Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Andrea-Piacquadio-pexels.com_
April 16, 2023,
Think back to 20 years ago.
How much different are you now in terms of maturity, responsibility and growth?
Now, if you are very young, the answer to that one should be easy.
If you are older, it is fair question. Especially since all of us, hopefully slowly, are evolving towards our final destination.
Wouldn’t it be satisfying to see that you have grown substantially since your humble beginnings?
In our case, we hope so.
There are many actresses who have evolved since their early days on the television screen. One of them who has impressed us greatly is Alana de la Garza.
Alana de la Garza is an American actress originally known for her role as Connie Rubirosa on the NBC television series Law & Order in its last four seasons through 2010, and Law & Order: LA until the show’s conclusion in 2011, and in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
That is a lot of Law and Order.
Alana has ventured out.
She also portrayed Marisol Delko-Caine on CSI: Miami. In 2014 and 2015, she starred as Detective Jo Martinez in the ABC series Forever. From 2016 to 2017, she starred in Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders as Special Agent Clara Seger.
Now for a drum roll as we applaud Alana in, what for us, is our favorite role when in 2019, she began starring as SAC Isobel Castille on FBI, a role she also plays on the spin-off series FBI: Most Wanted.
In terms of responsibility, boy has her character evolved into someone who has to make the big decisions. Some of those decisions involve possibly saving or losing millions of lives.
That’s television.
That’s her life.
We’re happy for her.
In terms of our life, possibly yours, there are certain elements that occurred in Alana’s television life that speaks to taking risks, trying new things and taking on more responsibility.
Whether we like it or now, if we are to grow, we have to take risks.
The management at sdstate.edu educate, “Risk means taking a chance, trying something new, and possibly failing or succeeding, but we must all experience risk in our lives. Taking chances is one of the most crucial ways of helping to advance one’s skills and gaining experience.”
Well said.
They add, imagine a life where everything was the same, everything was safe, everything was easy, and most importantly nobody failed. How would we learn, grow, and adapt without risk?
Very good point. Wasn’t that the illusion and attraction of the 1950’s television era? All the teens came home safe from school. There was milk and cookies waiting for them. There were sock hops, the prom and drive-ins.
Everything was nice and safe.
But that couldn’t last.
Accepting that risk leads to growth and growth in turn leads to innovation, which fuels, what many feel who enjoy the benefits of that innovation, a much more exciting and better world.
The respected team at psychologytoday.com surmise, “Minimize the risk, and you can minimize the potential hurt. But what results is often stunted creative expression. Innovation is all about taking a chance, all about venturing into unfamiliar territories with the possibility of discovering something new or something different.”
Innovation is only possible by taking risks.
Remember the world before the Internet?
Print advertising was so expensive and the only major voices that were heard were funneled through media channels.
Today, anyone who is creative enough can have a website and platform to express their views.
From ordering food to clothing online, the Internet has made life extremely more convenient.
Keep thinking about taking risks in your life to improve your life and make the world a better place.
Time to get additional thoughts from the bookstore.

Taking Smart Risks: How Sharp Leaders Win When Stakes are High Hardcover – January 9, 2013
By Doug Sundheim (Author), Tony Schwartz (Foreword)
In today’s market, playing it safe is not an option
The business world is in flux, and you have to think and act quickly in order to stay competitive. But the last thing you want to do is make reckless business decisions. You have to find the middle ground. You have to take SMART RISKS.
In this groundbreaking book, leadership expert Doug Sundheim explains how to find that precise point between comfort and danger for generating the sustained ability to work at the highest level of performance.
“From Sherwin Williams to Moo.com, Doug Sundheim is onto something here: your work is worth fighting for. A worthy read for everyone in your organization.”
–Seth Godin, Author, The Icarus Deception
“The risk-taking concepts in this book lie at the heart of effective leadership. Using case studies and stories from executives who have ‘been there, done that,’ Doug Sundheim teaches us that sometimes the most dangerous thing to do–in business and life–is to play it safe.”
–Marshall Goldsmith, million-selling author of the New York Times bestsellers MOJO and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“Sundheim delivers a message that every business needs to hear right now: excessive risk will kill you, but so will complacency. . . . If you’re charged with driving growth in your organization, buy this book–but more importantly, use it.”
–Jed Hartman, Group Publisher, Fortune & CNNMoney.com
“A spectacular book! The stories were powerful, the advice was crystal clear, and every few pages called me to action. I have bookmarked more pages in Taking Smart Risks than I have in any book since reading Peter Drucker’s classics.”
–Michael Hejtmanek, President & CEO, Hasselblad Bron Inc.
“Doug Sundheim does an excellent job of demonstrating not only how to take smart risks, but also how to lead the process of risk-taking–a critical skill set for leaders today.”
–Cindy Zollinger, President & CEO, Cornerstone Research
“A compelling case for why smart risk taking is so important in today’s fast-paced, uncertain world.”
–Willie Pietersen, Professor, Columbia Business School; former CEO, Tropicana and Seagram USA
Taking Smart Risks reveals the secrets to discovering, planning for, and acting upon the kind of risks that will move your company forward and ahead of the competition. Learn how to:
Find Something Worth Fighting For–What do you care enough about to risk time, energy, and money to try to make happen? Determining this is half the battle.
See the Future Now–Clarify your big idea in terms of real objectives, plans, and intended results.
Act Fast, Learn Fast–Make your move quickly, but be sure you don’t squander valuable resources in the process.
Communicate Powerfully–Assume communication will break down at points, plan accordingly–and don’t shy away from the tough conversations.
Create a Smart Risk Culture– Build teams that share the same mindsets and values about expected smart risk behavior.”
Very extensive. Highly recommended. We appreciate the clarification.
Take smart risks.
Take risks with a purpose.
Take risks for the greater good.
Don’t take risks just for the sake of it. With little reward.
There should be a reason for taking the risk. A purpose. A hope for evolvement.
We got the point.
Hopefully in terms of taking risks for personal growth and making your community or this challenging world a better place, hopefully you see the point too.
You can make a difference.
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OPENING PHOTO Andrea-Piacquadio-pexels.com_Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com