fciwomenswrestling.com article, -by-mikhail-scotti-wiki-photo
Distancing ourselves from the ancient world and feeling that our generation is unique and different is mostly an illusion.
All it takes is one slight connection to origins of hundreds of years ago to see that we all will forever be connected to the past.
After watching Russia’s super star submission wrestler Karina victoriously march through our competitive industry, constantly screaming “Woo Hoo!”, like a turn of the century Russian soldier on a rampage, when we came across another Russian fighter, Rocket of Berlin, Germany, we analyzed her skillsets to make a decision whether to purchase some of her matches.
It’s not like we purchase everyone’s matches. Even for research.
We came. We saw. We purchased.
After careful analysis, we loved what we saw.
In terms of her match against American super star VeVe Lane, we sensed we knew how that would go. Watching videos of Rocket online at the Berlin Fight Club let us know that she was skilled, a team player, has a sense of humor and willing to take on all comers……..but VeVe Lane?
You can purchase the match here and enjoy.
If you would like to preview Rocket online, here is a link but as you know with the online world, you have to act quickly or the link is gone. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x36stxj
It was her match against Britain’s formidable journey fighter Scorpion who we felt would provide the perfect test. Scorpion is very good and improving in front of our eyes but she has not reached the elite level yet. You can click on her article below.

Scorpion, Intense UK Wrestler, Fortunately She Didn’t Get The Memo
As the two shapely girls were introduced wearing their bikinis, you could feel that there was anxiety in the air and a slow rumbling in the crowd.
Rocket had her hair back in a braided pony tail, was adorned in a black top, printed bikini and was equipped with very strong black knee supports.
As the two fighters went to their knees, Scorpio wanted to make sure that they were on the same page and began to discuss the rules with Rocket who speaks Russian and German but is not quite on the same level with English.
Fortunately there was Karina standing in the crowd, camera in hand, snapping away who smiled and interpreted for them. Karina’s Russian is perfect. So is her timing.
Rocket got off to a great start in what would be an intense ground war, at one point painfully having her fore arm on Scorpion’s throat. Our Russian warrior cranked out the first submission. Would she run away with the match? All we will say is that Scorpion is very determined and this match was very close.

Scorpion is skilled in the martial arts and history now connects in terms of her Russian roots and the art of Sambo.
Sambo is a Soviet martial art and combat sport.
The word “SAMBO” is an acronym for SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya, which literally translates as “self-defense without weapons”.
Sambo is relatively modern since its development began in the early 1920s by the Soviet Red Army to improve their hand-to-hand combat abilities. It was intended to be a merger of the most effective techniques of other martial arts.
Sambo’s early development stemmed from the independent efforts of Vasili Oshchepkov and Viktor Spiridonov, to integrate the techniques of judo, jujutsu, and other foreign martial arts into native Turkic wrestling styles.
Though she doesn’t have an extensive wrestling resume that we could see, Rocket is a solid competitive female submission wrestler. She has not reached the elite status yet, but she is on her way.
Her martial arts background no doubt greatly enhanced her skillsets.
It’s no surprise as understanding and applying Russian martial arts in times past could be a life or death struggle.
Like many of our Fem Competitors, Rocket has expanded our knowledge of the world and our ties to the past.
We have a visiting speaker who will expand our knowledge on the subject.
Why Russian Martial Arts Are So Effective
Russian martial arts happen to be an extremely efficient and deadly form of this highly acclaimed fighting style. Unlike many Asian based forms of martial arts, where simply perfecting the moves and purifying your mind, is considered an art form. The people that practice Russian martial arts sole purpose is to incapacitate their opponent as quickly as possible, while ensuring that they fully protect themselves at all times.
Russian arts are used to train both the police force and army in hand to hand combat. One of the most popular styles is called Sambo. It is a combination of combative wrestling and grapping. Due to the fact that Russia has been invaded many times throughout its history, many of the techniques that are taught in Sambo, have been copied from some the countries that Russia has had wars with in the past.
In addition, Sambo has also attempted to emulate any other moves, regardless of where they originated, that would enhance this Russian martial arts style. Some of the early practitioners of this form of martial arts where Victor Spiridonov and Vasili Oschepkov, who thought it would be a good idea to integrate both jujitsu and judo into this hand to hand combat system.
Just like all other forms of art, the people that are serious about the sport, must spend virtually their entire lives practicing it to become a highly skilled fighter. However, that does not mean that in a very short while, a person cannot learn a few very useful and powerful defense techniques to employ when they feel threatened.
In fact, Sambo is considered an excellent style to attempt to pick up if you are worried about your safety, and do not have too much time to devote to your training. The reason for this is that some of the strikes that are instructed in Sambo, are very easy to learn, but can take an opponent down tremendously quick, even if they do happen to be much larger than you are.
This is one of the reasons that so many women are now participating in classes that teach Sambo, or other forms of Russian martial arts. In fact, some children that feel like they are bullied at school have taken up the sport to be better able to protect themselves.
If you are interested in learning more about Sambo, or other forms of Russian hand to hand combat styles, there are many websites today where you can watch Russian videos. It is highly recommended, that if you are thinking about joining a school that teaches any form of martial arts, that you research the ones you are most interested in, before you start the classes.
The people that participate in Russian martial arts get much more out of the activity, other than learning how to defend themselves. Since the training requires many strenuous workouts, joining a school that instructs them, is an excellent way to get into shape, and to stay in shape.
Find out more information on russian martial arts and how it can help you improve your fighting skills. You can also check out our russian martial art videos to see the skill first hand.
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OPENING PHOTO by-mikhail-scotti-wiki-photo
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
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