Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Editorial-photo-credit-Irina-Bg-Shutterstock
June 30, 2021,
Personal growth is, well, very personal.
It is extremely important to some and not as much to others, in the latter case, in part, because they may not know what the concept is.
Personal development consists of activities that develop a person’s capabilities and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, and enhance quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations.
That is a mouthful but seemingly so true.
Personal development should take place over the course of an individual’s entire lifespan.
It is not something where you reach a certain age or station in life and decide to pack it in.
As to whether you choose to focus in on personal growth depends upon your life philosophy and world view.
Our ultimate goal at Female Competition International (FCI) is to build a global female sports and entertainment organization. Thus far it has been overwhelming and complex.
Still, as we look back, publishing since 2012, we have organizationally evolved and grown.
From our view, personal growth seems to follow two pathways.
Develop a lifestyle that involves a lot of people or one that doesn’t and places you closer to nature.

We have chosen a high people contact pathway, even with its challenges, and there many, including conflict resolution. That actually is a very important one.
From our point of view, it is extremely hard to accomplish great things without being organized with the help of talented and dedicated people.
Our pathways have included being active for years at a newspaper, a global organized religion, the elite high school sports world where our athlete, as a senior in high school, finished as California’s number one ranked senior in the brutally competitive track and field’s men’s 100 meter event and a stint as a United States Tennis Association Official.
All of these experiences have contributed to our personal and organizational growth.
Having said that, the go it alone, becoming isolated and getting back to nature crowd is really getting crowded (pun intended). They seem to feel their personal growth, at least for a time, is to get away from people and become closer to the earth.
Please meet two of them that we really enjoy watching. Now in their own words:
Hi, I’m Nikki Delventhal!
I live out of a 2006 Toyota Prius full-time, with my dog, Camper!
I’m a hiker, adventurer & outdoor enthusiast. I was a celeb hair stylist, Wilhelmina model, NFL cheerleader & fitness instructor (to name a few) in NYC, where I traded in the “glam” for full-time travel! Since 2015, I’ve been a seasonal tour guide for teens in over 20 different countries & gained experience as a travel planner for 100s of families, & traveling & working remotely ever since!
I’ve explored the world, especially the USA, inside & out & have a passion for finding off the beaten path places. Since being monetized on here, I also founded, Camper Cares, where my external ad revenue goes to animals, families & fosters in need! I’m here to empower others to go out & live their best life, get outdoors, follow their passions… & give you a little direction along the way. How to’s, travels, hikes, adventures & more!
And, if you want to live out of your car… I’ll show you how I do it!”
First question.
How many of you out there want to live in your car? Please raise your hands.
Okay, that’s what we thought.
When one of our associates accidentally locked herself out of her house, in her bath robe, she didn’t even want to spend one night in the car.
We love watching Nikki. She has this whole living in your Prius thing down pat. Her show is like a DIY video if this is the lifestyle that you choose.
Nikki clearly had a very high people contact lifestyle, including being a New York Jet’s Cheerleader and being featured on the television show The Bachelor, Season 19, and yet, here she is outdoors, traveling across American, mostly alone. With her dog Camper.
It does seem to work for her but we wonder for how long.
Next, there’s a doctor in the house. Wait, actually she’s not in the house but mostly outdoors.
Doctor Hannah Straight has a very straight forward bedside manner. On her about page she smiles, “Hello! My name’s Hannah, join me on my van life adventures in my off road F250 truck camper! Come along with me as I explore this beautiful world we live in!”
Well, she does come to the point very quickly.
We will expand upon that resume a little.
Hannah is a renowned Pharmacist from Pittsburgh, who is known for her work in the field of medications to make the solid life conceivable. She is known for the work she has done in the field of medication and weight reduction.
At her website, she explains a fuller picture. Let’s listen in. You’ll learn something. “My name is Dr. Hannah Straight and I’m so glad you’ve stumbled across my page! Before you go I hope to tell you more about myself and why I want to help as many people as I can live happier, healthier lives. Let me start off by saying that as a Pharmacist I began my journey fully supporting big pharma and corporate propaganda about how pharmaceuticals can cure all.
True, everyone needs an antibiotic from time to time but nowadays they dish them out like candy – creating superbugs that are becoming harder and harder to kill. You may think I’m exaggerating but I encourage you to open your internet search browser and enter “hospital superbug”, prepare to cringe.
While pharmaceuticals are all fine and good for some conditions, many of the conditions and diseases in the world can often be prevented with a healthier diet and lifestyle. Here in America, we wait until after something goes wrong and then we throw a drug at it. Alternatively, many countries around the world focus more heavily on prevention instead of backpedaling trying to fix a problem that is simply not fixable.”
Ah the clouds part, at least a little. You can add Unstoppable Morgan to our list of young beautiful women who live alone in their vehicles and yet have an extremely intense need to include all of us in their lives.
From a distance.
Through a computer screen. Just like we’re doing with you.
Very thought provoking.
If our memory serves us correctly, both Nikki and Morgan had life changing relationship breakups. Here, Hannah appears to be disillusioned with her former master, Big Pharma.
No self-righteousness here, after 20 years, we left a global organized religion deeply depressed and disillusioned.
Once we all left our former passionate pathways, where do you go to from there?
In all of our quests for personal development?
Our disillusionment drove us inside, theirs appears to have driven them outside.

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OPENING PHOTO Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Editorial-photo-credit-Irina-Bg-Shutterstock