fciwomenswrestling.com article, wb270 photo
Defeating the people that you are supposed to, is one of the most important sports axioms to never violate.
Don’t execute that and your fore-ordained train ride to a title fight derails and instead re-stamps your alternate ticket for despondent passage on the go everywhere, go nowhere tour.
This is the train that you want to be on.
How do you prevent inexcusable loses?
Pad your schedule. Seriously.
It’s done all of the time in NCAA College Football.
Here in Nor-Cal, why else in the world would a smaller university like UC Davis even consider tightening up their chin straps against mighty Pac 12 powerhouse Stanford?
A nice pay day.
According to a revealing article written by espn.go.com Senior Writer, Darren Rovel, before the start of the 2014 season, he shared, “College football teams will pay their opponents at least $12.9 million this weekend.
Big Ten teams will pony up the most money in the so-called “guarantee” games, which compensate smaller budget opponents for playing at the bigger opponent’s stadium without returning to play at their stadium.”
Pitt’s Walk In The Park Victory
The informative site sportsgrid.com added, “College football is a money-making enterprise, as everyone knows. And while the bowl system is the main proprietor of such non-financial equity, both in relation to other college sports, its athletes and smaller institutions, there are levels of legal corruption as well. Namely, small colleges playing big schools in the early non-conference schedule where the result is hardly in doubt even before kickoff.”
Now that’s what we call padding the schedule.
In the female submission wrestling world, in terms of padding the schedule (Axa we luv you), some we’re clever and perhaps wise enough to do that to learn, build a winning record and gain respect along with surging confidence. We admired Axa so much for her early career, rocket to the stars launch, we decided to write about her.

Axa Jay, UK Wrestler Proves She’s For Real
Here in the Golden state, with our then female high school senior tennis player, her previous won lost varsity records were 4-10 and 3-11.
After grueling workouts in the hot sun and applying the contents of the memo, at one point during her senior campaign she was 13-0 and the most telling statistic?
All victories were won 2 sets to none.
What happened when she met the eventual champion when she was 5-0?
Well, you already know.
You see, not only did we apply the memo……..
We enhanced it.
Apparently rising UK star wrestler Scorpion didn’t get the memo.

Talk about taking on the big girls early in your career.
And she did it impressively with a mighty sting.
A newer fighter, her early opponents are fierce industry super star Mystique (heaven forbid at least twice), Shelby Beach, Diana, a statuesque Czech warrior; and Suzie a stealth sexy Hungarian company fighter.
Talk about a list to avoid if you want to guarantee victories. Mystique twice?
Her British contemporary Axa not only got the memo, she downloaded it, copyrighted it, contacted James Bond (it’s a UK thing), and memorized it backwards and forwards.
Fortunately for the other new girls on the rise seeking a powerful strategy……Axa didn’t delete the file or spy thriller style, have it automatically self-destruct.
At the British company where Axa cut her wrestling teeth, she ran up over 20 victories against no losses.
Who were some her early victims?
Ah, slender beautiful shapely feminine blondes named Holly and Kelly. You’ve heard of them right?
My money is on So. Cal starlet Kymberly Jane to take both of them on, at the same time, in a fully competitive match…..and win.
Having said that, when you saw the list of names Axa defeated, respected though they locally may be, and wonderful at singing Karaoke in English pubs, you will probably never see any of them lofting a trophy high above at Femwrestle events. (Viktoria M. on sleeping pills doesn’t count.)
Don’t get us wrong. We admire Axa for that. Very clever. With sincerity, Axa has soared to the level of an elite female submission wrestler.

She followed the memo to perfection. Bravo!
Like the NCAA elite football teams wanting to raise the rankings flag, her strategy was brilliant.
On our train rides to title fights here in Northern California at the elite high school level, that is exactly what we did too.
And you know what?
We’d do it again.
Match your little warrior up against the people you know that you can beat to bolster their confidence, enhance their rankings and when they finally meet the champion, they are ready to fight with passion.
Lose early and you not only doom them to be a middle packer status, their rankings plummet and you wind up as a “what potential they had” cautionary tale.
Perfect scheduling, preparation and talent is potentially unbeatable.
This was done masterfully by the great boxer Sugar Ray Leonard.
On August 12, 1979, Leonard knocked out Pete Ranzany in four rounds to win the NABF Welterweight Championship.
The following month, he made his first title defense against Andy Price. Many felt that Price would give Leonard a tough fight, but Leonard took him out in the first round, advancing his record to 25–0 with 16 knockouts.
Leonard fought Wilfred Benitez for the WBC Welterweight Championship on November 30, 1979, at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. Leonard received $1 million and Benitez, a two-division champion with a record of 38–0–1, received $1.2 million.
So what’s up with this sensuous Scorpion chick anyway? Knickers in a twist, down or up, why walk right into the eye of the storm pronto?
Why is Scorpion so confident?
She explains why herself. “I’m a natural alpha female; strong and athletic, with a nasty little sadistic side. I’m an all-action woman, with muscle bound, ass-kicking body that have been honed with years of sports. As well as martial arts, years of riding mountain bikes and off-road motorbikes. I have trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Thai boxing, Boxing and MMA. I’m fast and deadly on the mat – so don’t think you can relax for a second!”
Her UK group is proud of her. At thesubmissionroom.co.uk they praise, “An all-action woman, with a muscle bound, ass-kicking body that has been honed with years of sport. Alongside martial arts, she rides mountain bikes and dirt bikes, which explains those ridiculous quads! She has trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Thai boxing, Boxing and MMA.”
We have reviewed many of her matches and one of her greatest assets are her super sexy large upper thighs.
Would she be ideal for a memorable session? Of course. Her customers rave about her. Here are two reviews.
“Scorpion is a blast. The photos of her legs don’t give you an idea of the strength, and her BJJ training is evident in the skill and accuracy of her moves. She does an amazing job of combining fantasy wrestling (scissors, smothers) with true BJJ submission fighting. I knew for the first bit of the session, she was ‘going easy’ on me, and as we got to know each other’s capabilities, I encouraged her to play a little harder. OMG – she was unreal. I was tapping like crazy without any ability to stop the onslaught of this amazing fighter.”

Didn’t we tell about those sensational legs?
Let’s listen in to another happy session camper.
“Scorpion is the real deal. I am an in shape 5’7, 165lbs 30 year old former athlete. Scorpion outmaneuvered, exhausted, and eventually overpowered me in a fully competitive pins and submissions match. She is a true professional, great conversationalist, and skilled grappler. She is beautiful, muscular and functionally strong. Most importantly, she loves to wrestle and wants to beat you at your best. And she’s getting stronger!”
You should have a session with her. Her email is scorpion@missscorpion.com
Our English beauty is making a name for herself on the mats. Let’s review a few of her matches in England.
Scorpion engaged with a newer British grappler that came in at 165 lbs. named Tyrant. Dressed in a sensuous pink orange sherbet bathing suite, weighing in at 154 lbs. Scorpion had the look of confidence and experience.
She got off to a slow start, even getting submitted early on, but soon gained her traction and proved that once warmed up against a lesser skilled opponent, she has the endurance and skill to finish the job.
She also proved something else that speaks to champion pedigree.
She didn’t get demoralized and give up. She came from behind.
Louise is a statuesque gorgeous brunette with an artistic look. At 5’9” she could be a problem. Her lack of hard wrestling experience should work in Scorpion’s favor and does. What we admired about Scorpion when viewing this match was that she is very good at adapting her style.
Even though she is highly skilled in the martial arts and loves the rear naked choke, modifying her tactics to subdue her opponent here, she was very effective at using the cross body pin. A very, very sexy match.
Scorpion’s most formidable test at this English Club would be against the Submission and Lady Pro wrestling star Shelby Beach. Shelby is very experienced in many forms of wrestling and has met varied personality profiles in battle.
The test here for Scorpion is not if she will win. This early in her career that was probably not realistic. The test for her as a newer less experienced fighter was not to get steam rolled. She didn’t. It’s very competitive and a carefully orchestrated strategic fight by both sensuous women.
Despite having great success in your sisterhood and local pond, the way only that you can really gauge your progress is to travel outside of your safety zone.
Just like they say in another world of aggression behind bars, if you stay in your comfort zone; no matter how tough you act on the inside, you’ll never know if you can make it on the outside.
Scorpion appears to be a risk taker and makes the trek to the scenic Czech Republic to take on the sexy shapely Lucrecia at industry leader Fight Pulse.

Here is the match: https://www.fightpulse.com/female-wrestling/fw-14-scorpion-vs-lucrecia/
Now for the description. “One of Fight Pulse’s best wrestlers Lucrecia (6? 0?, 216 lb.) faces our guest, up-and-coming grappler from UK, Scorpion (5? 7?, 154 lb.), in a competitive wrestling match.
Scorpion compensates for her size disadvantage with agility and spectacular offensive game. She is on the attack all throughout the video.
The winner in this match is determined not so much by the skill level of the winner, but by her sheer will to win. As it often happens, the wrestler who wants it more wins the match. Even though there is a decisive winner, this encounter is far from being one-sided.”
One sided? Not with Scorpion. It’s always competitive.
If you want to find out what you are made of at the highest level and you are not concerned about padding your schedule then you need to travel to Troisdorf, Germany and enter into the Femwrestle events.
Scorpion does just that.
She takes on Mystique:

She battles Diana:

The match that had the most intrigue for us was against the Hungarian company fighter Suzie.

Suzie is a fascinating case study for another article.
This sensuous dark haired Euro Princess has been around since 2011, has fought some of the biggest names in the female fight game including Ariel, Cheyenne and Tia among others, but the concern is that she appears to be a fighter with no real ascending plan.
Super talented though she may be, she seems to have flat lined.
She can have a great match against Swedish Star Lina and then have very puzzling results against what appears to be obviously lesser skilled but energetic opponents.
Yes plural.
The challenge for many company fighters is that they have unintentionally imposed a ceiling upon themselves. They know the pecking order in their group and they dare not challenge it.
This is great for getting along with wrestling siblings, but terrible for fighting against lesser experienced but intense, unyielding and passionate strangers like Scorpion.

When they find themselves in trouble in unscripted waters, and they often do, for most company fighters there is no plan B, creativity or unyielding intestinal fortitude to call upon.
Stunning, elegant, wonderfully muscled and yet very feminine Jenna from Hungary is early in her career but the linear flat line warning signs are there.
You don’t believe me?
Just view Jenna’s match against Safa Warda.

Virtually no come from behind victories are on Suzie and Jenna’s extensive resumes.
Once behind, unfortunately, mostly they’re finished.
Even with her extensive experience of over 20 matches, we felt Suzie was going to be in trouble in this matchup with the newer Scorpion. We purchased to find out.

As the two mouth-watering women are introduced, Scorpion looks to die for in a black designer shredded bathing suit that clings to her body like an exotic ribbon.
Suzie is an elegant brunette who looks perfect at an upscale restaurant with a private table by the fireplace blessed with moonlight. Here in Troisdorf she is voluptuously packaged in a yellow sports bra and white and black snug briefs.
As the battle begins, our Hungarian princess finds herself constantly on her back, legs struggling to escape. You’ll have to purchase the video to find out who won but let’s just say that Scorpion proves that she is ready for the bright lights of the mat wars.
Variety is the spice of life and wise as it may sometimes be, padding the schedule with guaranteed victories is not for everyone.
Especially not for a rising star like Scorpion. She’s more tenacious than her logo.

She’s super sexy, MMA upgraded, passionate and resilient.
In terms of her not getting the padding memo? Given her dynamite wrestling, in her case?
We’re glad it got lost in the mail.
~ ~ ~
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.