route is critical; determining what goals you want to implement and creating a plan to review and measure progress is also.
Your goals need to be specific and attainable. Just saying you want ten new clients in the next six months is not enough? A great way to measure your progress is by implementing SMART Goals. SMART Goals is a simple tool used by businesses to formulate an actionable plan for results. SMART illustrates the 5 characteristics of an efficient objective:
- S- specific
- M – measurable
- A – attainable
- R – realistic
- T – timely
Persistence is the key to success in business. It is the ability to remain steadfast when faced with adversity or opposition. Accomplishing your goals require consistent action. It’s easier said than done… but you must remain tenacious and push ahead! If you make a habit of tracking your progress and achievements so you can see how much closer you’re getting with every step forward.
For example, instead of setting a goal to increase your internet marketing presence, you might want to list several specific ways you plan to do so, such as:
Pod casting:delivered via an RSS FEED and available via audio content.
- Podcasting Resources Podcasting Tools
- Podcast Bunker
- Podcasting News
- Podcast Alley
RSS Feeds: Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an easy way to send information directly to online subscribers without using e-mail.
- News Is Ready
- Technorati
Article Marketing: Short articles written pertaining to industry related to a website. Articles are syndicated on the web and contain a back link to the website.
- Article Marketer
- EzineArticles
- Idea Marketers
Press Releases: Submitted to journalists in order to encourage them to develop articles on the subject.
- PR Web
- 24-7 Press Release
- I Newswire
Ultimately, people are in business to make a profit. This is extremely important for the health of your business. As a new or growing business, you need to be diligent about your finances. Some experts suggest reviewing your profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow reports on a monthly basis. In addition, hiring a CPA or bookkeeper can be a wise investment.
Assess your present expenditures and establish goals that take into consideration your short and long-term financial objectives. Here are 4 helpful tools:
Goal Tracking Tools
- Goals On Track – This goal tracking software does so much more than just assist in tracking your goals. It will help you prioritize, visualize and stay focused on what matters most.
- 43 Things – An online tool to help you track your goals as well as motivate you through fellow member recommendations.
- Joe’s Goals – An easy to use and extremely efficient online tool that is great for tracking your everyday goals.
- Lifetick – a web based software that brings together goal setting and achievement like you’ve never seen before through its intuitive and easy to understand process.
In closing, goal setting is vital to remain successful and competitive. Your goals are extremely crucial to your roadmap to business success!
Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. For the past 6 years, she has worked as Project Director of the Women’s Business Center; and served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, http://www.sylviabrowder.com.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sylvia_D._Browder/1103133
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7123136