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Samantha Grace is a Southern California Starlet and a Very Hardworking Submission Wrestler.
Doesn’t it always feel great when you get more than you paid for?
This writer’s college buddy felt that way back in the 1980’s when he had some time on his hands since school was out and the sun was hot.
Why not go to a movie theater and enjoy their air conditioning?
When he arrived he had several choices including two well-advertised blockbusters with big name stars or this obscure sci-fi flick with some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger as the lead. Once the film started he couldn’t take his eyes off the screen and could barely breathe. He saw it twice.
What a bargain.
I would meet Samantha Grace for the first time at a small Oakland, California event at an elegant Dojo. Having the assignment of covering the matches I researched Samantha ahead of time. Once I saw a couple of her preview videos with other companies and her pouty lips I privately thought this was another sexy, feminine So. Cal chick that does a little wrestling on the side. Simply put, here?
She’s a jobber and is gonna git her beautiful butt kicked!
I quietly salivated awaiting a domination sensation.
Gorgeous? Absolutely. A good wrestler? I guess we’ll see.
She would be matched up against another tanned beauty from Nor Cal named Audrey Rose, a sexy nicely shaped middleweight whom I had seen wrestle before and was new but talented. Audrey had my nod.
The match is for sale online so the ending is a secret but give Samantha credit. The kid can wrestle.
After the match I walked over to Samantha who was sitting alone. I asked if she had done competitive matches before and she stared in the distance and indicated “of course” and had won some. I liked that. Win or lose she always seems to want to improve.
The bargain that yields mutual satisfaction is the only one that is apt to be repeated.
…….B. C. Forbes
As is FCI’s custom, we view women’s submission wrestling as a potentially corporate sponsored product so there is a mandate to always offer to take all of the female competitors to a sit down business lunch at an inviting restaurant and pay for everything.
Good deal. On the company’s dime I’ll invite Samantha too.
A group of us drove around Berkeley trying to decide which restaurant to settle on. Joining us that day was Samantha, FeFe, Katy from Canada, and Isamar from San Jose. Getting five people to agree upon anything is an accomplishment. Thai was the cuisine of choice.
I sat near Samantha who was soft spoken and true to her name, very graceful. We all spoke of many things that day, primarily subjects travel and dining related. Samantha is very focused on a certain type of diet but what fascinated me most was how many places she has travel to, some for extensive periods of time.
After a great meal I walked to the register to pay with four gorgeous model types standing by my side. As I glanced out of my left eye I could see this young man, maybe early thirties staring at me with daggers. Seriously. He just sat there staring trying to catch my gaze. I ignored him and smiled to myself, “Hey, what can I say? Some guys got it and some need to get it.”
I love covering dignified women’s submission wrestling.
Samantha and I would see each other again at many events so in a way, this is just an intro to more FCI interviews with “Sam” as I affectionately like to call her.
Let’s start with her profile in her own words.
“I’m a sexy glam/fetish model by day & super heroine by night.”
“”I have always loved wrestling. I love being active and I love being in charge.” (Samantha on the right)

“My athletic background: I follow a strict O Lifting schedule of 3 days a week and I can lift and carry up to about 180 lbs. I do a weekly gymnastics but I also, add gymnastics to my regular cross fit style work outs. Which often have elements of lifting as well. I do a gymnastics work out about twice a week and three cross fit work outs a week. I often to more than one work out in a day. This is very important to me.”
My professional wrestling background: I’ve done a lot of model work however; I have always been an athlete first. I believe my athletic body made my modeling career possible. My first scissor video was with scissor vixens in 2005. I loved working with them so much, dominating guys and squeezing them with my strong legs. I soon found myself working with grappling girls and bouttimewrestling, only a month after scissor vixens. I was hooked after my first shoot and started dominating boys in wrestling/ boxing sessions just a week after my first video went up! I have worked with Sleeperkidsworld, Prostylefantansies, and Academy Wrestling.
Sessions: I am based out of the Westside of Los Angeles. I rent a ring in Canoga Park for more physical wrestling sessions.”
The outstanding information source Wikipedia shares, The Los Angeles Westside is an urban region in western Los Angeles County, California. It has no official definition, but, according to the Los Angeles Times, it comprises 101.28 square miles (262 km2), encompassing not only districts in the city of Los Angeles but also two unincorporated neighborhoods, plus the cities of Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica and West Hollywood.
My best girlfriends are the girls I went to college with at UCLA.
The Westside is home to the University of California, Los Angeles; a public research university in the Westwood neighborhood. It is the second-oldest of the ten campuses of the University of California system. UCLA is considered a flagship campus of the University of California system, along with UC Berkeley.
It offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a wide range of disciplines. With an approximate enrollment of 28,000 undergraduate and 12,000 graduate students, UCLA is the university with the largest enrollment in the state of California and the most popular university in the United States by number of applicants.
As of this June, 2014 writing, I will be covering Samantha’s matches at the upcoming Fewmin 2014 Las Vegas Women’s Wrestling Extravaganza where other star competitors are expected to appear.
Please stay tuned for more interviews with Samantha as she delves more into the interesting and unique places she has traveled to.

Life has a way of teaching us lessons and in this case don’t judge a sunny Southern Cal model by her cover. Samantha is a trooper, once wrestling five competitive matches in one day in San Jose. I love covering Samantha’s matches. Why? You already know. The answer is easy.
You always get more than you expected and paid for.
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Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com. No affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikimedia, WB270, Samantha Grace Twitter, Ms. Samantha Grace’s photos copyright fciwomenswrestling.com and https://femcompetitor.com. Thank you Wikimedia Commons for photos of Los Angeles.