fciwomenswrestling.com article, Katii Bishop pexels.com photo credit
Where is Ponce DeLeon when you need him?
Well. Actually we do know of the vicinity where he is at. He just can’t speak with us, but we wish he could.

Juan Ponce de León, 1474 – July 1521, was a Spanish explorer and conquistador. He became the first Governor of Puerto Rico by appointment of the Spanish crown.
He led the first known European expedition to La Florida, which he named during his first voyage to the area in 1513.
Now with great emphasis, though in popular culture, he was supposedly searching for the Fountain of Youth, there is no contemporary evidence to support the story, which is likely a myth.
There are so many supposed miracle foods and fruits out there, hanging out on trees or surging up from the ground that will cure virtually everything that ails us, it is truly hard to tell reality from myth.
We wish beyond all hope that the hype is true since we can purchase it in supplement pills or tasty juices but sometimes the imagined benefits are in our head, psychologically making us feel better and more powerful than what they actually physically can do.
The Noni fruit is becoming the rage and we wish the hype was true, so we will listen to both sides to see if it is worth pursuing.
The hype is far larger in private industry since companies desire to make a profit so after a brief definition, let’s start there.
At the widely respected webmd.com they report, “Noni is a small evergreen tree in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Australia, and India that often grows among lava flows. Historically, noni was used to make a red or yellow dye for clothing. It was also used as medicine, usually applied to the skin.
Today, noni fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, bark, and roots are still used to make medicine for a long list of ailments. However, the effectiveness of noni for these uses has not been proven. A study of noni freeze-dried fruit extract is underway at The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, but the results are not yet in. In the meantime, the FDA has issued multiple warnings to noni manufacturers about health claims that aren’t backed up by fact.”
That is a very good start.
As we proceed, if you think that you will risk it, which is fine, the overwhelming reviews say that the smell and taste of some Noni fruit and juice are unpleasant.
Wikipedia printed, “In August 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a Warning Letter to Flora, Inc. for violating section 201(g)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)]. Flora made twelve unfounded health claims about the purported benefits of noni juice as a medical product, in effect causing the juice to be evaluated as a drug. Under the Act, this necessitates all safety and clinical trial evidence for the juice providing such effects in humans.
The FDA letter also cited 1) absent scientific evidence for health benefits of the noni phytochemicals scopoletin and damnacanthal, neither of which has been confirmed with biological activity in humans, and 2) lack of scientific foundation for health claims made by two proponents of noni juice, Dr. Isabella Abbot and Dr. Ralph Heinicke.”
They add, “People take noni by mouth for colic, convulsions, cough, diabetes, painful urination, stimulating menstrual flow, fever, liver disease, constipation, vaginal discharge during pregnancy, malarial fever, and nausea. It is also used for smallpox, enlarged spleen, swelling, asthma, arthritis and other bone and joint problems, cancer, cataracts, colds, depression, digestive problems, and gastric ulcers. Other uses include high blood pressure, infections, kidney disorders, migraine headache, premenstrual syndrome, stroke, pain, and sedation.”
Wow, that’s quite a list.
Now for the possible side effects.
At herbs.lovetoknow.com they educate “Of the individuals who reported non-allergic side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, bloating and gas, most noted that the adverse effects generally subsided within 72 hours after decreasing the dosage. Some reports indicate that noni juice consumption triggers coughing fits.”
Okay, perhaps you have been properly prepped.
Now it is time for the proclamations.
We have a visiting writer who will share.
The Undiluted Truth of Noni Juice

The noni fruit, scientifically known as morinda citrifolia, is a tree that belongs to the coffee family. It grows most commonly in tropical climates, such as but not limited to Southeast Asia, certain regions of India, and Tahiti. The fruit-bearing tree grows extraordinarily well in these climates, so much that it may even be considered a nuisance plant to some farmers. Local native farmers such as in the Philippines may even cut down the trees, due to the fruit’sprolificacy and formidable odor.
However, despite noni fruit’s relative abundance in these tropical climates, it has been sought after as a miraculous healing fruit in the western world. Pure organic noni juice in particular has earned a reputation for providing numerous health benefits. These health benefits range from boosting immune system, to providing relief from aches and discomfort in the joints. The numerous health benefits are highlighted below.
Tahiti Noni Juice (TNJ) was studied in a 30 day clinical trial with 285 long-term smokers. They were given 29.5 mL of TNJ on a daily basis, and their SAR (superoxide anion radicals) and LOOH (lipid hydro peroxide) levels were measured before and after the study. It was concluded that TNJ provided a 26% reduction in SAR, and a 24% reduction in LOOH.
Noni fruit juice has been found to stimulate Nitric Oxide production in the body, which is a signaling molecule that aids in blood circulation, reduces tumor growth, as well as increasing the immune response to radically replicating cells.
Liver protection
A 2008 laboratory study concluded that female rats treated with diluted noni exhibited diminished liver damage after being exposed to tetrachloride, a pollutant which causes liver cancer. The researchers noted that the noni fruit’s juice was beneficial in protecting from toxin exposure.
Noni has been shown to reduce the painful inflammation of joints that accompany arthritis. Historically the leaves of the noni tree have been used in traditional medicine, where the leaves would be wrapped around the painful joint. Pure noni juice has exhibited the same inflammation reducing properties.
A published study found that noni fruit’s juice was effective in controlling blood sugar levels, due to the compounds in noni fruit known as saponins and triterpenes. Noni juice was also shown to help in restoring pancreatic beta cells.
The two vital hormones to mood balancing are serotonin and melatonin. Noni juice has been shown as an effective stimulant for these hormones, enabling treatment for depression. Melatonin also regulates your sleeping cycles, so noni juice will promote healthier sleep patterns.
These are just a few of the many health benefits of noni fruit. While researchers have already discovered many beneficial properties of drinking pure organic noni juice, research continues to be done. It’s also worth mentioning that noni has no known side effects, so there is certainly no harm in trying it for yourself. However, smaller amounts of noni should be given to children compared to the average dose for adults. You should also consider a 7 – 10 day on, 5 day off cycle if you choose to provide your child with noni juice.
Noni Juice has scientifically proven its advantages and wide range of people have accepted noni juice in their regular diets. In case you are looking for organic health supplements in respect to Antioxidants, Anti-Cancer fruits, liver protection, arthritis, diabetes or anti-depressant then organic noni juice is the best thing you can opt for.
Thank you Prashant.
We have seen article after article that swear Noni is the miracle fruit and list a number of its health benefit.
It is very possible some of the claims are true because people actually use it and benefit from it.
This link is to an article that actually does provide backup sources.
Here it is http://healthiersteps.com/10-amazing-health-benefits-of-noni/
We think the thought at livestrong.com sums it up well.
“If you cruise the aisles of your local health food store, you’ll likely find noni supplements lining the shelves. Noni is commonly used for conditions such as diabetes and as a general health tonic. Manufacturers make a wide variety of claims, many of which lack clinical support. But research does indicate possible benefits, particularly for blood sugar and cholesterol management. Noni has the potential to cause side effects and may interact with certain medications, so talk to your doctor before taking noni supplements.”
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OPENING PHOTO CREDIT Katii Bishop pexels.com photo credit
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Prashant_Saxenaa/1793015
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9175412