grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com-photo -Nina-Uhlíková.
Observing and researching the travel habits of women in the competitive female submission industry was like the canary in the cave, this time in a positive way, which was an indicator of the buying power of women in the massive travel industry.
At the informative site gutsytraveler.com they report, “Women travel statistics indicate that women consumers now drive the world travel economy. Women are earning more, spending more and influencing all levels of the travel industry. Women’s purchasing power in the travel segment has never been higher.
According to Harvard Business Review, women control $15 trillion in spending power. These numbers represent a market that is double China and India’s growth markets combined.
According to Forbes, women make 80% of the decisions and are expected to spend $125 billion this year.

Whether we are single or married, career women or stay-at-home moms, traveling with other women is empowering and good fun! 80% of all travel decisions are made by women.”
That is an extremely powerful statistic.
In our interviews with female submission wrestlers at events, we were always amazed at how they seem to be on a plane far more often than the average population.
One such star is Samantha Grace who is constantly flying from one modeling assignment to the next.

Travel of course is a tremendous experience but one of the risks of traveling to foreign environments are health issues.
What can you do to cope with intestinal distress in another land?
Some swear by using Aloe Vera capsules and their extensive health benefits.
One of our favorite informative health improvement sites livestrong.com lays a nice aloe foundation. “The aloe vera plant is a perennial succulent that grows mostly in tropical and subtropical climates. Its thick, spiky leaves are broken off to release a clear gel that’s commonly used to treat and heal various skin conditions, including burns, rashes and wounds. Though it’s often applied topically, the gel produced by the aloe vera plant can also be made into pill form. When taken orally, aloe vera may treat other body ailments. As of 2010, most aloe Vera studies were preliminary. Consult your physician before taking aloe vera in pill form and never ingest aloe vera in its raw state.
Whether taken in tablet or pill form, aloe vera may improve the functionality of the digestive system. That includes constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, common gastrointestinal tract ailments. It does this by increasing the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, according to Vitamins-Supplements.org., a website dedicated to informing users of various supplements.”
Perhaps like you, we have heard of the benefits of the Aloe Vera plant for years but because we get bombarded with so many other super foods and pills, it’s easy to lose track of one of the world’s most natural and healthful plants.

It’s so nice that it can be consumed in pill form.
Another educational site aloeplant.info adds, “In order to use aloe to soothe the intestines, it must be ingested, either as a liquid, gel, or capsule. Aloe is very gentle on the intestinal tract. It can heal the intestines from inflammation, act as a stool softener for those experiencing constipation, and help the digestive system work more efficiently.
Efficient and effective digestion can help relieve diarrhea and constipation symptoms as well as other systems that result.
Aloe can also help cleanse the colon.
The soothing effects of aloe and abundant vitamins, enzymes, and nutrients in aloe help to remove toxins and food buildup in the colon and the body. These toxin can make you feel ill and mess with your entire digestive system if they remain in your body. Aloe vera contains enzymes that can help in digestion by breaking up the undigested food. It will take a few weeks of regular aloe consumption to completely clean up the colon.”
Since our beautiful girls will continue to travel from assignment to assignment, in case digestive and intestinal problems invade paradise, a visiting writer has suggestions on using Aloe Vera capsules to find relief.
By Shira Mar
What Are the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Capsules?
Have you been searching for the right supplement to give you a much needed boost? Do you want to incorporate essential vitamins and minerals into your daily supplement, but aren’t sure which one to take? Wish you could get all the benefits of nutritional supplements, and only have to take one pill?
There are tons of dietary supplements on the market. Each supplement can assist with a particular system in the body or serves a specific purpose. There are very few supplements that can benefit your whole body.
Some health enthusiasts end up taking dozens of supplements daily to keep up with their body’s nutritional needs. This can be overwhelming for some and unrealistic for most.
There is one supplement on the market that can surely fill the gap and help a broad spectrum of body systems and conditions. It can help kill bacteria and strengthen the immune system, as well a slower blood sugar, repair tissue damage and treat all sorts of ailments like digestive disorders. It can even help hydrate your body, both inside and out.
So what is this miracle supplement? Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is a timeless remedy that has been used for thousands of years, and is now available in capsule form.
Aloe Vera is an all-in-one supplement that can offer dozens of health benefits with just one pill. It has a very unique composition that enables it to assist almost all of the body’s systems and parts, from digestion to muscle flexing.
Aloe Vera capsules can help treat a number of skin disorders. Acne, eczema and psoriasis can all be treated with these potent capsules, as well as age spots, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks and even wrinkles.
Aloe Vera capsules can also improve your overall health. They are known to boost the immune system, containing approximately 200 nutrients including vitamins B-12, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. It also contains nine out of ten of the essential amino acids, as well as alanine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, hydroxyl-proline, proline, serine and tyrosine. These nutrients strengthen the body and can prevent infections before they have the chance to take form.
In the event that an infection does form, the mucopolysaccharides found in aloe can trigger the body’s natural defense system and kill dozens of harmful bacteria.
The capsules are especially potent when it comes to stomach disorders. Aloe Vera’s long sugar chain molecule, mucopolysaccharides, plays a key role in normalizing the damaging processes that cause poor digestion and can act as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, stopping the damage and leakage of the intestinal wall. IBS, indigestion, heartburn, and constipation can greatly be alleviated with natural aloe capsules.
Aloe extracts can also help with the reduction of blood sugar and can help cure both type I and II diabetes. It has also been proven to treat various forms of arthritis as a result of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Additionally, the musopolysaccharides can function within cell walls (unlike other vitamins and minerals that can only function outside the cell) and can therefore serve as an antioxidant combating free radicals. Aloe Vera therefore plays a crucial role in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease.
It is no wonder why aloe vera has been called the ‘miracle plant’ for centuries. With just one pill you can benefit a variety of body functions and treat dozens of conditions. I urge you to visit http://www.NaturesFactoryProducts.com and purchase the most potent and effective aloe vera capsules… today!
Shira Mar http://www.NaturesFactoryProducts.com
Learn about the myriad benefits of aloe vera and stay up to date on aloe vera discoveries and developments. Explore our unique line of aloe vera supplements and products that have been proven to be the most potent and effective on the market.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shira_Mar/879229
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6110405
Please consult with your doctor before purchasing any product new to your system.