fciwomenswrestling.com article, https://femcompetitor.com photo
Patti Smith is an American singer-songwriter, poet, and visual artist who became a highly influential component of the New York City punk rock movement with her 1975 debut album Horses.
Ms. Smith’s most widely known song is “Because the Night“, which was co-written with Bruce Springsteen.
Regarding good news, she was once quoted as saying, “Good news doesn’t necessarily have to be a positive thing. Bringing good news is imparting hope to one’s fellow man.”
There is challenging news on the global consumer spending front if you are a retailer.
We are here to import hope.
There is good news on the financial landscape if you are a Female Mixed Wrestling Session Provider.
The headlines seem to say it all.
“Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond.”… Hunter S. Thompson
Millennials, the 20 through 30’s age group whom marketers greatly desire would prefer to spend their discretionary income on out-of-town vacations, meals with friends, gym memberships and other forms of recreation.
Stating this another way, the once in a life time experience that many female session wrestlers provide to their customers should be in greater demand with Millennial customers willing to spend more on the fantasy desired.
Movie Star – Session Provider – Beautiful Sahara Knite – England
According to the New York Times in an August 14, 2015 article that speaks to consumer spending, “As Americans spend more money on doing things, not buying things, department stores are losing out.
Data released by the Commerce Department shows that American consumers are putting what little extra money they do have to spend each month into eating out, upgrading their cars or fixing up their homes, as well as spending on sports gear, health and beauty. Spending at restaurants and bars has jumped more than 9 percent this year through July compared with the same period last year, and on autos by more than 7 percent, according to the agency.
Analysts say a wider shift is afoot in the mind of the American consumer, spurred by the popularity of a growing body of scientific studies that appear to show that experiences, not objects, bring the most happiness.”
A June 1, 2015 report at forbes.com seems to echo similar sentiments.
They state, “This generation not only highly values experiences, but they are increasingly spending time and money on them: from concerts and social events to athletic pursuits, to cultural experiences and events of all kinds. For this group, happiness isn’t as focused on possessions or career status. Living a meaningful, happy life is about creating, sharing and capturing memories earned through experiences that span the spectrum of life’s opportunities.
Did you know that since 1987 the share of consumer spending on live experiences and events relative to total U.S. consumer spending increased 70%?”
Mad Men would be proud.

The decades old advertising powerhouse Advertising Age shares, “Various psychological studies are showing that all people — not just millennials — are happier when their money is spent on living, rather than on having. Mintel’s 2015 American Lifestyles report projects that over the next five years, total spending will grow by nearly 22%, with the so‐called “non‐essential” categories, including vacations and dining out, expected to see the greatest gains.”
Part of what is causing this shift was the housing market crash of 2008 where many middle aged home owners lost their homes and in some cases life savings as well.
The United States housing bubble was a real estate bubble affecting over half of U.S. states. Housing prices peaked in early 2006, started to decline in 2006 and 2007, and reached new lows in 2012.
On December 30, 2008, the Case-Shiller home price index reported its largest price drop in its history. The credit crisis resulting from the bursting of the housing bubble is—according to general consensus—the primary cause of the 2007–2009 recession in the United States.
The previous notion that owning things is the key to happiness was severely tested when many lost or had to sell much of what they owned.
The informative site nsightcenter.eprkc.com adds, “Defined as those ages 18 to 34 in the year 2015, Millennials recently bypassed Baby Boomers to become the nation’s largest generation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, this group now represents one-third of the national population. As the upcoming dominant consumer group, Millennials’ values and spending habits are the indicators of future behavioral and economic trends nationwide.
Millennial consumers overwhelmingly prefer access to goods over ownership of goods, delaying purchases of large ticket items like cars and homes—and fueling a new “sharing economy” in the process.”
So, focusing on the good side of this equation, let’s meet two new session providers in England.
“Other people’s successes are good news – for them and for you. Good for you because they show you a way to go.”… Steve Wynn
She possesses a name that speaks both to upscale spending and falling down.
Harlequin Crash is her name and providing great sessions is her game.
According to her WB270 bio she’s an Italian beauty that moved to London and is working with the industry giant, The Submission Room, in a professional session wrestling venue.
She smiles, “I have strength and flexibility as I’ve been doing yoga, and dancing.”
Our sweet girl loves to have fun, wrestle and get sweaty on the mats.
Isn’t that what you want too?
For this once in a life time experience, you can email her at: harlequincrash@gmail.com
There is a powerful girl new to the scene and we are glad to have her.
Please meet Power Desi. Our sexy lady is based in London but often travels to Germany and other European countries.
She’s brand new to wrestling but has taken to it very quickly. Power Desi is fast and scrappy and has beautiful strong legs.
Her email is: power_desi@yahoo.co.uk
With sound marketing skills applied, now seems to one of the best times in recent decades to influence consumers to participate in sessions as the importance of having great life experiences is becoming more of a premium as well as session customers having the money to spend on it.
Session Girls, are you ready to make the most of this new global economy?
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.