fciwomenswrestling.com article, simplesugarsscrub.com photo credit
Sugars love affair with desserts, refreshing drinks and all things comfort foods is one wonderful romantic story, but when it becomes associated with the improvement of a persons skin condition?
It appears a new handsome stranger or mysterious young beautiful princess has suddenly appeared in the story.
Things are about to get interesting.
The new storyline involves the use of sugar applied to the skin.

Please meet a beautiful young princess from Pittsburg, USA named Lani Lazzari, owner of Simple Sugars, who has entered this traditional story, and if she has her way, sugar and beautiful skin will create a new long-term romantic novel.
I love to eat – Kit Kats or cookies-and-cream ice cream. I need sugar like five times a day. Kim Kardashian
Lets travel to Steeler country and meet her. At her super sweet site simplesugarsscrub.com, Lani shares her very impressive story. Simple Sugars began in December of 2005, when my mom decided that we would have a homemade Christmas and insisted that my brothers and I make the holiday gifts that we wanted to give to family and friends.
Since I was a baby I have had very sensitive skin and have been prone to eczema breakouts. I have never been able to use a commercially produced product without experiencing skin irritation or a major rash. So, I decided to make an all-natural product that would be safe for very sensitive skin like mine, would be fun to use and smell great too. I did lots of research, came up with my formulation, gave my scrubs out to family and friends, all of whom clamored for more and Simple Sugars was born!

Simple Sugars has grown a lot since then and so has my passion for all-natural skin care. I like to tell people, If you wouldn’t eat it, then you probably have no business putting it on your skin!
In March of 2013, shortly after graduating from high school, I appeared on ABC’s hit show “Shark Tank” and got an investment from billionaire Mark Cuban. Since then Simple Sugars has exploded! We sell internationally online and in over 700 retail locations and employ a team of 22 people. All of our products are still handmade at our production facility in Pittsburgh, PA.
Our mission is simple (no pun intended!):
- To revolutionize skincare for sensitive skin by making the best all-natural products out of the highest quality ingredients available.
- To provide customers with the best possible customer experience.
- To renew, reuse and recycle because we only have one Earth.
- To create a company that people love to work for and love to buy from because we do smart things and we actually, really care about what we stand for.
Stay Smooth!
What a yummy story. We never associated using sugar to assist in helping what ails our skin.
How brilliant.
Though sugar tends to get a bad rap because of its association with extreme health issues including Diabetes, it is also well-known in the sugar community that there are many benefits to the proper and balanced use of sugar.
At sugarhistory.net they educate, Scientific studies tried to examine positive and negative effects of this popular food substance. In all of their findings, some effects could be tested and proven to be true, but many were left inconclusive and unfinished. With that thing said, benefits of sugar are much easier to prove than harmful effects.
Sugars glycolic acid can be very helpful in maintaining the health and look of your skin. Using it can help elimination blemishes and restoring the balance in the skins oils.
I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted. Og Mandino
As you might guest, many of the locals, especially in the media, are proud of their native daughter.
They smile at post-gazette.com, Lani Lazzari, owner of Simple Sugars, a company that makes all-natural body and face scrubs, and Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, stand at the Simple Sugars headquarters in Sharpsburg. Mr. Cuban invested in Ms. Lazzaris business when she appeared on the ABC reality TV show Shark Tank.

Lani Lazzari was 18 when she appeared on the ABC reality show “Shark Tank” to pitch her line of all-natural, handmade body and face scrubs called Simple Sugars.
The show’s panel of millionaire and billionaire investors was impressed by her poise and maturity as well as by the product she created when she was 11 to help ease her eczema. The Fox Chapel native secured a $100,000 investment for a 33 percent stake in her company from Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who was born in Squirrel Hill and grew up in Mt. Lebanon.
Before her appearance on Shark Tank, Simple Sugars had two part-time employees and Lanis mother Gina, the company’s vice president, helped her.
After the positive publicity of Shark Tank, the business has 23 employees, and Miss Lazzari expects it to continue to grow.

The product driven site amazon.com is certainly has a crush on the product. They praise that it is an all-natural skincare especially for sensitive skin which contains no Parabens, Phthalates, Pegs or Sulfates.
The informative site sbnonline.com adds some history, Lani Lazzari has been making skincare scrubs since she was 11 years old. Shes grown up running her company, Simple Sugars, and at the experienced age of 21, shes not content to sit at $3 million in sales.
Lazzari made all-natural skincare scrubs for sensitive skin as a hobby until her junior year of high school. Thats when she got serious about turning Simple Sugars into a legitimate business.
Simple Sugars products are available online and in 575 Destination Maternity stores across the United States.
Using safe, chemical-free products is particularly important during pregnancy, not only for the mothers, but also for babies, because pregnant women are particularly susceptible to the negative effects of some of the chemicals commonly found in personal care products.
People try her products, get addicted, and then come back and buy over and over again.
Simple Sugars not only see that in their orders but also on social media.
They have pictures tweeted to them from people who have been so excited to find Simple Sugars in their local Destination Maternity locations.
Good to know.
Thanks to Lani Lazzari, listening to her story is creating a wonderful glow on the faces and skin of people all over the world.
Now thats a sweet story.
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